Chinese medicine, Dafengzi!
Release time:2024-07-25 15:55:09
Word Count:5419
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1. Alias
Da Fengzi, Ma Erzi.
2. Plant morphology
Evergreen trees. Leaves alternate, leathery, lanceolate to oblong, apex short pointed, base wedge-shaped to blunt rounded, entire margin or wavy, young leaves purple red, old leaves dark green above, yellow green below, both sides hairless. Heterozygous or unisexual flowers, clustered in clusters of 1 to several flowers; Male flowers have 5 sepals, ovate in shape, slightly fused at the base; Five petals, oval in shape, yellow green in color; Develop 5 stamens; Degenerated stamens are scaly, linear, and attached to petals; Degenerated ovary cylindrical, covered with long hairs; The sepals and petals of female flowers are the same as those of male flowers; Degenerated stamens spindle shaped; Ovary ovate or ovate, hairy, 1-chamber, with 5-sided membranous placenta. The berry is spherical in shape, with a hard skin and 30-40 seeds.
3. Origin distribution
Born in shaded areas of sparse mountain forests and limestone forests, it is native to southeastern Asia. Mainly distributed in countries such as Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia, and India. There are a small amount of cultivation in Guangdong, Hainan, Yunnan, Guangxi, Taiwan, Fujian and other places.
4. Harvesting and processing
From October to December, when the fruit is ripe and the skin cracks open, the fruit should be removed or naturally fallen ripe fruits should be picked up and stored together for a period of time to soften the flesh, remove the skin, wash away the flesh, and sun dry the seeds until they are dry.
5. Characteristics of medicinal herbs
Irregular oval or polyhedral shape with slightly blunt edges. The surface is gray yellow or gray brown, and the smaller end radiates many obvious grooves to one-third of the seed. The seed coat is thick and hard, with a smooth inner surface ranging from light yellow to yellow brown; The seed coat and seed kernel are easily separated, and the seed kernel is covered with a yellow brown or reddish brown thin film. The smaller end shows wrinkles, and there is a yellow concave ring around it; Endosperm hypertrophy, white or light yellow, oily; Two cotyledons, heart-shaped. The air is faint and the taste is light.
6. Sexual Taste Returning to the Classics
Spicy in taste, hot in nature, and highly toxic. The Spleen Meridian, Liver Meridian, and Kidney Meridian.
7. Effect and Function
Dispelling wind and dampness, attacking toxins and killing insects. It belongs to insecticidal and anti itch drugs.
8. Clinical application
Dosage: 0.3-1 grams, decoct and take, add more pills and powder, raw use has a high irritant effect; Stir fried charcoal for external use or made into Da Feng Zi cream for internal consumption can alleviate toxic side effects, but its effect is also correspondingly slow. Used to treat leprosy, leprosy, skin scabies, sores, syphilis. Da Feng Zi has a burning nature, and is mixed with sesame oil and light powder to apply. It is then washed with shell decoction to treat Yangmei sores (Lingnan Health Formula). Clinically, it is mainly used to treat leprosy of tumor type. Dafengzi oil and its derivatives are irritating and have certain toxic side effects. It mainly has antibacterial effects, especially the sodium salt of fatty acids in Da Feng Zi oil has a stronger antibacterial effect.
9. Pharmacological research
Inhibit Trichophyton edodes; Reduce blood lipids; Anti-inflammatory; Anti tumor.
10. Chemical composition
Rich in oil, the main components of the oil are alpha linolenic acid and alpha linolenic acid.
11. Usage taboos
This product is toxic and is generally only used for external use. It should be taken with caution when taken orally. Excessive use can cause symptoms of poisoning such as limb tremors, convulsions, difficulty breathing, and even coma. Therefore, the dosage must be strictly controlled and attention should be paid to preparation. Patients with Yin deficiency and blood heat, gastrointestinal inflammation, eye symptoms, and pregnant women should avoid taking it.
12. Compatibility prescription
① To treat wind sores, dryness, itching, and scabies: 15g of Da Feng Zi Rou, a small amount of light powder and dried alum each. Mash it into paste and apply it to the sores. (Feng Shi Gao from "Criteria for Diagnosis and Treatment: Yang Medicine")
② Treating ringworm all over the body and face: 15 grams of Da Feng Zi and 15 grams of betel nut each, and 9 grams of sulfur. Boil in vinegar and apply. (Three Immortals in the Collection of Immortals)
③ Treatment of tinea, itching, and various sores: 9g of dried pork, 6g of sulfur, 3g of alum, and 6g of Mingxiong Lao. Finally, apply the lamp oil. (Da Feng Dan, Blood Syndrome Theory)
④ Treating skirt edge sores (also known as pants mouth wind sores): 100 large wind seeds, 1.5 grams of dried alum, 3 grams of Sichuan pepper powder, and 3 grams of light powder. Apply real asphalt and it will heal immediately. (The Great Wind Cream from "The Secret Edict of Dongtian")
⑤ Treating water field dermatitis: 30g of Da Feng Zi and Xiong Huang each, 0.6g of ice (or camphor), 15g of hydrated lime powder, finely ground and applied externally. Before spreading the medicine, crush it with Qingfan wood, or soak the bark of Melia azedarach or amaranth in boiling water to wash the affected area. (Southern Medicine, Chinese Herbal Medicine)
⊙ The content of the article is for clinical reference only. Non TCM professionals are not allowed to test drugs.