One hole, one universes jade gate head hole
Release time:2024-07-25 14:02:02
Word Count:2600
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Yumentou acupoint, a rare acupoint in traditional Chinese medicine. Originating from Sun Simiao's "Essential Prescriptions for a Thousand Treasures" during the Tang Dynasty. Also known as Nv Yin Seam, Ghost Hidden. The book "Su Wen" states: "Ren Mai is a disease, with seven hernias in the male internal knot and a gathering of lower genital warts in the female." The specific treatment method is given in the "Qian Jin Yao Fang": "The eleventh needle is used to sew the lower yin, and moxibustion is used to strengthen the three muscles. The female is the head of the jade gate, known as Guicang." This acupoint is mainly used for warming and promoting circulation.
【 Guijing Positioning 】
Guijing: Ren meridian, Liver meridian
Positioning: According to Li Lei's notes in Selected Readings of acupuncture and moxibustion Songs and Odes: "For men, the suture is below the vagina, in the middle of the intersection between the penis root and the scrotum; for women, the head of Yumen is on the head of the clitoris of the female external genitalia.
【 Functions and Indications 】
Function: Strengthen yang and kidney, promote blood circulation in the genital area.
Indications: frequent urination, urinary closeness, enuresis caused by insufficiency of kidney qi, impotence, premature ejaculation, frigidity, infertility caused by insufficiency of kidney yang, short and red urine caused by the downpour of damp heat in the kidney meridian, or even hematuria, etc. "Overview of acupuncture and moxibustion Points and Their Therapies": "Indications for women with yin sores and mania"
The Yumen acupoint is the eleventh of the thirteen ghost acupoints. According to the "Qian Jin Yao Fang", the thirteen ghost acupoints are as follows: the first needle is the Ren Zhong acupoint, named Ghost Palace; The second needle is Shaoshang acupoint, named Guixin; The third needle hides the white hole, named Ghost Base; The fourth needle is the Taiyuan acupoint, named Guixin; The fifth needle is Shenmai acupoint, named Ghost Road; The sixth needle Fengfu acupoint, named Ghost Pillow; The seventh needle is the cheek car acupoint, named Ghost Bed; The eighth needle is the Chengjiang acupoint, named Guishi; The ninth needle is the Laogong acupoint, named Ghost Road (the same name as the fifth needle); The tenth needle goes up to the star hole, named Ghost Hall; The eleventh needle is sewn under the vagina for males and under the jade gate for females, named Guizang; The twelfth needle is the Quchi acupoint, named Guichen; The thirteenth needle is the Haiquan acupoint located below the tongue, named Guifeng.