Cant formaldehyde dissipate in ten years? Be careful when these warnings appear in your body, and do not stay in the leukemia suite
Release time:2024-08-04 13:24:00
Word Count:4318
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Some rental agencies will purchase old or unfinished houses from homeowners at low prices and repair them at extremely low costs. Due to the high levels of harmful substances such as formaldehyde in the low-quality decoration materials used, they may cause irreversible damage to the residents' bodies, and in severe cases, leukemia may occur. Therefore, these types of houses are also known as "leukemia suites". According to the "2023 Blue Book on the Development of China's Urban Rental Market", there are nearly 260 million renters in China.
According to the "2020 National Home Environmental Protection Report" by the School of Environment at Tsinghua University, among 67624 households surveyed over a period of 4 years, the formaldehyde exceedance rate in homes was as high as 31.3%.
Can formaldehyde really cause leukemia?
Where does formaldehyde usually hide?
01 Smelling cannot determine whether formaldehyde exceeds the standard
Formaldehyde is colorless and has a pungent odor. In 2004, it was recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a class of carcinogens that can damage the respiratory system. It is one of the well-known indoor air pollutants.
Usually, the so-called "decoration smell" that people smell is not the smell of formaldehyde, so when the smell dissipates after ventilation, they think there is no formaldehyde in the room. In fact, even a house that has been renovated for several years may still detect its presence.
According to the 2020 National Household Environmental Protection Report, 8.3% of houses still exceed formaldehyde standards even after being renovated for more than 5 years. 11% of households do not feel any odor even if they stay indoors with excessive testing.
The formaldehyde pollution in indoor decoration mainly comes from various artificial boards, wall chemical coatings, and building adhesives. Research has shown that formaldehyde can remain in board materials for up to 3-15 years. Although most manufacturers use various methods to seal the panels and heat treat them before leaving the factory, it is still inevitable that these furniture items will continue to emit formaldehyde after being sold.
A review study on nearly 40000 newly renovated houses and rooms shows that the formaldehyde exceedance rate is over 50%. In July and August each year, this proportion may be even higher. This is because when the air humidity and temperature increase, the amount of formaldehyde released doubles. Research shows that when the temperature exceeds 26 degrees, the concentration of formaldehyde in all rooms except the kitchen begins to soar.
So, after the decoration of a new house or office space, it is necessary to test whether formaldehyde exceeds the standard before moving in.
02 Excessive formaldehyde seriously affects the body
Long term inhalation of formaldehyde can cause various chronic respiratory diseases, such as nasopharyngeal carcinoma, colon cancer, chromosomal abnormalities in newborns, and even induce leukemia. If you move into a new residence and encounter the following situations, you need to be vigilant.
Dizziness, headache, and lack of oxygen in the brain
The human respiratory tract is relatively sensitive, and when formaldehyde exceeds the standard severely, it can affect people's breathing, causing difficulty breathing, as well as reactions such as dizziness and brain hypoxia.
Cough, cold, edema
Excessive formaldehyde levels can easily affect people's immunity, so those who live in formaldehyde exceeding standard rooms are prone to catching colds and severe coughing. Formaldehyde has a strong irritant effect. When the human body inhales high concentrations of formaldehyde, it will be severely stimulated and cause swelling reactions.
Dry eyes and tears
When indoor formaldehyde exceeds the standard, the eyes are also prone to some abnormal conditions, such as dry and uncomfortable eyes, and even frequent tears.
skin sensibility
Excessive formaldehyde levels can also lead to skin allergies, commonly known as skin rashes, especially on the face, hands, and neck.
Once the above reactions occur in the body, it is necessary to go to the hospital for examination in a timely manner, and at the same time, monitor the air quality of the living environment to rule out whether there is excessive formaldehyde. Do not be careless.