One hole, one universes supporting tendon hole
Release time:2024-08-05 14:16:47
Word Count:2695
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Name of Chengjin acupoint. Accept and endure. Muscle, the wind controlled by the liver. The name 'Chengjin' refers to the upward flow of yang energy in the bladder meridian, where it transforms into wind. The substance in this acupoint is the yang hot qi that flows upwards from various acupoints in the lower foot of the bladder, and after reaching this acupoint, it becomes popular, hence the name Chengjin. It is commonly used in modern times to treat spasms and paralysis of the gastrocnemius muscle, lower limb paralysis, hemorrhoids, prolapse, etc.
【 Guijing Positioning 】
Chengjin acupoint belongs to the Foot Sun Bladder Meridian.
The Chengjin acupoint is located behind the lower leg of the human body. When the Wei Zhong acupoint is connected to the Chengshan acupoint, it is located in the center of the gastrocnemius femoris muscle belly, 5 inches below the Wei Zhong acupoint.
【 Functions and Indications 】
Function: Relax muscles and activate collaterals, strengthen waist and knees, clear and relieve intestinal heat
Indications: Acute lumbar and leg stiffness, lumbar sprain, and lower leg pain; Constipation and hemorrhoids.
Clinical compatibility
1. In the allocation committee, Yanglingquan, Zusanli, Chengshan, Zhubin, Kunlun are used to dispel cold and relax tendons, unblock meridians and relieve pain. The Chengjin acupoint can effectively treat and prevent cold, improve leg pain, alleviate rheumatic diseases, and relieve lower back pain.
2. Paired with Shen Shu, Ming Men, Yao Yang Guan, and Wei Zhong, it can promote the circulation of meridians and collaterals, relieve pain in a slow and urgent manner, and improve the treatment of lower back pain. It can also have the effect of promoting blood circulation and meridian circulation.
3. Long and strong in combination, it can promote yang and promote two whites. It can clear heat and dampness, disperse blood stasis and regulate the anus. This combination method can clear heat and dampness, and also have a good effect on relieving hemorrhoids.
4. Paired with Da Chang Yu, Zhi Gou, and Zu San Li, it can regulate the intestines and promote bowel movements, and has a certain improvement effect and efficacy on constipation caused by heavy dampness.
The Chengjin acupoint can regulate bladder meridian qi, relax muscles and activate collaterals, treat various diseases of the waist, spine, and lower limbs along meridians, as well as treat leg muscle rotation caused by local meridian qi obstruction. The Chengjin acupoint is beneficial for clearing heat, detoxifying, and reducing fire, improving diarrhea and intestinal heat, and effectively relieving constipation and hemorrhoids. It can also regulate the bladder meridian.