Pressing these two acupoints will release all the dampness! Obesity, edema, and eye bags are nowhere to be seen!
Release time:2024-07-30 14:50:44
Word Count:2848
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In traditional Chinese medicine, dampness is called dampness evil, which seriously endangers our health and is the number one killer of health. Moisture exists in our bodies for a long time, and nine out of ten people are wet.
The ancient saying goes, "A thousand cold is easy to dispel, but a dampness is difficult to dispel." In fact, this sentence describes the excessive dampness in the human body, which makes it difficult to lift the spirit and thus affects people's quality of life.
The manifestation of heavy moisture
The harm of dampness to humans is hidden and slow, and it gradually harms human health step by step!
1. Causing thick and yellowish tongue coating, skin rash and acne;
2. When the condition is slightly severe, there may be chest tightness, fatigue, physical exhaustion, sore throat, and irregular bowel movements;
3. Further development may lead to joint pain and obesity;
4. Over time, it can also lead to diseases such as fatty liver, asthma, hypertension, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and even malignant tumors.
5. But many people don't know that having large eye bags is actually a sign of heavy dampness.
People who love beauty are most afraid of having eye bags, because large eye bags can make people look tired and lack energy. Due to the heavy moisture in the body and the relaxed lower eyelids, water can easily accumulate on the eyelids, causing swelling.
Acupoint massage for removing spleen dampness and eye bags
Our eye bags are located at the beginning of the Yangming Stomach Meridian circulation, so we should use the method of strengthening the spleen and stomach.
Some friends may know that Gongsun acupoint is a drop point of the Spleen Meridian, which leads to the outer and inner meridians. So the problem of eye bags can be solved by strengthening the spleen, harmonizing the stomach, and dispelling dampness.
1 Gongsun acupoint
Location: Belonging to the Foot Taiyin Spleen Meridian. Foot Tai Yin's Luo acupoint. One of the intersecting acupoints of the Eight Meridians, which connects the Chong Meridian. On the medial edge of the foot, at the anterior lower part of the base of the first metatarsal bone, at the red white fleshed area.
Massage method: It can be done by kneading or moxibustion, twice a day for 5-10 minutes each time.
Indications: Stomach pain, vomiting, bowel sounds, abdominal pain, diarrhea, dysentery, bloating, indigestion, athlete's foot, etc.
2 Water points
Location: It is one of the important acupoints on the Ren meridian, located in the upper abdomen, on the anterior midline, and 1 inch above the navel.
Massage method: Use your thumb and fingertips to massage, twice a day for 5-10 minutes each time.
Indications: Diarrhea, edema, ascites (ascites), abdominal pain, bloating, bowel sounds, diarrhea, nausea, edema, infantile fontanelle, lumbar spine and other diseases.