The best period for dispersal! Where there is heavy cold and dampness, there must be 4 stasis points, 4 acupoints to prevent various nodules!
Release time:2024-07-28 12:39:40
Word Count:11751
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Moxibustion has a good effect on removing blood stasis and dispersing nodules, especially for moxibustion friends with benign thyroid nodules, breast nodules, lipomas and other problems. Don't miss it!
1、 Cold causes stasis, and stasis causes blockage, which can lead to various diseases
Firstly, we need to understand that not all the sediment in the human body is' garbage '! Internal waste refers to substances that have adverse effects on the human body. Intrinsic toxins such as free radicals, fecal matter, cholesterol, fat, uric acid, lactic acid, water toxins The formation of stasis is related to a person's physical constitution. Weak kidney yang and weakened immunity in the human body can lead to the invasion and accumulation of cold pathogens, resulting in stasis!
Blockage of meridians and blood vessels causes obstruction of qi and blood, resulting in blockage. Mild cases may cause symptoms such as local redness, swelling, pain, and bleeding in the body. Severe cases can hinder the body's metabolic function and induce the production of nodules, cysts, and fibroids, such as uterine fibroids, thyroid nodules, breast nodules, ovarian cysts, etc.
In this era of widespread "cold and dampness blockage", most people will have nodules, fat particles, and cysts to varying degrees, and a small portion of them will develop into major problems that can cause diseases. Most people need to remove blockages.
Traditional Chinese medicine often says, 'If there is no pain in the general rules, then there is no understanding.'. Indeed, the blood, qi, and meridians in the human body are like rivers. Only when they run smoothly and unobstructed can they nourish the organs throughout the body and ensure their normal functioning.
Careful people can easily notice that many problems are related to "blockage", "stasis", and "holding". Timely dredging is necessary to avoid the accumulation of unnecessary impurities and waste in the human body, in order to reduce the burden on the body and mind.
Blockage 1: Viscous and turbid phlegm and dampness
When it comes to phlegm, people may immediately think of the sticky substance that clogs their throat when coughing, or the saliva we usually spit out. In traditional Chinese medicine, phlegm is divided into two types - "visible phlegm" and "invisible phlegm".
Tangible phlegm "mainly exists in the lungs, that is, the mucus secreted by the lungs and bronchi, which is the phlegm and saliva we usually cough and spit out, also known as" external phlegm ".
What we mean by phlegm dampness here actually refers to 'invisible phlegm'. It is present in various tissues, organs, and blood of the human body, and cannot be directly seen by the naked eye.
Phlegm dampness is caused by the stagnation of fluids in the body, leading to the aggregation of phlegm and dampness. It has characteristics such as viscosity and turbidity. When the yin and yang of the human organs are imbalanced, and the circulation of qi, blood, body fluids is disrupted, it is easy to form phlegm dampness.
Excessive phlegm and dampness in the body may lead to coronary heart disease, stroke, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, etc. Phlegm dampness can cause blood stasis, and when combined with blood stasis, it can lead to conditions such as cysts, lumps, breast nuclei, inflammatory masses, etc., which can be unbearable. If not treated in a timely manner, they can develop into nodules that require further removal.
Blockage 2: Blood stasis that congeals black and loses oxygen
In the Shuowen, the explanation for the character "Yu" is "accumulation of blood". In the "Urgent Edition", it is referred to as "the disease of blood stasis and accumulation of blood". Traditional Chinese medicine believes that "stasis" refers to blood stasis. Here, we have expanded the scope of stasis, and any substance that is blocked by stasis in the body is called stasis.
And regardless of whether it is phlegm dampness, damp heat, or turbid qi, the ultimate result of stasis is always the production of blood stasis.
The "Ling Shu Mai Du Pian" says: "Qi cannot exist without action, like the flow of water, like the endless movement of the sun and moon. Therefore, the Yin meridian glorifies its organs, and the Yang meridian glorifies its viscera, like an endless ring, like its discipline. It always begins again, and the overflowing qi flows into the organs internally and externally. Blood plays a role in nourishing the organs and tissues.
Blood circulates within the veins of our body, driven by qi, endlessly nourishing the five organs, six viscera, skin, muscles, and bones, providing nutrition to our body.
Blockage 3: Thick and thick turbid gas
Turbidity, as the name suggests, refers to the thick and heavy waste gas in the body. People eat grains and cereals, and the turbid qi in the stomach is produced by the biochemistry of grains, so everyone has turbid qi in their body.
Especially now that material life has improved and people have a wide variety of food, our digestive system is unable to transport and digest so much food. Excess nutrients are treated as residues and fermented, resulting in the production of turbid qi.
Turbid qi contains various toxins. If it cannot be expelled from the body, it will dissolve into the bloodstream, enter the liver and kidneys, cause diseases, or remain in various parts of the body, causing blockages in the circulation of qi and blood.
When qi stagnation and blood stasis become more and more severe, they form lumps in the body and turn into nodules. The only treatment is to expel the turbid qi from the body. Without any blood stasis, the circulation of blood in the body will naturally become smooth.
Blockage 4: Damp and greasy dampness and heat
Water is indispensable to the human body. The water we drink, through the transportation of the spleen and stomach, the descending of the lungs, and the circulation up and down, nourishes the whole body with the essence of water.
Excess water will be transported to the bladder and excreted from the body through the bladder. If there is a problem with a certain part of the water circulation, excess water in the human body cannot be discharged and will stay in a certain part of the body, producing dampness. The so-called heat is a thermal phenomenon.
Heat is due to the hot and humid weather in summer and autumn, where dampness and heat merge and invade the human body, or because the dampness in the body cannot be eliminated and turns into heat. Therefore, dampness and heat often coexist.
The dampness and heat in our body are also a major hidden danger, and there will be corresponding problems wherever the dampness and heat stay. People with damp heat constitution are often at risk of suffering from diabetes and high blood pressure, so they will not be healthy without removing damp heat.
Moxibustion can have the effects of dispelling wind, relieving external heat, clearing heat and promoting dampness. In daily diet, it is important to avoid oily or sweet foods, control the intake of too much indigestible food into the stomach, reduce the burden on the stomach, and help the spleen to transform. This can help eliminate dampness and heat.
In summary, we know that the four types of stasis in the human body: phlegm, blood, turbidity, and dampness, cause blockages in the body, leading to dysfunction of the organs, disharmony between qi and blood, accumulation of turbid pathogens, and a strong pathogenic substance that gradually accumulates to form fibroids, causing a series of pain syndromes.
So, to regulate common pain and even diseases in women, it is necessary to unblock them. Clearing is to remove blood stasis, which cannot be separated from regulating menstruation. Menstruation is the only way for women to clear blood stasis, and maintaining normal menstruation is also a prerequisite for regulating various diseases in women, including beauty and anti-aging. Regulating menstruation also involves removing blood stasis.
The nodules, tendons, blood clots, and cold and damp garbage in the body can be easily turned into water or gas through moxibustion, and discharged from the organs and body!
Moxibustion for removing stasis has four major advantages
1. Promote qi and blood circulation. Moxibustion can promote the circulation of qi and blood in the body, warm up the meridians, and resolve congestion in the meridians;
2. Promote digestion. If there is a loss of appetite due to hot weather, moxibustion can stimulate the body's acupoints, strengthen the digestive system's function through acupoint stimulation, promote the elimination of turbid qi, phlegm stasis, and dampness;
3. Warm yang and nourish the kidneys. Moxibustion can Yang transform blood stasis, enhance physical fitness, and help those with poor physical fitness maintain their bodies;
4. Resolve blockages. Moxibustion can help the body remove blockages, unblock blocked meridians, and prevent or improve various nodule problems in the body.
Moxibustion at 4 acupoints to prevent systemic nodules
Breast nodules, thyroid nodules Qi and blood are the main material basis of human life activities, and they are interdependent and interact with each other. Therefore, traditional Chinese medicine believes that qi is the leader of blood, blood is the mother of seven, qi flows when blood flows, and qi stagnation when blood stasis occurs.
The fundamental cause of most diseases is gradually formed due to poor circulation of qi and blood, so the main regulation methods usually adopted are aimed at regulating qi and promoting blood circulation.
Therefore, using warm moxibustion to regulate meridians and acupoints can directly promote blood circulation, which is more effective than acupuncture and medicine.
Moxibustion of 4 acupoints to prevent systemic nodules: breast nodules, thyroid nodules
1. Ashi acupoint: Wherever there is blockage, nodules, or pain, that is Ashi acupoint. Warm moxibustion can be applied to benign breast nodules, thyroid nodules, uterine fibroids, lipomas, and other affected areas, with hand-held moxa sticks being even better.
2. Qi Men: Soothing the liver and promoting blood circulation, and convenient for self moxibustion. Wooden moxibustion boxes or moxa sticks can be used for moxibustion.
3. Blood Sea: The major acupoint for promoting blood circulation, with a constitution of qi stagnation and blood stasis, requires moxibustion, including for uterine fibroids, to promote blood circulation and disperse nodules.
4. San Yin Jiao: Clearing the liver, spleen, and kidney meridians, soothing the liver, removing dampness, warming the kidneys, and regulating gynecology.
The above four acupoints are those with congestion constitution, nodule constitution, and blockage constitution. There are acupoints that require more moxibustion, such as breast hyperplasia, thyroid nodules, and lipomas. In addition, other acupoints can also be considered according to the constitution, such as dampness re matching with spleen shu, middle wan, and yin ling spring; The compatibility acupoints of palace cold and body cold, uterine acupoints
Moxibustion method: Wooden moxibustion box moxibustion or moxa stick suspension moxibustion. The acupoints together can be covered with moxibustion, and several acupoints can be simultaneously moxibustion. Each acupoint on the limbs should be moxibustion for 15-25 minutes, and each acupoint on the trunk should be moxibustion for 30-40 minutes. Rest for 1-3 days within a week, gradually progressing. If it is easy to cause internal heat, you can apply moxibustion every other day after three consecutive days, and remember to drink plenty of water after moxibustion.
Finally, a reminder: seize every day! Don't miss out on moxibustion for friends with benign thyroid nodules, breast nodules, and lipomas!