Stinky sweat originates from the liver, deficient sweat originates from the lungs, and cold sweat originates from the kidneys
Release time:2024-07-28 12:36:42
Word Count:11704
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In summer, people tend to sweat easily, especially those who are overweight. Sweat is sticky and uncomfortable, so many people try their best not to sweat or sweat less. In fact, these practices completely violate the physiological laws of the human body.
As the saying goes, 'It's better to invite someone to sweat than to invite someone to eat.'. Sweat can regulate body temperature, bodily fluids, excrete waste from the body, and maintain the acidity of the skin surface, preventing certain bacteria from invading the human body.
However, if these types of "sweating" occur, you need to pay attention as it is a silent warning from your body that requires extra attention!
1、 The Relationship between Sweat and the Five Organs
1. Stinky sweat originates from the liver
If you sweat profusely, you need to consider whether it is a problem of damp heat in the liver and spleen. That is to say, stinky sweat originates from the liver and spleen, especially closely related to the liver.
For example, a person always experiences emotional instability, depression, and long-term stagnation of liver qi. When liver depression turns into fire, internal heat will be generated, and at the same time, the qi of the spleen and stomach will also lose its health, resulting in damp heat stagnation and obstruction of the middle burner.
In this way, the dampness and heat in the liver and spleen will fumigate the muscle surface, causing sweating. Due to the accumulation of dampness and heat over time, this type of sweat has a foul odor.
Patients with liver and spleen dampness and heat biased towards liver meridian dampness and heat: This type of sweat is prone to extravasation along the liver meridian, and these patients often have problems such as bitter mouth, yellow and greasy tongue coating, and yellow urine color.
Those with liver and spleen damp heat tend to have spleen and stomach damp heat: often the hands, feet, and heart are particularly prone to sweating because the spleen controls the limbs.
2. Sweat deficiency originates from the lungs
In general, virtual sweating mainly refers to lung qi deficiency. When the lung qi is weak, it is particularly easy to sweat, and it is also prone to common lung diseases such as colds, coughs, asthma, pneumonia, etc. This is because if the lung health is not strong, pathogenic factors will attack the surface and invade the lungs.
In response to this situation, we can apply moxibustion to some acupoints that promote lung function and strengthen the surface, such as Dazhui, Fengmen, Feishu, Gaoxian (one of the commonly used acupoints on the Foot Sun Bladder Meridian), Shenshu, etc. This can not only effectively alleviate symptoms of sweating, but also enhance immunity and avoid triggering some lung diseases.
3. Cold sweat originates from the kidneys
Why do we often break out in cold sweat when we are scared? Because fear can cause a decrease in kidney qi and internal stagnation of kidney yang, it can result in cold hands and feet, and lukewarm sweating.
In addition, if you frequently break out in cold sweat for no reason, you should first consider whether it is caused by kidney yang deficiency. Because kidney yang is the foundation of a body's yang energy! Weakness of kidney yang can lead to a weakening of the Yang Wei Qi throughout the body.
And Wei Qi has the function of consolidating and absorbing body fluids. When Yang Wei Qi weakens, body fluids will leak out, leading to excessive sweating. Meanwhile, due to the inability of kidney yang to warm up, sweat is cold.
In response to this situation, it is recommended to warm and tonify the kidney yang. Moxibustion is recommended for Mingmen, Shenshu, Shenque, Guanyuan, Yongquan, or directly moxibustion the Du meridian (the Yang qi in the Du meridian can be treated by finding suitable acupoints on the Du meridian for any weakened Yang qi)
It should be noted that moxibustion, as a way of health preservation, focuses on improving regulation. During use, avoid taboo items such as smoking, alcohol, and cold. To avoid discomfort symptoms.
2、 The smell of sweat is abnormal, and the body has symptoms
The smell of sweat excreted by people with different diseases is different, and certain diseases in the body can be detected by smelling the sweat smell.
1. Stinky smell
Sweat has a special fishy smell, which may be related to heat syndrome or damp heat syndrome. Generally, it belongs to liver heat or is more common in cirrhosis.
From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, the liver is responsible for processing and decomposing toxic substances. Fried foods and tobacco and alcohol in daily diet can accumulate a lot of toxic substances in the body, increase the burden on the liver, and cause liver heat. Sweating is a way to detoxify, so people with liver heat tend to have a strange odor in their sweat.
And patients with cirrhosis cannot break down proteins in their bodies. Many proteins are broken down by bacteria through sweat, producing a special fishy odor. If this smell appears, we should drink more chrysanthemum tea in daily life to alleviate the symptoms.
2. Fragrant flavor
If there is a fragrance in sweat, it is often a sign of diabetic patients. Some children can give out a unique maple like fragrance in their sweat, indicating that children suffer from maple diabetes, which is a hereditary disease.
Attention: After sweating, avoid drinking chilled drinks and supplement with plain water or diluted salt water at room temperature. Consume in small amounts multiple times.
3. Urinary odor
Sweat contains urine odor, which leaves crystals on the skin after sweating. This is a sign of uremia and a symptom of renal qi failure in uremia, which is a more serious condition.
4. Sour taste
If sweat has a sour taste, it may indicate active rheumatism. Long term use of antipyretic and analgesic drugs such as salicylic acid and aspirin can also cause sweat odor to become sour.
3、 Sweat and Disease
Normal sweating is a physiological phenomenon in the human body. For example, in hot weather, heavy clothing, drinking hot soup, emotional excitement, labor and running, the body is prone to sweating, but the amount of sweat is generally not too much, mostly temporary.
Normal sweating has a harmonizing effect on the camp and is beneficial to the body.
Scope: Uniform sweating throughout the body
Sweat volume: Slightly sweaty, damp and moist
Time: Sustainable, not bursts of sweat
Color and taste: colorless or light yellow, slightly salty in taste, no unbearable odor
Frequency: Sweat two or three times a day, with no more than five times of heavy sweating
However, if there is a change in the way or amount of sweating, it is likely a sign of physical weakness or a warning of certain diseases, which must be taken seriously.
Abnormal sweating indicates health issues:
1. Sweating without moving - Qi deficiency and self sweating
Sweating more during the day than others, sweating profusely even after a little exercise, and even sweating while sitting still. People with weak constitution, newly recovered from serious illnesses, or obesity are more common, mainly caused by qi deficiency.
People who sweat and are afraid of the wind and have qi deficiency are prone to catching colds, often feeling tired, weak, short of breath, and poor appetite. At this time, it is necessary to eat some yam to supplement the spleen, lungs, and kidneys.
2. Frequent sweating during sleep - Yin deficiency and night sweats
Sweating when sleeping at night, mild cases may have slight wetness after falling asleep, while severe cases may have completely wet clothes and blankets every night. After waking up, sweating stops. This is called night sweats in traditional Chinese medicine, mainly caused by yin deficiency and excessive fire.
People who frequently sweat profusely often have problems such as hot hands and feet, flushed cheeks, dry mouth and throat, and are prone to insomnia. At this time, they can eat some sour jujube kernels to help sleep and nourish their yin.
3 Half body sweat, strange sweat -- be alert to diabetes
There is sweat in the upper part of the body and no sweat in the lower part of the body, or suddenly sweats after eating for a few seconds, accompanied by symptoms such as polydipsia, polydipsia, polyuria, and weight loss. Be alert to diabetes.
4. Chest tightness and sweating - beware of heart problems
When there is a problem with the heart, due to systemic congestion, it can cause obstruction of surrounding blood flow, increased capillary pressure, and fluid leakage. If sweating, especially cold sweating, is accompanied by a series of symptoms such as chest tightness and chest pain, it may be a precursor to a heart attack.
5. Sweating all over the body, continuous sweating - beware of thyroid diseases
Frequently experiencing inexplicable heat, followed by continuous sweating throughout the body, may indicate that your metabolism is in an abnormally vigorous state, perhaps due to abnormal "signals" from the thyroid gland.
4、 Method of conditioning
Secondary hyperhidrosis caused by diabetes, heart disease and thyroid disease should be treated in time according to the cause.
If self sweating is caused by qi deficiency and night sweats are caused by yin deficiency, targeted dietary, massage, and moxibustion adjustments can be made.
1. Improve sweating: replenish qi more
Self sweating is often due to qi deficiency and instability. It is recommended to consume foods such as yam, beans, chestnuts, and walnut kernels that nourish the middle and qi. Codonopsis pilosula or Huangqi stewed chicken can also be used to nourish the body and improve qi deficiency symptoms.
In terms of acupoint selection, we recommend Qi Hai acupoint, Guan Yuan acupoint, and Zu San Li acupoint.
Qi Hai acupoint is a famous "tonifying Qi acupoint". As the saying goes, "Qi Hai one acupoint warms the whole body", which emphasizes that Qi Hai acupoint has the ability to warm yang, invigorate qi, dissolve dampness and regulate qi.
Guanyuan acupoint is the gateway for the sealing and storage of the energy of Yuan Yin and Yuan Yang, and it is the place where the vital energy is unified. It can cultivate the essence, strengthen the foundation, replenish qi, and benefit the essence.
As the saying goes, 'It's better to eat old hens by pressing the Zusanli acupoint frequently.' Pressing the Zusanli acupoint can nourish the middle and qi, strengthen the body and dispel evil, and is an important acupoint for nourishing qi and blood.
2. Improving night sweats: nourishing yin
The main cause of night sweats is yin deficiency and internal heat, with an imbalance between yin and yang. You can eat more yin nourishing ingredients in your diet, such as medlar, longan, ass hide glue, ophiopogon japonicus, yam, lily, tremella, etc.
People who experience Yin deficiency and night sweats can improve their symptoms by massaging or moxibustion at Yin Qi, Hou Xi, and San Yin Jiao points.
Yin Qi point is a special acupoint for regulating night sweats. The "Bai Zheng Fu" states: "Yin Qi and Hou Xi are effective in treating excessive night sweats." Yin Qi point is the acupoint where the hands lack yin and the heart meridian, and sweat is the fluid of the heart. Yin Qi point, when combined with Hou Xi, has the effect of clearing deficiency heat and tonifying yin fluid.
Sanyinjiao is the intersection point of the Spleen Meridian, Liver Meridian, and Kidney Meridian. The liver stores blood, the spleen regulates blood, and the kidneys store essence. Rubbing or moxibustion Sanyinjiao is equivalent to regulating all three Yin Meridians, which can promote the harmony of qi and blood and the balance of yin and yang.
The reasons for sweating vary depending on individual physical constitution.