Chinese medicine, hemp seeds!
Release time:2024-07-28 14:30:19
Word Count:4735
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1. Alias
Da Ma Ren and Ma Zi.
2. Plant characteristics
Annual herb, 1-3 meters tall. The stem is upright, multi branched, with longitudinal grooves on the surface, and densely covered with fine hairs. Palm shaped compound leaves, alternate or opposite in the lower part; Stipulate linear lanceolate; Leaves 3-11, lanceolate to linear lanceolate, apex long pointed, base narrowly wedge-shaped, margin with coarse serrations, upper covered with rough hairs, dark green, lower covered with dense felt hairs, gray white. Monoecious flowers, dioecious plants; Male flowers form a dispersed cone-shaped inflorescence, either terminal or axillary, with 5 carpels, yellow green in color, long ovate in shape, arranged in a tiled pattern, and 5 stamens; The female flower cluster grows in the axils of leaves, with one bracts outside each flower, ovate in shape, one perianth, membranous, green, one pistil, and a round round shaped ovary. The achene is flattened and oval in shape, with inverted ovules and one seed. The flowering period is from May to July, and the fruiting period is from June to September.
3. Origin distribution
Both well drained sandy and clayey soils are suitable for growth. It is cultivated in various parts of our country, both north and south.
4. Harvesting and processing
When the fruit is ripe, cut off the whole plant, dry it in the sun, smash the fruit, and sieve out impurities.
5. Characteristics of medicinal herbs
Flat oval, 4-5 millimeters long and 3-4 millimeters wide. The surface is grayish green or slightly grayish brown, with a glossy appearance and subtle white, brown, or black mesh texture. The top is slightly pointed, the base is dull and round, with slightly concave fruit stem marks, and there are light colored ridges on both sides. The skin is thin and brittle, and easy to break. The seed coat is dark green and often adheres to the inner skin. The embryo is curved, oval in shape, with a thin endosperm. The top is brown and the other end is white. The cotyledons are of equal length to the embryonic root, milky white, and rich in oil. It has a slight odor and a light taste, and there is a slight tingling sensation on the tongue after chewing. The best ones are those with a body, dry grains, large and free of impurities, and plump kernels. Contains 30% dry fat oil, initially yellow green, gradually turning brownish yellow over time.
6. Sexual Taste Returning to the Classics
Flat in nature, sweet in taste. The Spleen Meridian, Stomach Meridian, and Large Intestine Meridian.
7. Effect and Function
Moisturize dryness, promote bowel movements, and replenish deficiency. It belongs to the subcategory of laxative drugs and is an attacking drug.
8. Clinical application
Used to treat constipation, emphysema, cholelithiasis, biliary tract roundworms, hypertension, and mouth deviation caused by various reasons. Specially used for elderly and women with postpartum blood deficiency, fluid deficiency, and constipation. Use 9-15 grams.
9. Pharmacological research
Lowering blood pressure; Reduce cholesterol. After oral administration, it decomposes into fatty acids in the intestine, which can stimulate the intestinal mucosa, increase secretion, accelerate peristalsis, reduce water absorption in the large intestine, and cause diarrhea. Adverse reactions: Huo Ma Ren contains mycotoxins, choline, fat, etc. If ingested in excess of 50 grams, it can cause poisoning within 1-2 hours. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, limb numbness, loss of orientation, spasms, coma, and dilated pupils.
10. Chemical composition
The oil contains 10% saturated fatty acids, 12% oleic acid, 53% linoleic acid, and 25% linolenic acid. Other components such as fenugreek alkaloids and tetrahydrocannabinol are unclear.
11. Usage taboos
Be cautious when taking medication for symptoms such as loose stools, erectile dysfunction, nocturnal emissions, and vaginal discharge caused by spleen and kidney deficiency.
12. Compatibility prescription
① Treating constipation: 1 cup each of roasted sesame seeds and sesame seeds (stir fried and juiced), 30 grams each of peach kernels (peeled and pointed) and catnip ears. Finally, add a small amount of salt and fry it as a substitute for tea to achieve the desired balance. (Simple Hygiene Formula)
② Treating scald and fire injuries: grind hemp seeds, yellow cypress, and yellow gardenia together, and apply pig fat. (Sichuan Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 1960)
③ Treating the problem of falling and not growing: the fire and sesame seeds rise once. Boil it black, apply oil to the head, and the hair will gradually grow longer. (Hygiene Easy Recipe)
⊙ The content of the article is for clinical reference only. Non TCM professionals are not allowed to test drugs.