Poor spleen and stomach, eat the Four Treasures frequently!
Release time:2024-07-28 12:42:33
Word Count:4469
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The spleen is the foundation of postnatal development and the source of qi and blood biochemistry. If the spleen and stomach function is healthy, not only will the complexion be rosy, but the muscles will also be tight and the skin will have good elasticity. On the contrary, if the spleen fails to function properly, the qi, blood, and body fluids are insufficient, which cannot nourish the face. As a result, the person's spirit will be weak, and their complexion will be pale and yellow. Because the water cannot be drained in time, it accumulates in the body, and over time, the whole person will become bloated.
Therefore, whether fat or thin, nourishing qi or blood, the most fundamental thing is actually to nourish the spleen!
Five tips to nourish the spleen and stomach
For spleen and stomach problems, "three parts rely on treatment, seven parts rely on nourishment". Below, the editor recommends several simple and easy methods to nourish the spleen and stomach, to nourish the spleen and stomach well!
1. Rub your abdomen frequently
The abdomen is the location of the six viscera, and its common physiological function is the reception, digestion, absorption, and excretion of food. Proper abdominal health care can strengthen the digestive system function, prevent obesity, hypertension, etc.
First, rub your hands together, then fold them together and place them on your abdomen. Use your palm to wrap around your navel in a clockwise direction for 36 cycles from small to large, and then rub around your navel in a counterclockwise direction for 36 cycles from large to small. This can increase gastrointestinal peristalsis, regulate qi and relieve stagnation, enhance digestive function, and prevent and treat gastrointestinal diseases.
2 Eating Yam
Yam is a good thing that not only maintains health but also has beauty benefits. But the best way to buy Chinese yam is to buy iron stick Chinese yam. There are many thorns and hard ones. You can eat them steamed, fried, or boiled porridge. The effect of tonifying the spleen and stomach is the best.
The difference between yam and other nourishing foods is that it nourishes without being greasy, while other foods become damp when they nourish yin and turn into heat when they become damp.
But yam is not good at it. It is neither hot nor dry, and is a good medicine for tonifying the spleen and stomach, especially for the deficiency and nourishing effect of the five organs and qi and blood. Yam is often used to treat symptoms such as spleen and stomach weakness, fatigue, and loss of appetite.
3 Rub the nose tip
Rubbing the nose for about 20 minutes each time can improve symptoms such as bloating and gas.
4. Use dried tangerine peel
For people with weak spleen and stomach, it is best to keep tangerine peel regularly in the kitchen. As the saying goes, "one or two pieces of dried tangerine peel and one or two pieces of gold". Dried tangerine peel is a commonly used traditional Chinese medicine that has functions such as regulating qi, regulating the middle, drying dampness, and resolving phlegm. It is commonly used to treat diseases such as spleen and stomach deficiency and cold.
Therefore, adding tangerine peel in moderation when cooking meat and fishy dishes can not only use the aromatic aroma of tangerine peel to remove the fishy smell of meat, increase the aroma of dishes to enhance appetite, but also fully exert the medicinal effects of tangerine peel on regulating qi and stomach, aromatic awakening spleen, dispelling dampness and phlegm, reducing the damage of phlegm dampness and fat sweetness to the spleen and stomach.
5 Drinking Four Treasures
How to make it: 10 grams of lotus seed meat, 20 grams of yam, 30 grams of job's tears, and 10 grams of gorgon fruit. Add one or two handfuls of rice to make Congee. Eat one bowl in the morning and another in the evening.
If you insist on eating Sibao Congee for a week, you can basically see the results. Some of them take half a month, and the spleen and stomach will gradually improve.
In addition to eating Sibao Congee, we should also pay attention to the fact that the spleen and stomach are especially afraid of cold, dampness, support and sweetness. So don't catch a cold, don't eat too much, don't eat too sweet, and avoid going to damp places. Also, drink less alcohol and less spicy food.
The spleen and stomach are the foundation of health, and people of all ages and genders should pay attention to spleen and stomach issues.