Two traditional Chinese medicines have saved countless people from heart disease, arteriosclerosis, and hypertension for less than five yuan!
Release time:2024-07-29 13:18:24
Word Count:8682
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Once the following symptoms are detected, be alert to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases:
① Long term discomfort such as headache and dizziness;
② Frequent occurrence of chest tightness and wheezing, accompanied by chest pain;
③ Cannot lie on your back while sleeping, feeling difficulty breathing;
④ The scalp feels uncomfortable with numbness, hardness, and swelling;
⑤ Numbness of fingers, weakness of legs, and unconscious drooling;
⑥ After eating a full meal, there is slight discomfort at the sternum and occasional cold sweat;
⑦ Walking for a slightly longer time or at a slightly faster speed can cause chest tightness and increased heart rate.
Natural stent for blood vessels
Middle aged and old people need physical examination every year. Most people find that they have atherosclerosis or thick blood fat after physical examination. These factors often lead to abnormal blood supply to the heart and brain. Why is the incidence rate of heart disease and cerebrovascular disease so high these years? It is caused by these factors that are the pioneers of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.
Some people say that if these problems are detected, we should prepare some aspirin enteric coated tablets at home, which can help us solve these problems.
Although aspirin enteric coated tablets are indeed useful, they can cause significant irritation to the stomach, so they must be taken under the guidance of a doctor. If this medication is taken indiscriminately, it may lead to bleeding diseases such as gastric bleeding. So, what should middle-aged and elderly friends with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases do?
I would like to recommend a combination of two traditional Chinese medicines to my friends: Danshen and Hawthorn. They have a positive effect on promoting blood flow, dilating blood vessels, and purifying the blood environment. They can be called the "natural scaffolds" of blood vessels.
2 Danshen
Promote blood circulation, remove blood stasis, and unblock blood vessels
When it comes to Danshen, many cardiovascular and cerebrovascular patients know that it is a medicine that promotes blood circulation, removes blood stasis, and transports blood vessels. Indeed, Danshen is widely used in clinical practice.
Traditional Chinese medicine believes that cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are caused by the inability of qi to push, resulting in blood stagnation in the veins. In middle and old age, qi deficiency is inevitable, and blood stasis is also inevitable, so it is easy to suffer from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.
The "Compendium of Materia Medica" states: "Danshen can relieve bitterness, warm and disperse, benefit people and invigorate qi if taken for a long time, and specialize in blood circulation. Its function lies in promoting blood circulation." This means that Danshen can be taken for a long time, with a bitter taste that can relieve dampness. 'Xie' means' downward movement is smooth '. Danshen can induce blood flow downward, but unlike other blood activating medicines such as Danggui, it will not cause blood flow upward to the brain, leading to cerebral hemorrhage.
Taking Danshen, the qi flows downwards, just like water flowing downwards. The qi flows smoothly, and the intestines and stomach become unobstructed. Therefore, there is a saying that "the sound of the intestines is as faint as water flowing".
In other words, for middle-aged and elderly people, Danshen not only promotes blood circulation and blood circulation, but also tonifies and replenishes qi, which is what sets it apart from other traditional Chinese medicines.
Since Danshen has such great power, why add hawthorn to Danshen? This is because hawthorn has the effect of lowering blood pressure and blood lipids, and can assist Danshen in "removing blood stasis without harming new blood, and opening up stagnant qi without harming righteous qi".
That is to say, the sour and astringent nature of hawthorn can invigorate the spleen and stomach, aid digestion, and its ability to eliminate food stagnation can also promote qi circulation and remove blood stasis. Therefore, combining hawthorn with Danshen to prevent and treat cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases is truly a perfect combination, complementing each other.
3 Hawthorns
Expand blood vessels, lower blood pressure and cholesterol
01 Prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease
Research has found that hawthorn can dilate coronary arteries, increase coronary flow, reduce myocardial oxygen consumption, while also increasing myocardial contractility and cardiac output, slowing down heart rate.
Due to its presence of flavonoids, it also dilates extra coronary blood vessels, thereby lowering blood pressure.
These effects are slow and long-lasting, and are very beneficial for elderly people suffering from myocardial infarction, heart failure, hypertension, and other diseases.
02 Lowering blood lipids
Hawthorn has a very obvious effect on reducing blood fat, especially it can inhibit cholesterol synthase, reduce cholesterol, thereby reducing atherosclerosis caused by high cholesterol, and prevent heart, brain, kidney and other organ diseases.
03 Promote digestive function
Hawthorn contains fatty acids, which can promote fat digestion; Containing various organic acids and vitamin C, it can increase the secretion of gastric protease and enhance its activity, thereby promoting protein digestion and absorption. The sour taste of hawthorn can also stimulate taste, enhance appetite, and regulate gastrointestinal function reasonably.
The smaller the size of hawthorn, the more sour it tastes, and the stronger its function of protecting blood vessels; And hawthorn with a green color and more pockmarks has a more sour taste and contains more quercetin.
4 Danshen+Hawthorn
The golden combination for preventing and treating cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases
Danshen hawthorn powder, reduces blood lipids and prevents arteriosclerosis
Usage: Buy 100 grams of Danshen and Hawthorn from the pharmacy, process them into powder, divide them into 10 portions, and take one portion daily with warm water at around 40 degrees Celsius.
Middle aged and elderly people who have been found to have thick blood lipids during physical examination, whether moderate or mild, or accompanied by atherosclerosis, can take the above dosage, and will have a good effect after a long time.
If these diseases are not detected during the physical examination, taking only half of the above dosage can effectively prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.
Danshen stir fried red fruit, a partner for heart and life protection
Method: Take 20g of Danshen, 200g of Hawthorn, and a little rock sugar and osmanthus sugar; Soak Danshen in advance for 8 hours, pour it into a pot and boil it in water. After boiling, boil for 15 minutes and add the pitted hawthorn all at once.
People without diabetes can add rock sugar, continue to cook for half an hour, open the pot and let it cool before eating.
This secret recipe is also recommended to everyone by Zhang Dawei, the chief physician of the Cardiovascular Department of Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, in a program on Beijing TV.
Hawthorn and Danshen Drink
Prevention and treatment of coronary heart disease and cerebral arteriosclerosis
The combination of hawthorn and Danshen has a better effect on preventing and treating coronary heart disease and cerebral arteriosclerosis.
Dosage: Take 6-12 grams of dried hawthorn each time, decoct in water (sugar can be added appropriately for those who are afraid of acid), take 1-2 tablets of Danshen each time, 2-3 times a day.
The usual dosage for taking hawthorn is 6-12 grams for dried fruit and 10-20 grams for fresh fruit.
One way Danshen drink, combined with four different soups, has excellent effects in promoting blood circulation and nourishing blood; However, Danshen should not be cooked in a metal pot, it is recommended to use a porcelain pot. When consuming Danshen, avoid eating it with foods with high iron content, such as pig liver, sheep liver, etc;
Hawthorn can aid in digestion, regulate blood lipids, and promote blood circulation to remove stasis. After decoction, its blood circulation function is even better. Big red hawthorn has a sweet taste and better digestive function; Small hawthorn has a slightly sour taste and better blood circulation function.
Danshen combined with hawthorn is the nemesis of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, the effect is too strong!
Before using Tonic Diet, it is recommended to consult with a doctor or professional Chinese medicine doctor, and use it according to personal circumstances.