20 classic folk remedies! Collect now, benefit the whole family! (Recommended for collection)
Release time:2024-07-31 13:33:48
Word Count:5975
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I solemnly declare that the prescriptions disclosed here are the crystallization of clinical experience of traditional Chinese medicine practitioners across the country, and are clinically effective prescriptions. Due to individual differences in medical condition and constitution, please take it under the guidance of a local physician!
Reminder: Anyone who wants to try simple and practical folk remedies is advised not to blindly try them. It is best to seek advice from a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner.
1. Eating raw onions to treat rhinitis
An elderly person suffers from chronic rhinitis and sinusitis. Half a year ago, he received a simple folk remedy, which is to eat some raw scallions along with the vegetables every day during meals. He realized that during the eating process, it is best to chew more in the mouth for a while, intentionally allowing the spiciness of scallions to pass through the nostrils, which will have a better effect.
2. Eating sesame to treat stomach acid reflux
Eating a few bites before each meal and persisting for 5-6 days can cure stomach acid reflux.
3. Stir frying scallions with white heat to treat sprains
According to the size of the twisted area, take 200 to 300 grams of scallion white, chop it with a knife, then mash it, and stir fry it in a pot until it reaches around 50 ℃. Then take it out and apply it to the affected area, and cover it with medical gauze. Operate once a day, with seven days as one treatment course. Generally, two to three treatment courses can cure sprains.
4. Vinegar soaked black beans for the treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases
Wash the good black beans, let them cool dry, soak them in vinegar for a week, and they can be eaten. Eat 15 capsules on an empty stomach in the morning, afternoon, and evening. Persisting for years will bring benefits and prolong life.
5. Walnut, black sesame, mulberry leaves treat insomnia
50 grams each of walnut kernels, black sesame seeds, and mulberry leaves. Mash it like mud and make it into pills, 3 grams per pill. Take 9 grams each time, twice a day. Suitable for people with long-term insomnia.
6. Gallstones: Famous Doctor in Henan Province
60g Tiger Cane, 30g Yin Chen, 15g Rhubarb. Boil in water and take twice a day.
7. Osteoporosis: Famous Doctor in Henan Province
60 grams of shark shell, 90 grams of Eucommia ulmoides, and 90 grams of Achyranthes. Roast and grind shark shell into 12 packets of bread, 1 packet per day, taken twice a day. Stir fry Eucommia ulmoides and Achyranthes with salt water, add water 24 times, and serve with nail noodles.
8. Heel pain: Famous doctor in Henan province
A handful of hair, made of cloth into insoles, placed inside the shoes, healed in half a month.
9. Thick blood lipids: a famous doctor in Henan province
Take 1 liang of peanuts and half a pound of aged vinegar after soaking for seven days. Take 2 pieces three times a day.
10. Bad breath: Famous doctor in Henan province
Bai Kouren is moderate. Take one capsule each time and chew it in your mouth, 3 times a day.
11. Relieve gas poisoning
(Formula testing) Mix one bowl of strong tea and one bowl of good vinegar, take them three times, with a half-hour interval between each time. After one and a half hours, they will fully recover.
12. Hiccup
Take Sichuan peppercorns in warm water to treat hiccups.
13. Nasal congestion
Put scallion roots, ginger, and coriander roots in cold water and turn off the heat within 5 minutes after boiling.
14. Deficiency cold diarrhea
Rinse a small spoonful of ground coarse white pepper particles with warm water and drink it to relieve the pain caused by diarrhea due to deficiency cold.
15. Relieve sudden diarrhea (ginger tea)
Put 10 grams of green tea into a cup, cut a slice of ginger into thin strips, pour boiling water into it, cover it with a lid and let it steep for three minutes to make a tea drink that can solve cold and damp diarrhea, and it will have an immediate effect.
16. Stop virtual fire and toothache (egg tea)
Mix an egg with a quarter spoonful of white pepper powder, stir well, and then pour in boiling water to make a tea drink that can relieve weak heat and toothache (takes half a day to take effect)
17. Emergency hangover relief (salt orange tea)
Dip the orange in water, sprinkle a little salt on it and massage it, then clean it with water. At this point, peel the orange peel again, tear it into pieces and put it in a cup. Then add a small amount of salt to the cup (1 gram of salt for a large orange), pour boiling water into the cup and soak for 5 minutes.
18. No more hair loss from now on
An old traditional Chinese medicine practitioner prescribed a prescription specifically for treating hair loss, which is very effective. The key is that this prescription is very cheap!
There are three types of medicine in total: cod liver oil, cysteine, and vitamin B6. It's all one piece per bottle, three times a day. Follow the instructions on the bottle and eat a few tablets. Remember, eat three bottles together without interruption. Much more effective than other medications.
19. Toothache prescription
Toothache has a miraculous effect, and it takes more than 20 minutes to relieve pain.
Formula: Two tablets each of fluoxetine and pain relieving tablets, taken simultaneously, have miraculous effects on most toothache cases. After more than twenty minutes, I will ensure that whatever you eat tastes delicious. Fluperazone has nothing to do with toothache, but when combined with painkillers, it has a miraculous effect on toothache. You may want to give it a try.
20. Oral ulcer prescription
When oral ulcers are severe, the pain is unbearable, and I dare not touch or eat anything.
Formula: Use a blade to scrape off a small amount of white alum (for making dough) (based on the ability to cover the wound), then apply it to the wound and wait for five minutes.
After eight hours, you can have a normal meal and take the medicine again the next day, and you will have basically recovered.
