Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ume!
Release time:2024-07-31 18:17:32
Word Count:4738
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1. Alias
Plum fruit, smoked plum, and orange plum flesh.
2. Plant morphology
Deciduous trees. The bark is light gray or light green, with many branches. Single leaf mutualism; There are petioles, usually glands; There are 2 linear supporting leaves at the base of the tender stem petiole, and the edges of the supporting leaves have irregular and sharp serrations; The leaves are ovate to oblong ovate in shape, with a long, pointed tip and a broad, wedge-shaped base. The edges have sharp serrations and are brownish yellow along the back of the veins. Flowers solitary or clustered with 2 flowers, white or pink; Aroma; Usually leaves open first; There are short memes; Bracts scaly, brown; Calyx tube bell shaped, 5 lobes, base fused with receptacle; Petals single or double, usually 5 petals, broadly ovate; Most stamens grow on the edge of the receptacle; Pistil 1, ovary densely hairy, style slender and curved. The drupe is spherical, with shallow grooves on one side, covered with hairs, green, yellow when ripe, hard core, and grooves. The flowering period is from January to February, and the fruiting period is from May to June.
3. Origin distribution
Mainly produced in Zhejiang, Fujian, Yunnan and other places.
4. Harvesting and processing
Harvested from May to June when the fruit turns green and yellow, separated by size and baked separately on a kang. The heat should not be too high, and the temperature should be maintained at around 40 ℃. Bake until the flesh turns yellow brown with wrinkled skin. After baking, let it simmer for 2-3 days until it turns black.
5. Characteristics of medicinal herbs
Spherical or flattened, with a diameter of 2-3 centimeters, the surface is brownish black to blackish black, extremely wrinkled, and visible fuzz under a magnifying glass. There are circular fruit stem marks at the base. The flesh is soft or slightly hard, the core is hard, oval shaped, brownish black, with concave spots on the surface, and contains one oval or pale yellow seed. It has a caramel aroma and an extremely sour and astringent taste.
6. Sexual Taste Returning to the Classics
Flat in nature, with a sour and astringent taste. Return to the liver meridian, spleen meridian, lung meridian, and colon meridian.
7. Effect and Function
Converge the lungs, astringent the intestines, produce fluids, and relieve roundworms. Belonging to the category of astringent drugs, it is a lung astringent and intestinal astringent medicine.
8. Clinical application
Use 6-12 grams. Apply an appropriate amount externally, crush or stir fry charcoal and grind it into powder. Used to treat chronic cough, diarrhea, dysentery, abdominal pain, vomiting, deficiency heat and thirst, blood loss due to collapse, and sores and toxins caused by lung deficiency.
9. Pharmacological research
Pharmacological experiments have shown that it can cause gallbladder contraction, promote bile secretion, and have anti protein allergy effects; It has antibacterial effects on various pathogenic bacteria and inhibitory effects on various skin fungi; It has the effect of repelling roundworms; It has anti fatigue, anti-aging, anti radiation, calcium ion antagonism, and immune function enhancement effects.
10. Chemical composition
Contains 72 volatile oil components, organic acids, amino acids, and polysaccharides. Determine the content of citric acid in Ume using acid-base titration method, calculated as dry product. The organic acid content should be calculated as citric acid and should not be less than 15.0%. It also contains components such as malic acid, 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furfural, fumaric acid, linoleic acid, etc.
11. Usage taboos
Those with unresolved external pathogens are prohibited from taking it, while those with internal solid pathogens should use it with caution. Not suitable for overeating.
12. Compatibility prescription
① Treating hemoptysis: not much black plum, decoct soup, and mix with Baicao cream. One outfit healed. (Zhu's Collection and Verification Formula)
② Treatment for sore throat: 30g Ume, 60g Shuanghua, 12g Realgar. Finally, honey pills, 3 grams per pill, containing 1 pill each time, slowly swallow, 3 times a day. (Selected Materials from the National Exhibition of Traditional Chinese Medicine and New Medical Therapy)
③ Treatment of various sores, water toxicity, swelling and pain: equal parts of black plum and soapberry seeds. Grind the ingredients evenly, apply them to the wound, and the venom will come out immediately. (Pope Francis)
④ Treating corns: Divide the black plum meat and lychee meat into equal parts, apply paste and paste. (A Comprehensive Guide to Traditional Chinese Medicine)
⊙ The content of the article is for clinical reference only. Non TCM professionals are not allowed to test drugs.