Preventing dementia andHeart fire runs through the mouth, lung fire runs through the nose... The firethat occurs in the five senses originates from the internal organs! Fire extinguishingmust be verif
Release time:2024-07-29 14:00:43
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Some people believe that 'internal heat' is only a problem with facial features, but in reality, these symptoms are only external manifestations of visceral abnormalities.
The key to "eliminating fire" is to regulate the internal organs.
Tongue has fire - regulating the heart
Heartfire is most likely to occur in the mouth, especially on the tongue.
Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the tongue is the seedling of the heart, and the tip of the tongue corresponds to the heart in the five organs. Therefore, if the heart has fire, it is often manifested as redness of the tip of the tongue.
But heart fire can also be divided into "virtual" and "real".
When there is a solid fire, it often manifests as mouth and tongue sores, red and irritated face, red tongue tip, and yellow urine.
When there is a false fire, in addition to the redness of the tongue tip, people will also be in a state of virtual excitement, and they are prone to restlessness, insomnia, and thirst at night.
How to extinguish the inner fire?
Solid fire: You can choose clear fire foods such as lotus root/lotus root nodes, bitter melon, lotus leaves, lilies, watermelon/green clothes, purslane, lotus seed heart tea, bamboo leaf tea, etc.
Xu Huo: You can often drink ice sugar lotus seed soup that clears the heart and moistens the dryness. Lotus seeds can clear the heart, remove heat, nourish the heart and calm the mind, while ice sugar can nourish yin and produce fluids.
Ears and teeth have fire - regulate kidneys
Ear 'fire', hearing problems, the root cause is mostly in the kidneys.
Traditional Chinese medicine believes that if the kidney opens its orifice in the ear and there is fire in the kidney (mostly virtual fire), hearing problems such as deafness and tinnitus are common.
In addition, the kidneys govern the bones, and in addition to the teeth, the teeth are also a part of the bones, which are managed by the kidneys. When the kidneys have long-term fire, it is easy to cause gum recession and loose teeth.
In addition, if there is fire in the kidneys, there may be symptoms such as yellow and red urine, and even burning pain in the urethra.
At this point, our tongue turns red with little or no coating, and we need to nourish yin and reduce fire.
How to extinguish kidney fire?
Eat more foods that nourish the kidney yin, such as clams, black sesame seeds, duck blood, and duck meat.
There is fire around the mouth - regulating the stomach
I have a fire, and I have dry mouth, bad breath, and thirst. The problem is mostly in my stomach.
Excessive stomach fire can easily lead to problems such as lip inflammation, gum swelling and pain, and bad breath.
In addition, common symptoms include stomach pain, heartburn, acid reflux, constipation, bloating, and thirst for cold drinks.
The appearance of these symptoms is often caused by problems such as alcoholism, spicy food, and greasy diet.
How to extinguish stomach fire?
Dietary therapy: Eat more heat clearing foods such as mung beans, millet, yam, coix seed, cucumber, pear, watermelon, etc.
Eyes have fire - regulating the liver
Dry, red eyes, swelling and pain, increased eye discharge, and blurred vision are most likely due to liver fire.
Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the liver opens its orifices to the eyes, causing excessive liver fire, which often affects the eyes.
Moreover, excessive liver fire is generally based on the stagnation and transformation of liver qi into fire, which is caused by the accumulation of fire qi for too long.
These people also have a strong temper, are prone to anger, and even experience anxiety and insomnia.
How to extinguish liver fire?
Dietary therapy: Eat more fruits and vegetables, clear heat foods such as watermelon, carrots, spinach, etc., and also drink more chrysanthemum tea.
There is fire in the nasal cavity - regulate the lungs
Dry nasal cavity, itchy nose, and nosebleeds are often related to the lungs.
Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the opening of the lungs to the nose and the presence of fire in the lungs can cause the body's qi and blood to flow upwards, often resulting in the nose appearing very red.
But lung fire can be divided into solid fire and deficiency fire. Solid fire is generally accompanied by symptoms such as cough, yellow phlegm cough, sore throat, and dry stool; Void fire is generally accompanied by symptoms such as hand, foot, heart heat, night sweats, restlessness and insomnia, hot flashes, dry cough with no or little phlegm.
How to extinguish lung fire?
Solid heat: Boil white grass roots, reed roots, and orange collaterals in water to clear heat, remove fire, nourish yin, cool blood, and moisten the lungs.
False fire: often eat lily, white radish, lotus root, honey, Broth of white fungus, etc. stroke