It is a mind body relaxation techniquethat is more time-saving and labor-saving than 20 minutes in the park. It does not cost a penny and nourishes the body with yang energy What is20 minutes i
Release time:2024-08-04 13:18:06
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It is said that no matter how many negative emotions you have in your heart, all you need to do is find a park and stay there for twenty minutes without doing anything, and you will instantly regain your health. This theory originally came from a study published in the International Journal of Environmental Health Research. This study suggests that even without any exercise, staying in the park for twenty minutes can bring better state of mind. That's right, even a simple walk or a moment of daydreaming can have an effect.
At first glance, this theory sounds very mysterious, but after research, it was found that "20 minutes in the park" is not only reliable, but also can be used to develop a series of low time, low cost, fast acting, and no sequelae "fast charging" solutions for migrant workers.
20 minutes in the park "is a popular psychological therapy this year: sitting on a park bench, blowing the wind, and reading a book can temporarily forget the fatigue of life. But for working people, such short-term enjoyment is sometimes not so easy to obtain. Here, I would like to recommend a simpler and more direct physical and mental relaxation technique - sunbathing.
The Many Benefits of Sunbathing
When it comes to the benefits of sunbathing, many people's first reaction would be "can supplement calcium" and "prevent myopia". In fact, sunlight is still the remote control of nature, regulating our sleep cycle and emotions.
Sunbathing can make our minds clearer
Sunlight can affect the level of melatonin in our body. Melatonin is a hormone that regulates the biological clock and is secreted by the pineal gland in the brain. Melatonin is also jokingly referred to as the "vampire hormone" because it increases in the evening, causing us to feel tired and fall asleep, while bright light during the day inhibits its secretion, keeping us energized.
Solar powered decompression
Abundant light can lower the levels of the stress hormone cortisol in the body, so bathing in sunlight can truly make people feel relaxed and at ease.
Sunbathing can prevent depression
Many studies have shown that insufficient light is the main factor causing seasonal depression, and some researchers have even proposed using "phototherapy" to alleviate depressive emotions.
Areas that require special exposure to sunlight
Traditional Chinese Medicine believes that "the head is the meeting place of all yang", where yang qi gathers. Baihui acupoint is located in the center of the head, where the qi of various meridians converge. It can connect the yin and yang meridians and connect the acupoints throughout the body. Therefore, sunbathing more on the top of the head can help stimulate yang energy.
The abdomen of the human body is yin, the back is yang, and the Du meridian and Foot Sun Bladder Meridian are both distributed on the back. Sunbathing the back helps to stimulate and invigorate the yang energy in the human body, and has the effect of warming meridians, warming the kidneys, and promoting yang. There are two major acupoints in the lower back of a person, namely the Mingmen acupoint and the Shenshu acupoint. When sunbathing, rubbing your hands together and rubbing these two areas can help generate yang energy.
Foot Heart
As the saying goes, 'Cold starts from the feet.' People who are prone to cold hands and feet in winter are mostly due to yang deficiency constitution. Sunbathing your feet and ankles can dispel coldness in the lower body, accelerate calcium absorption, and prevent osteoporosis.
Palm of the hand
There is an important acupoint in the palm of the hand - Laogong acupoint. Regularly sunbathing Laogong acupoint can relieve fatigue, promote sleep, strengthen the heart and nourish qi. The method of sun drying the Laogong acupoint is very simple. Spread your hands in the sunlight and expose them to the sun, or lift your hands and expose your palms to the sun. Doing some simple exercises while sunbathing will be more helpful in boosting yang energy and achieving twice the result with half the effort.