Premature ovarian failure, be careful of cliff like aging! Maintaining the ovaries and kidneys is key
Release time:2024-08-03 13:57:20
Word Count:4762
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A while ago, a news story about a woman who experienced "cliff like aging" and was ultimately diagnosed with premature ovarian failure instantly went viral on the hot search list. This also made people realize the terrifying nature of premature ovarian failure.
Is premature ovarian failure reversible?
How can we prevent it?
Suddenly aging? Be careful of premature ovarian failure
Premature ovarian failure refers to the phenomenon in which women experience a decline or even exhaustion of ovarian function before the age of 40, and belongs to a category of ovarian dysfunction.
Women with premature ovarian failure often experience varying degrees of menopausal symptoms, commonly known as "menopausal symptoms," which seriously affect their work, study, quality of life, and reproductive function.
In addition to amenorrhea, patients with premature ovarian failure may also experience an increase in follicle stimulating hormone and a decrease in estrogen levels earlier than normal menopausal women. Their typical symptoms include menstrual disorders, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, insomnia, irritability, urinary and reproductive tract atrophy, and cognitive impairment. The incidence of such symptoms in patients with premature ovarian failure is much higher than that of normal menopausal women, and the severity is also relatively severe.
There are many factors that can cause premature ovarian failure
Various factors that can reduce the reserve of ovarian follicular pool or cause follicular dysfunction can lead to premature ovarian failure, such as unhealthy lifestyle habits, chromosomal abnormalities, drug effects, viral infections, and family history, such as Turner syndrome, which can cause ovarian dysfunction, leading to multiple folds and atrophy of the ovaries, and ultimately causing primary amenorrhea.
In addition, ovarian surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy may also cause premature ovarian failure. If both ovaries are surgically removed, it can lead to acute loss of ovarian function; If one or part of the ovary is removed, it may shorten the remaining ovarian function lifespan and also lead to premature ovarian failure.
Adequate kidney essence is the guarantee of ovarian function
Premature ovarian failure belongs to the categories of "menstrual disorders", "collapse and leakage", "amenorrhea" and "infertility" in traditional Chinese medicine, and kidney deficiency is its fundamental pathogenesis.
According to traditional Chinese medicine theory, the kidney stores essence, controls reproduction, and is the foundation of innate nature. Tiangui comes from the essence of the kidney, which gives men and women reproductive ability. If the deficiency of kidney yin, weakness of kidney yang, or deficiency of both kidney yin and yang is caused by insufficient innate endowment, prolonged illness, blood loss and injury to yin, or injury to the kidneys due to overwork, then the Tian Gui will not arrive or will arrive late, leading to imbalance or deficiency of Chong Ren and reproductive function.
The egg is the 'yin essence' stored in the kidney, kidney yin is the material basis, and kidney yang is the driving force for growth. Both yin deficiency and yang deficiency can affect ovarian function, reduce follicle quality, and decrease the success rate of ovulation. Therefore, ensuring sufficient kidney yin and kidney yang is a prerequisite for maintaining normal ovarian function.
Tonic Diet Helps Ovarian Health
In daily life, you can take some Tonic Diet with the effects of tonifying qi, nourishing blood and nourishing yin to maintain your ovaries.
Goji Berry Yam Pig Liver Soup
Women with symptoms such as low menstrual flow, soreness in the waist and legs, dizziness and tinnitus, dry eyes, blurred vision, and dry mouth and throat can take it.
【 Ingredients 】 100g of pork liver, 30g of black beans, 30g of yam, 10g of goji berries, and an appropriate amount of salt
[Method] Wash and slice the pork liver, peel, wash, and slice the yam, and put it in a pot with black beans and goji berries. Add some water and boil until the pork liver slices are cooked. Season with an appropriate amount of salt and it is ready to eat. It is advisable to take it after the menstrual period is over.
Lily Snow fungus soup
Women with symptoms such as low menstrual flow, restless heart, hot flashes and sweating, red cheekbones, and less tongue coating can take it.
【 Ingredients 】 30g Lily, 30g Tremella fuciformis, 10g Goji Berry, 10g Rock Sugar
[Method] Wash the above ingredients, put them in a pot, add an appropriate amount of water, bring to a boil over high heat, turn to low heat and simmer for 15 minutes, add rock sugar until melted, and they are ready to eat. It is advisable to take it after the menstrual period is over.