Chinese medicine, white fruit!
Release time:2024-07-30 18:33:48
Word Count:3922
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1. Alias
Ginkgo biloba seeds, Gongsun tree seeds, duckfoot tree seeds, spiritual eyes, Buddha nails.
2. Plant morphology
Tall deciduous trees. The tree trunk stands upright. Leaves cluster on short branches or spiral scattered on long branches; Fan shaped leaves with branching veins; The petiole is long. The flower is solitary and grows in different plants. The seeds are drupe shaped, elliptical to nearly spherical, golden yellow when ripe, fleshy outer seed coat, orange yellow when ripe, bony inner seed coat, white. The flowering period is from April to May, and the fruiting period is from September to October.
3. Origin distribution
Planting is common in regions such as East China, North China, and South China in our country.
4. Harvesting and processing
Harvest in autumn, remove the outer seed coat, wash, steam or boil slightly, and then dry or sun dry.
5. Characteristics of medicinal herbs
Oval or inverted, with a bony outer shell (mesocarp), smooth, about 0.5 millimeters thick, milky white on the surface, raised on both sides, with one longitudinal edge on each side, occasionally three longitudinal edges, and a circular protrusion at the top. The center is a pinhole, and the base is gradually pointed, with small protrusions or none. The inner seed coat is a layer of reddish brown film, the seed kernel is flattened spherical, light yellow green, the endosperm is thick, powdery, and the center is a slender strip-shaped embryo, with two white cotyledons. The air is slightly fragrant, with a slightly sweet and bitter taste.
6. Sexual Taste Returning to the Classics
Flat in nature, sweet, bitter, and astringent in taste. Toxic. Return to the lung meridian and kidney meridian.
7. Effect and Function
Tighten the lungs, relieve wheezing, stop the turbidity of the belt, and reduce bowel movements. Belonging to the subcategory of astringent drugs, it is a type of tourniquet that solidifies essence, shrinks urine, and stops bleeding.
8. Clinical application
The dosage is 4.5-9 grams. Used to treat asthma, phlegm cough, diarrhea, white turbidity, frequent urination, enuresis, etc.
9. Pharmacological research
This product has pharmacological effects such as antibacterial, expectorant, free radical scavenging, antispasmodic, antihypertensive, anticancer, immune function regulation, and anti lipid peroxidation; Can reduce aortic output and increase coronary artery flow; Can significantly improve the ability of animals to withstand hypoxia under normal pressure; Anti allergic; Delaying aging; Antimicrobial resistance; Treat cerebral ischemia; Contraction of detached uterus and other effects.
10. Chemical composition
This product contains ginkgotoxin, ursolic acid, white fruit acid, hydrogenated white fruit acid, hydrogenated white fruit acid, white fruit alcohol, and ginkgolide.
11. Usage taboos
Raw food is toxic and should not be overused, especially for children.
12. Compatibility prescription
① To treat nocturnal emissions: Take 3 white fruits, boil them in alcohol, and consume them continuously for 4-5 days. (Hunan Pharmaceutical Journal)
② Urinary frequency and enuresis: 5 Chen white fruits and 3 snails (roasted). At the end of the research period, it was taken care of. (Selected Chinese Herbal Medicines from Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia, and Qinghai)
③ Stop headache and eye pain: Crush the white fruit meat and apply it to the temple. (Diannan Materia Medica)
④ Treating dizziness and falls is even better for the elderly: take two fresh white fruits, remove the shells and clothes, grind them into pieces, rinse them with hollow boiling water, and for severe cases, take only three to five doses to recover. (Huizhitang Experience Formula)
⑤ Treatment for tuberculosis: 12g of white fruit seeds and 30g of white hair and summer grass, decoct and take. (Anhui Chinese Herbal Medicine)
⊙ The content of the article is for clinical reference only. Non TCM professionals are not allowed to test drugs.