Traditional Chinese medicine, Yuganzi!
Release time:2024-08-02 19:39:52
Word Count:4506
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1. Alias
Yugan, Anmole, Anmoluojiaguo, Tuolivine, Wangguo, Youganzi, Niuganzi.
2. Plant morphology
Fallen leaf irrigation or small trees, with a height of 1-8 meters. The old branches are gray brown, with many branches, and the small branches are covered with rust colored short hairs. Single leaf tiled, without stem. The cotyledons are linear lanceolate, reddish brown in color, densely arranged in two rows, resembling compound leaves. The leaves are oblong, 1-2 cm long and 3-6 mm wide, with a blunt tip and a rounded or skewed base. The entire margin is yellow green on both sides. Flowers are unisexual, monoecious, small in size, often clustered in clusters of 3-6 flowers at the axils of leaves, forming umbrella inflorescences. There are usually several male flowers and one female flower. The sepals are 6, yellow, inverted oval in shape, and less than 2 millimeters long. No petals, male flowers have short stalks, stamens 3-5, fused filaments, disk glands 6, triangular, interlocked with sepals, female flowers are nearly sessile, disk cup-shaped, margin torn, enclosing more than half of the ovary, and ovary 3-chamber. The capsule is spherical or oblate in shape, with 6 edges. When mature, it is light yellow or purplish red, and after drying, it cracks into 6 petals. Seed 6, outer seed coat hard, brown, slightly triangular, with 3 protrusions. The flowering period is from April to May, and the fruiting period is from September to November.
3. Origin distribution
Born on hillsides, shrubs, or beside roads. Distributed in provinces and regions such as Fujian, Taiwan, Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi, Guizhou, Sichuan, and Yunnan.
4. Harvesting and processing
Harvest fruits from winter to the next spring when they are ripe, remove impurities, and dry them.
5. Characteristics of medicinal herbs
It is spherical or flattened, with a diameter of 1.2-2 centimeters. The surface is brown or dark green, with light yellow granular protrusions, wrinkles, and indistinct 6 edges. The fruit stem is about 1 millimeter long. The outer fruit skin is 1-4 millimeters thick, hard and brittle in texture. The inner fruit skin is yellow white, hard nucleated, with a slightly 6-edged surface. There are several veins on the upper part of the back suture line, which can be split into 6 petals after drying. The seeds are 6, nearly triangular, brown. Mild odor, sour and astringent taste, sweet aftertaste.
6. Sexual Taste Returning to the Classics
Cold in nature, sweet, sour, and astringent in taste. Return to the lung meridian and stomach meridian.
7. Effect and Function
Clearing heat and cooling blood, promoting digestion and stomach health, generating fluids and relieving cough. It belongs to the category of digestive medicine.
8. Clinical application
Take 3-9 grams and decoct in soup. Used to treat blood stasis, indigestion, bloating, cough, sore throat, and dry mouth.
9. Pharmacological research
Antibacterial; Reduce blood lipids.
10. Chemical composition
The fruit contains tannins, including glucosinolate gallate, gallic acid, gallic acid, tannin extract Yunshi Jing, protogallic acid, lupinol, gallic acid, gallic acid, gallic acid, gallic acid, and 3,6-digalloyl glucose. Dried fruit contains 4% to 9% viscous acid. The peel contains gallic acid, oleanolic acid, and naringenin. The seeds contain about 26% fixed oil, 8.8% linolenic acid, 44% linoleic acid, 28.4% oleic acid, 2.2% stearic acid, 3.0% palmitic acid, 1% myristic acid, etc.
11. Usage taboos
People with spleen and stomach deficiency and cold should take it with caution.
12. Compatibility prescription
① To treat colds, fever, cough, sore throat, dry mouth, thirst, and vitamin C deficiency (scurvy): Take 10-30 fresh fruits of (Polygonatum sibiricum) with water decoction. (Handbook of Commonly Used Chinese Herbal Medicines in Guangzhou Army)
② Treatment for asthma: 21 pieces of dried tangerine peel. First, boil the pig's heart and lungs, remove the foam, then add dried tangerine peel and cook it together with soup. (Kunming Folk Commonly Used Herbs)
③ For the treatment of food accumulation, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea: chew 5-10 pieces of Ganzi fruit or 5-8 pieces of salted fruit; Or soak 1 tablespoon of fruit juice in salt and take it with boiling water. (Fujian Chinese Herbal Medicine)
④ Treatment of hypertension: Take 5-8 fresh fruits of Eucommia ulmoides raw twice a day. (Fujian Pharmaceutical Journal)
⊙ The content of the article is for clinical reference only. Non TCM professionals are not allowed to test drugs.