Chinese medicine, mother lilac!
Release time:2024-07-30 18:31:12
Word Count:4354
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1. Alias
Chicken tongue fragrance, female lilac, and Tingzhu only child.
2. Plant morphology
Evergreen tree, up to 10 meters tall, with opposite leaves and obvious petioles. There are often downward extending leaf bases on both sides. The leaves are oblong ovate or oblong ovate, measuring 5-10 cm in length and 2.5-5 cm in width. The tip is gradually pointed or acute, and the base gradually narrows and often extends downward to the stem, with the entire margin. The flowers are fragrant and intense, forming a terminal inflorescence with a diameter of about 6 millimeters. The sepals are thick, green to purple, and fused together, forming a long tube shape with four lobes at the tip and triangular lobes. The corolla is white with a hint of light purple, short tube shaped, and has four lobes. There are many stamens, and the anthers are longitudinally split. The lower part of the ovary is fused with the calyx tube, and there is a thick style at the top. The stigma is not obvious. The berry is reddish brown, slightly glossy, rectangular and elliptical in shape, measuring 1-1.5 cm in length and 5-8 mm in diameter. The tip has thick and persistent sepal lobes, and has a fragrant aroma. The seed is rectangular and separated from the skin.
3. Origin distribution
Originating from Moluccas Island in Tanzania and Indonesia. There is cultivation in Guangdong and Hainan in our country.
4. Harvesting and processing
When the fruit is about to ripen, pick it and dry it.
5. Characteristics of medicinal herbs
It is oval or elongated in shape, measuring 1.5-3 centimeters in length and 0.5-1 centimeter in diameter. The surface is yellow brown or brownish brown with fine wrinkles; There are four persistent sepals at the top that curve inward into a hook shape; There are fruit stem marks at the base; The peel and seed kernel can be peeled off. The seed kernel is formed by two leaves embracing rain, brown or dark brown, oily, and has a clear longitudinal groove in the center; There is an embryo inside, which is thin rod-shaped. Hard in texture and difficult to break. Fragrant aroma, spicy taste.
6. Sexual Taste Returning to the Classics
Spicy taste, warm nature. Guipi Meridian, Stomach Meridian, Lung Meridian, Kidney Meridian.
7. Effect and Function
Warming the middle and reducing the reverse, dispersing cold and relieving pain. Belonging to Wenli medicine.
8. Clinical application
Oral administration: decoct soup, 2-6g, or add pills or powder. External use: Apply in moderation, grind and apply. Used to treat spleen and stomach deficiency cold, hiccups and vomiting, vomiting and diarrhea due to insufficient food intake, cold and painful heart and abdomen, swollen teeth, bad breath, female coldness, and pediatric hernia.
9. Pharmacological research
Promote gastric juice secretion, protect gastric mucosa, stop diarrhea, and promote bile flow; Analgesia, anti hypoxia, anti coagulation, anti mutation, antibacterial and insecticidal effects, etc.
10. Chemical composition
Thirty nine compounds were extracted and identified from the volatile oil of the mother clove, including eugenol, α - juniper, cubane, β - juniper, α - caryophyllene, β - caryophyllene, allocaryophyllene, cedrene, δ - juniper, sinapine, carvacrol, and piperine.
11. Usage taboos
Not suitable for use with Yujin, and should not be taken by those with heat syndrome or Yin deficiency and internal heat.
12. Compatibility prescription
① Treat heart wrenching pain: Take 3 grams of clove powder with alcohol. (Behind the Elbow)
② To treat stomach cold nausea and obstruction of qi: Three cloves (crushed) and one orange peel (whole, soaked in soup to remove white, baked). Add two flavors, use one cup of water, fry half a cup, remove the residue and heat it up. (St. Francis of Assisi)
③ For the treatment of children with cold chancre, yellow face and large belly, vomiting upon consumption: Seven cloves of mother fruit, minced, milk and steamed twice, take ginger soup. (Hygiene Easy Recipe)
④ Treating dental caries: Boil clove juice with it. (Quoted from "Yao Sengtan's Collection of Testing Formulas" in "Outer Platform")
⑤ To treat sudden sores on the lips and tongue: burn clove powder from the mother's body, wrap it in cotton, and remove excess heat. (Outer Channel)
⊙ The content of the article is for clinical reference only. Non TCM professionals are not allowed to test drugs.