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Release time:2024-08-01 15:13:10
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Tiaokou, the name of the acupoints, comes from the acupuncture and moxibustion Classics A and B, and belongs to the Foot Yangming Stomach Channel. Volume VI of acupuncture and moxibustion and Moxibustion: numbness of the main foot, general mood, hot foot, unable to stand for a long time, cold foot and knee pain, cold and wet shin arthralgia, pain and fat swelling of the foot, muscle turning, and slow foot.
[Location of acupoint selection]
Acupoint positioning: The opening is located on the anterior lateral side of the calf, 8 inches below the calf's nose, and one horizontal finger (middle finger) away from the anterior edge of the tibia.
【 Functions and Indications 】
Effect: It has the functions of relaxing tendons and activating collaterals, regulating qi and middle qi, treating muscle diseases, and regulating Yangming Qi and blood.
Treatment: Upper limb shoulder and arm pain: Fifty shoulders, inability to lift shoulders and arms. Lower limb paralysis: leg twisting, cold pain, paralysis, tarsal swelling, multiple neuritis, sciatica, knee and patellar swelling and pain.
Clinical Application
1. It is commonly used in modern times to treat shoulder periarthritis, knee osteoarthritis, lower limb paralysis, stomach pain, enteritis, tonsillitis, etc.
2. Modern research shows that acupuncture at the acupoint is effective in treating ventricular premature beats.
Clinical compatibility
1: The combination of a strip mouth and shoulder thigh has the effect of relaxing muscles and activating collaterals, and is mainly used for treating shoulder periarthritis.
2: Paired with shoulder ridges and mountain ridges, treating frozen shoulder.
3: Tiaokou is paired with Chengshan and Erbai to treat spasms in the gastrocnemius muscle.
4: Tiaokou is paired with Zusanli, Chengshan, and Chengjin, which have the effect of clearing heat and cooling blood. To treat foot heat, one cannot stand still for long.
5: Paired with Li Dui and San Yin Jiao, the treatment for tibial cold should not involve lying down.
6: Tiaokou Jiexi, Tiaokou, Qiuxu, and Taibai are used to treat knee and thigh swelling, as well as soreness and muscle conversion.
7: Tiaokou is equipped with Huantiao, Fengshi, Zusanli, Yanglingquan, Chengshan, and Xuanzhong, which can dispel cold and dampness, relax tendons and relieve pain, and treat lower limb paralysis caused by cold and dampness obstructing collaterals, as well as lower leg cold pain, numbness, and muscle rotation
8: Tiaokou Jiexi, Kunlun, Taichong, and Zuilin can unblock meridians, reduce swelling, and treat tarsal swelling caused by poor menstrual flow
9: Tiaokou is paired with Chengshan, Shoulder Ridge, Shoulder Ridge, and Yanglingquan, using acupuncture to relieve diarrhea. Tiaokou penetrates Chengshan and can promote blood circulation and unblock meridians, treating shoulder pain and poor mobility caused by qi and blood blockage
10: Tiaokou is equipped with Tian Shu, Qi Hai, Shang Ju Xu, Qi Hai, which can be used for moxibustion, dispelling cold and dampness, treating cold congealed abdominal pain, deficiency cold dysentery, etc