Chinese medicine, turn orange red!
Release time:2024-07-27 18:18:30
Word Count:4373
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1. Alias
Maoju Red, Orange Red, Guangqi Claw, Huazhou Orange Red, Teak Peel Orange Red, Pomelo Orange Red, Xinghua Red.
2. Plant morphology
Huazhou pomelo is an evergreen tree. The small branches are flattened, covered in soft fur, and have hard spines. Leaves alternate, broadly ovate or ovate elliptical in shape, with blunt or slightly concave tips, rounded bases, and shallow blunt serrations at the edges. The upper part is hairless or nearly hairless, while the lower part is covered in short hairs along the main vein; The petiole has broad wings on both sides forming an inverted heart shape and is hairy. Flowers bloom in April. Flowers solitary or clustered in leaf axils, very fragrant; Calyx with 4 shallow lobes; Petals typically have 5 petals, white in color, and elongated in shape; 20 to 25 stamens, large and linear anthers; The ovary is spherical in shape, densely covered with short hairs, with a cylindrical style and a large stigma. The fruit is large, round in shape, green to yellow green when immature, densely covered with short hairs, lemon yellow, with a blunt round top and slightly concave; Has an extremely thick white skin layer that is difficult to separate from the flesh; 16 petals of pulp, extremely sour taste. The seeds are mostly elliptical in shape and white in color. Pomelo is similar to Huazhou pomelo, but has fewer branches, leaves, and young fruit hairs, and no hair when the fruit matures. Generally, the outer skin of grapefruit is used as medicine.
3. Origin distribution
Sex prefers warmth, is relatively cold resistant, prefers moisture, and is afraid of drought. It is better to plant with deep soil layers and humus loam soil. Distributed in the southwestern region of Guangdong and in Qinxian, Bobai, Luchuan and other areas of Guangxi. Mainly for cultivation.
4. Harvesting and processing
Harvested during the summer when the fruit is ripe, blanched in boiling water, and then cut the skin into 5 or 7 pieces. Remove the pulp and part of the mesocarp, press into shape, and dry.
5. Characteristics of medicinal herbs
Huazhou pomelo has a folded seven pointed or flattened five pointed star shape, with single leaves in the shape of willow leaves. The outer surface is yellow green, densely covered with fuzz, with wrinkles and small oil pockets; The inner surface is yellow white or light yellow brown. There are veins and veins. Crispy, easy to break, uneven cross-section, with an irregular row of concave oil chambers on the outer edge, and a slightly soft and elastic inner side. Fragrant aroma, bitter and slightly spicy taste. The outer surface of grapefruit is yellow green to yellow brown, hairless.
6. Sexual Taste Returning to the Classics
Warm in nature, spicy and bitter in taste. Return to the lung meridian and spleen meridian.
7. Effect and Function
Relieve cold, dry dampness, promote qi circulation, and eliminate phlegm. It belongs to the category of Qi regulating medicine.
8. Clinical application
Take 3-6 grams and decoct. Used to treat wind cold cough, throat itching and phlegm accumulation, food accumulation and alcohol damage, nausea and vomiting, and discomfort. Grapefruit peel, steamed chicken crown oil, used for treating cough and asthma in the elderly (Dictionary of Traditional Chinese Medicine).
9. Pharmacological research
Calming and antimicrobial. Volatile oil has the effect of relieving cough and resolving phlegm. Less toxicity.
10. Chemical composition
It mainly contains volatile oil and flavonoids such as naringin. In addition, it contains naringin, tangerine peel extract, naringin, limonene, neohesperidin, naringin, epigallocatechin gallate, epigallocatechin gallate, ergosterol-5-en-3-ol, catechol, and other components.
11. Usage taboos
Individuals with Qi deficiency and Yin deficiency with dry phlegm should not take it.
12. Compatibility prescription
① Treatment of phlegm and asthma: 15 grams each of Huaju Hong and Banxia, 9 grams of Chuanbeimu, finely ground together. Take 6 grams per dose and boil water. (Reference Materials for Common Disease Formula Research)
② Treatment for bronchitis: a. Take 30g of Guojianglong, 15g of Huajihong, 9g of almonds, and decoct. b. 30g Stone Lotus, 15g Orange Red, 12g Green Bamboo Label. Fry and serve. (Yunnan Chinese Herbal Medicine)
⊙ The content of the article is for clinical reference only. Non TCM professionals are not allowed to test drugs.