Traditional Chinese Medicine Sexual Affairs: The Seven Harms and Eight Benefits of Sexual Life, Cannot Be Ignored!
Release time:2024-08-02 15:09:45
Word Count:9993
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When it comes to sexual life, most people believe that something as private and intimate as sexual life is not suitable to be mentioned in front of outsiders, and that sexual life is only for the purpose of satisfying physiological needs, maintaining marital relationships, and having fun. Although this statement is correct, if sexual attention is not paid attention to methods, it can also cause harm to the body.
So, what issues should both spouses pay attention to during sexual activity?
Sexual health preservation is a major characteristic of ancient Chinese health preservation studies. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that "sexual activities can give birth to people and cause harm. For example, water and fire, those who know how to use them can maintain their health; those who cannot use them can become corpses." Sexual activity also follows the natural way, which can avoid unnecessary damage. Meanwhile, moderate and enjoyable sexual activity is beneficial for both mental and physical health.
What should be paid attention to in sexual activity from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, as it can give birth to people and cause harm? What are the taboos?
1. Sexual activity should not be excessive too early
The Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon mentions a law, "Seven females and eight males," which means that males undergo physiological changes every eight years. Under normal circumstances, a man is eight years old, with solid kidney qi and long teeth; At the age of sixteen, the kidney qi is strong, with kidney essence as the material basis, promoting the production of Tian Gui in reproductive function. When the essence qi overflows and can leak out, sexual intercourse can lead to the birth of children. However, relying on the abundance of blood and qi during such times, premature or even excessive sexual activity can damage the essence and qi. Like a flower in a garden, if it blooms early, it will wither first. Having sex too early can affect the growth and development of other organs, and even lead to various diseases.
From this, it can be seen that it is not easy to have sex too early, as well as the age and benefits of marrying later. At the same time, China's Marriage Law also stipulates that the age of marriage for men shall not be earlier than 22 years old, and for women shall not be earlier than 20 years old.
2. Sexual activity is indispensable
Sexual activity is a normal human nature, which promotes male and female pleasure, harmonizes yin and yang, and is beneficial for physical and mental health. The Eight Commentaries on Zunsheng "states:" The Yellow Emperor said that one yin and one yang is called the Dao, and deviation from yin and yang is called illness. The disharmony between yin and yang is like spring without autumn, and winter without summer. Therefore, harmony is the way of regulating the holy degree. As for the way of continuous harmony between men and women, it is also a normal physiological phenomenon to be content with seclusion to maintain innocence. Single life (i.e. deviation from yin and yang) can lead to bad emotions and even various diseases. The way of good life is not to prevent men and women from having sexual intercourse, but to avoid excessive ejaculation of essence to maintain a peaceful and innocent temperament.
3. Sexual activity should be avoided
Sexual activity is not something that can be done anytime and anywhere, such as when a person is drunk, angry, fearful, seriously ill, and so on. Sexual activity should be avoided to avoid damaging the body and even causing various illnesses. When overeating, straining the blood and qi, and overflowing into the large intestine, there is rectal bleeding and abdominal pain, and the disease is called intestinal depression; In anger, I tried my best to have sex, but my essence was weak and my qi was exhausted, leading to the development of carbuncle; Entering the room in fear, yin and yang deficiency, fainting and sweating, night sweats, accumulating into exhaustion "," Entering the room due to exhaustion from traveling is a result of five exhaustion and deficiency ".
Sexual Health Preservation 1 and 7 Losses
Seven damages refer to seven behaviors related to sexual activity that pose a threat to human health, mainly including closure, ejaculation, exhaustion, avoidance, annoyance, cessation, and consumption.
1. Closing: Refers to the closure of sperm, which is mainly caused by the lack of knowledge about sexual life between men and women, and the lack of attention to mastering techniques during sexual intercourse, resulting in inappropriate depth between men and women. If the male penis is inserted too deeply into the female vagina, the female may experience adverse sensations such as pain. Being too shallow can lead to a decrease in female sexual speed, resulting in decreased libido, aversion to sex, and other negative issues.
2. Ejaculation: Refers to the abnormal state of ejaculation of essence and qi before sexual activity, such as the appearance of excessive sexual activity, which is detrimental to human health.
3. Exhaustion: Refers to the depletion of semen. This is mainly caused by excessive indulgence and frequent sexual intercourse. Semen plays a positive role in maintaining normal life activities in the human body. If semen is depleted, the body will suffer from diseases, which can seriously lead to death.
4. Do not: Refers to the inability to lift the jade stem, which leads to abnormal sexual activity, mainly caused by excessive indulgence and poor sexual attitude. 
5. Irritation: Refers to the psychological state that men and women have during sexual activity, such as feeling anxious and irritable during intercourse. Without any sweetness or pleasure, it is called 'annoyance'. Irritation can easily lead to disharmony in sexual life between couples.
6. Absolute: mainly for men, it refers to men having a chauvinistic tendency during sexual intercourse, forcing women to engage in sexual activity when they are unwilling to do so.
7. Fee: Refers to sexual fatigue, specifically manifested as fast speed and excessive force. Consuming too much physical and mental energy, resulting in a state of fatigue and mental exhaustion afterwards.
Sexual Health Preservation II and Eight Benefits
The Eight Benefits refer to the eight behaviors related to sexual life that are beneficial to physical health, mainly including treating qi, treating foam, knowing the time, storing qi, harmonizing foam, stealing qi, winning in the temple, and settling down.
1. Qi treatment: Qi treatment is to regulate and refine the essence of qi. The common methods for regulating and refining the essence of qi are: every morning, adopt a sitting posture, straighten the spine, and contract the anus; Eat more foods that nourish qi and blood.
2. Zhi Mo: refers to swallowing saliva, keeping the spine straight, and contracting the anus.
3. Zhishi: refers to the need to grasp the appropriate time during sexual intercourse. Firstly, both men and women must possess a certain level of sexual desire, which is a prerequisite for harmonious lovemaking. Additionally, women's sexual desire is more vigorous in the morning, while men's vitality is more vigorous at night.
4. Storage of Qi: Storing and nourishing essence. Learn to use the technique of breathing, preferably exhaling at night and inhaling in the morning.
5. Hemo: Refers to the harmonization of bodily fluids, which means that men and women can embrace, kiss, and merge their bodily fluids with each other. The extended meaning is that couples should cooperate harmoniously during sexual intercourse.
6. Stealing Qi: When couples engage in sexual activity, their sexual desire is high, they are good at regulating their breath, and sexual fusion occurs.
7. Si Ying: Refers to the specific methods of maintaining the vitality and fullness of the human body, such as regulating sexual activity, swallowing body fluids, and exhaling.
8. Fixed tilt: During sexual intercourse, try not to ejaculate semen out of the body.
In order to promote a more harmonious sexual life for both partners when in good health, we recommend three kidney health benefits that can help improve sexual performance!
>>>>Knocking, swallowing, and moistening (x ī) Zhou method:
After waking up every morning, knock your teeth 100 times, then lick your upper palate and sublingual gums with your tongue, and frequently swallow the saliva in your mouth, intending to deliver it to Dantian. Xi Zhou contracts the anus, tightening it when inhaling and relaxing it when exhaling. This process is repeated 50 times in a row. This method can nourish yin and reduce fire, strengthen teeth and nourish essence, and prevent sexual dysfunction.
>>>>Massage Fountain Method:
Take a seat and rub the Yongquan acupoint 100 times with your palm. When rubbing, it is advisable to guard the Yongquan acupoint with a slight rhythm in your gestures. This method has the functions of connecting the heart and kidneys, igniting fire and returning to the essence, and has good effects on insomnia and nocturnal emissions.
>>>>Double palm waist massage method:
Take a sitting position, place both palms on the Shenshu acupoint, point the middle finger at the Mingmen acupoint, and observe the Mingmen acupoint (under the second lumbar spine acupoint). Rub both palms from top to bottom 40-100 times to create a warm sensation in the area. This method has the effect of warming the kidneys and absorbing essence, and has a preventive and therapeutic effect on male nocturnal emissions, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, female deficiency cold and menstrual disorders.
In marital life, sexual activity is an indispensable seasoning, and its presence can make your marital relationship stronger and your marital life happier. However, if the timing of sexual activity is not right, it can affect couples' colds and even harm each other's physical health. Therefore, some things must be avoided.