Being tired all day, too lazy to move, and even lying down feeling exhausted, be careful not to get sick from being tired
Release time:2024-08-05 12:50:09
Word Count:5876
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The fast pace of urban life often makes people feel powerless, and even some people feel exhausted both in the evening and early morning. After a night of rest, they cannot relieve their physical and mental fatigue, and they feel groggy all day long. I went to the hospital for various examinations and did not find any obvious lesions in my body.
What's going on here?
Fatigue is also a disease
Long term fatigue and weakness may be "chronic fatigue syndrome". This disease is universal and mainly a systemic syndrome characterized by long-term and extreme fatigue.
The fatigue of chronic fatigue syndrome is mainly characterized by persistent or recurrent weak fatigue, which may last for more than 6 months. Moreover, chronic fatigue syndrome can be accompanied by symptoms such as low-grade fever, recurrent upper respiratory tract infections, lymphadenopathy, insomnia or excessive sleep, loss of appetite, abnormal emotions, decreased memory, inability to concentrate, and muscle soreness.
In addition, chronic fatigue syndrome is a process of "accumulation of labor leading to illness". If fatigue and fatigue are only caused by short-term staying up late or engaging in heavy physical activities, it does not belong to the scope of this disease.
Traditional Chinese Medicine Explanation of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
According to the clinical manifestations of chronic fatigue syndrome, this disease belongs to the category of "deficiency fatigue" in traditional Chinese medicine.
Firstly, there is a lack of innate endowment. Many people suffer from congenital kidney qi deficiency at the beginning of pregnancy due to their parents being weak and sickly, or due to fetal infertility.
Secondly, overwork. Long term engagement in heavy physical labor or excessive sexual activity can easily deplete qi and blood, damage kidney essence, and lead to fatigue and weakness.
Thirdly, emotional instability. According to traditional Chinese medicine theory, the seven emotions can affect the five organs. The spleen is responsible for thinking, and excessive thinking can damage the temperament. At the same time, the spleen is responsible for the four limbs. If the temperament is deficient and the limbs are not nourished, symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, and poor sleep are likely to occur.
Fourthly, improper diet. Many people have unhealthy eating habits, such as a preference for fatty and sweet foods, a preference for raw and cold foods, excessive alcohol consumption, overeating or insufficient food intake, which can damage the spleen and stomach, leading to spleen deficiency, phlegm stagnation, lack of clear yang and cloudy yin, and inability to nourish limb muscles, resulting in symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, drowsiness, and decreased appetite.
Fifth, injuries caused by medication. Many people like to buy antibiotics or traditional Chinese patent medicines and simple preparations for clearing away heat and toxic substances on their own when they have a cold or cough. Bitter and cold products can easily damage the spleen yang, and over time can cause symptoms such as general fatigue, fear of cold, loss of appetite, and pale complexion.
Three consecutive moves to relieve fatigue
01 Shenque acupoint separated by turtle shell salt moxibustion
【 Method 】 Fill salt into the Shenque acupoint (navel), place a turtle shell on the Shenque acupoint, then place an moxa stick on the turtle shell, light the moxa stick, and replace it after the moxa stick is burned out. 3 times each time, once a day.
【 Effect 】 Shenque acupoint is the gateway for Qi to enter and exit. The glans penis has the function of nourishing the kidneys and filling the essence, and salt can enter the kidneys. Combined with moxibustion to warm the meridians and unblock the meridians, it can improve fatigue symptoms by regulating and tonifying the organs, nourishing the essence and marrow, nourishing qi and blood.
02 Abdominal massage method for relieving fatigue
The abdomen is the part where the spleen meridian, stomach meridian, kidney meridian, liver meridian, Ren meridian and other meridians flow. Massaging the abdomen can calm the five internal organs, regulate the balance of qi, blood, yin and yang, invigorate yang qi, soothe the liver and relieve depression, and has a good effect on relieving fatigue.
【 Method 】 You can stack your two palms and fingers on the navel, with the navel as the center, and massage clockwise from inside out, from small circle to large circle, for 10 minutes each time.
【 Effect 】 It can regulate qi and blood, and nourish the spleen and stomach. If qi and blood are sufficient, the five organs will be nourished and fatigue will naturally dissipate.
【 Attention 】 The technique should not be too heavy, and should not be operated after a full meal. If you feel a warm sensation, exhaust, bowel sounds, etc. when rubbing your abdomen, it is a normal reaction.
03 pursed lip breathing technique
In the "Shoushi New Director's Method of Inducing and Suppressing Diseases", it is said: "Breathing and exhaling, preserving the mind and thoughts, closing the breath and massaging... can dispel diseases and prolong life." Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the lungs control qi, promote the descending and descending of qi, promote the healthy qi, and the lungs face the hundred meridians, with external fur and fur. The pursed lip breathing method can effectively relieve fatigue and promote the health of the spleen and stomach.
【 Method 】 While the body is relaxed, concentrate fully and inhale through the nose. Then, shape your lips into a "○" mouth shape and exhale slowly. Exhale 2-3 times the inhalation time, and continue for 10 minutes each time.
[Effect] Long term persistence can enhance clarity and reduce turbidity, calm the mind and regulate qi, widen the chest and regulate qi, nourish qi and invigorate the spleen, and improve fatigue.