At 83 years old, TCM has no hypertension or diabetes! Only these 7 golden formulas can cure all diseases! Quickly accept it~
Release time:2024-07-25 13:21:07
Word Count:5184
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Li Shizhen, a renowned physician of the Ming Dynasty, once said, "The eater is the lifeblood of the human body. Diet is related to health, and it determines health and life. Eating poorly affects health, and eating improperly can be life-threatening.
Professor Weng Weijian advocates that doctors should put dietotherapy in the first place. One food, two drugs, and three acupuncture and moxibustion should be used to treat the disease for the doctor. The source of the disease for the doctor should be treated first with food, then with medicine. If the dietotherapy does not heal, use medicine.
He has always attached great importance to dietary therapy and health preservation throughout his life. Which dietary therapy methods are worth learning from? Let's take a look at Professor Weng's recommendation together~
Stabilize blood pressure, lower blood sugar, and eliminate age spots
Seven dietary and health preserving formulas are hard to buy in gold
1. Remove age spots
San Hong Tea
Three black teas are composed of hawthorn, wolfberry, and red dates, and the selection of ingredients is very particular. Hawthorn slices are dried hawthorn fruit, red dates should be small, and buying goji berries should be a natural light red color.
When making red dates, you should tear them into pieces with your hand, put the three together, and brew them in hot water. Drink one cup in the morning and one cup in the afternoon, and mix with water as you like.
Hawthorn has a slightly warm and sour taste, and has the effect of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. Red dates are warm in nature and sweet in taste, which can nourish qi and blood. Goji berries have a sweet and balanced taste, nourishing the kidneys and spleen.
Long term consumption can have a good effect on removing age spots.
Nourishing Yin and Nourishing Lungs
Lily Snow fungus soup
Take about 100 grams of broken fresh lilies or 30 grams of dried lilies, 20 grams of dried Tremella fuciformis, shred them, add an appropriate amount of rock sugar, and about 1 liter of water;
Place all ingredients in a clay pot or stainless steel pot, simmer over low heat until the ingredients are fully cooked, then divide into portions and drink the soup while it is still hot. Eat lilies and Tremella fuciformis.
It can clear lung heat, nourish lung yin, and alleviate symptoms of lung heat and dry type influenza. Especially suitable for drinking in autumn.
3. Coughing and resolving phlegm
Carrot Shredded Cake
Shredded white radish, Grilled pork and other fillings are made into shredded radish cakes and fried in a pan.
White radish has the effects of nourishing yin and reducing qi, stopping cough and resolving phlegm, and is helpful in improving cough, wheezing, and phlegm in the elderly.
4 Sleeping
Distracted Wood Tea
Distraction wood is the wooden partition inside walnuts. Soak about 5 grams of tea in boiling water every afternoon until bedtime, as a substitute for tea. Add boiling water while drinking until the taste is light.
Distraction wood has the effects of reducing urine and promoting sleep.
5. Relieve liver qi
Chrysanthemum and Rose Tea
Drinking chrysanthemum rose tea at home is also beneficial for relieving liver qi.
Take 10 grams of chrysanthemum (yellow chrysanthemum) and 10 grams of rose, clean them, and place them together in a large thermos. Add an appropriate amount of boiling water and cover tightly;
After soaking for half an hour, start drinking tea as a substitute. Add boiling water while drinking until the taste is light, and it can be consumed for one day.
It has the effects of soothing liver qi, nourishing liver blood, and nourishing liver yin. Suitable for those who are in a bad mood, have a quick temper, and are particularly suitable for patients with hypertension.
6. Clearing heat and removing dampness
Coix seed lentil Congee
Take 100g millet, 50g coix seed and 20g white lentil, mash them, put them into casseroles or stainless steel pans, add some water and cook porridge on low heat until cooked. You can eat them in separate meals within one day.
Coix seed can dispel dampness and promote diuresis, white beans can invigorate the spleen and dispel dampness, and millet can invigorate the spleen and stomach. Regular consumption of this product has the effect of clearing heat and dispelling dampness.
7 Stable Blood Pressure and Blood Glucose
Burdock root
Burdock roots look like yams, thin. Cut it into fine slices, boil it in the pot for 20 minutes, and after drinking the soup, you can boil it again to remove burdock residue. Drink the soup as a beverage.
It has the function of clearing heat and detoxifying, as well as assisting in stabilizing blood sugar and blood pressure.
These 7 dietary remedies are made with the simplest and most natural ingredients, which can provide health benefits without spending much money. Let's learn together with Professor Weng and recommend them to relatives and friends. Thank you very much!
The content of the article is reproduced, and the various prescriptions and test formulas involved are only for information sharing and not for medical advice, recommendation or guidance. If necessary, please use dialectically under the guidance of a doctor