Chinese medicine, big belly skin!
Release time:2024-07-26 18:01:39
Word Count:6278
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1. Alias
Big belly hair, betel nut skin, betel nut shell, poria fur, betel nut clothing, big belly velvet.
2. Plant morphology
Trees, 10-18 meters tall, unbranched, with obvious ring patterns formed after leaf shedding. The leaves are clustered at the top of the stem, with feather like compound leaves, measuring 1.3-2 meters in length and smooth. The leaf axis is triangular, and the small leaves are needle shaped or linear, measuring 30-60 centimeters in length and 2.5-6 centimeters in width. The tip is gradually pointed and irregularly divided, with a narrow base and smooth surfaces on both sides. The fleshy inflorescence grows under the sheath bundle of the lowest leaf, with large bracts resembling Buddha's flame buds, long ovate, up to 40 centimeters long, smooth, with multiple branches, flowers single sex, 6 stamens, short filaments, anthers basal, arrow shaped, degenerated pistils 3, filamentous, female flowers larger and fewer, sessile, grows at the lower part of the branches, with 6 corollas arranged in 2 rounds, triangular broadly ovate, 12-15 millimeters long, with degenerated stamens 6, styles 3, and small stigma. Nuts are oval or oblong in shape, measuring 5-6 centimeters in length, and mature in orange yellow. The flowering period is from March to April, and the fruiting period is from December to February of the following year.
3. Origin distribution
Born in tropical regions. Cultivated in provinces and regions such as Hainan, Taiwan, and Yunnan.
4. Harvesting and processing
Harvesting immature fruits from winter to the following spring, boiling them, drying them, cutting them into two sections vertically, and peeling off the skin, commonly known as "big belly skin"; Harvesting mature fruits from late spring to early autumn, boiling them, drying them, peeling off the skin, loosening them, and drying them in the sun, commonly known as "Big Belly Hair".
5. Characteristics of medicinal herbs
Big belly skin: slightly elliptical or long oval shaped, 4-7 cm long, 2-3 cm wide 5 centimeters, with a thickness of 0.2-0.5 centimeters. The outer skin is dark brown to nearly black, with irregular longitudinal wrinkles and raised horizontal stripes. There are residual style marks at the top, and fruit stalks and remaining sepals at the base. The inner skin is concave, brown or dark brown, smooth and hard shelled. Light in weight, hard in texture, with visible mesocarp fibers after longitudinal tearing. Mild odor and slightly astringent taste. Big belly hair: slightly elliptical or scoop shaped. The outer skin often has fallen off or remains. The mesocarp is brownish hairy, yellow white or light brown, loose and soft in texture. The inner skin is hard shelled, yellow brown or brown in color, with a smooth inner surface and sometimes longitudinally ruptured. The air is faint and the taste is light.
6. Sexual Taste Returning to the Classics
Slightly warm in nature, pungent in taste. Guipi Meridian, Stomach Meridian, Large Intestine Meridian, Small Intestine Meridian.
7. Effect and Function
The air circulation is wide and moderate, while the water circulation reduces swelling. Belonging to the subcategory of diuretics and diuretics, it is a diuretic and anti-inflammatory drug.
8. Clinical application
Oral administration: decoction, 6-12 grams; Or into pills or powder. External use: appropriate amount, apply after grinding; Or boil and wash with water. Used for dampness obstruction and qi stagnation, abdominal distension and tightness, unpleasant bowel movements, edema and fullness, athlete's foot swelling, and difficulty urinating.
9. Pharmacological research
The decoction of Da Fu Pi can increase the tension and reduce the contraction amplitude of rabbit intestinal tract in vitro, and its effect can be antagonized by atropine. Can promote gastrointestinal motility.
10. Chemical composition
Contains a small amount of arecoline and catechins.
11. Usage taboos
People with Qi deficiency and weak constitution should take it with caution.
12. Compatibility prescription
① Treating stagnation of the spleen and stomach in men and women, swelling of the head, face, and upper limbs, bloating of the heart and abdomen, shortness of breath, chest and diaphragm discomfort, phlegm and saliva accumulation, inability to eat and drink, running with qi, resembling water disease: ginger skin, mulberry white skin, tangerine peel, abdominal skin, and Poria cocos skin are divided equally. The top is coarse powder, take 9 grams each time, boil one and a half cups of water until 80%, remove impurities, regardless of time, and take warm. Avoid raw, cold, greasy, and hard objects. (Wupi San from the Zhongzang Sutra)
② Treating athlete's foot, swelling and bloating, constipation and astringency: 30g of big belly skin (filed), 30g of betel nut, 15g of wood fragrance, 60g of Mutong (filed), 30g of Yuliren (soaked in soup and peeled, stir fried), 60g of mulberry root white skin (filed), and 60g of morning glory (stir fried). Sift the medicine into powder. Take 12 grams per serving, add one cup of water, 0.15 grams of ginger, and 27 inches of scallions. Fry until six minutes, remove the residue. Regardless of the time, warm clothing, and profit as the measure. (Holy Blessing Formula)
③ To treat the cold and severe pain in the heart: 15g of big belly skin (filed), 3g of Wu Zhu Yu (soaked in soup overnight, baked and fried), 30g of Gao Liang Jiang and 30 g of Shao Yao each. Take 6 grams per serving as a powder, adjust with warm alcohol, do not drink alcohol, and also take ginger soup. (Pu Ji Fang Da Fu Pi San)
④ In the eighth and ninth month of pregnancy, the fetus is plump, the urine is short, the lower abdomen is swollen, the body is heavy and cold resistant, and when it starts, it feels dizzy and wants to collapse. The fetal qi is blocked, and the bladder qi is not strong: 9g of red Poria cocos, 3g of big belly skin, 3g of Fructus Aurantii (fried with bran), and 3g of licorice (roasted) each. Finally, take 3 grams per serving and decoct with concentrated scallion white soup. ("Ji Yin Gang Mu" Da Fu Pi San)
⑤ Treatment of leakage and impurities: Wash with decoction of Da Fu Pi decoction. (Straight Point Square)
⊙ The content of the article is for clinical reference only. Non TCM professionals are not allowed to test drugs.