Traditional Chinese medicine, dried tangerine peel!
Release time:2024-08-06 18:26:15
Word Count:4046
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1. Alias
Dried tangerine peel, aged tangerine peel, orange peel, red peel, and dried tangerine peel.
2. Plant morphology
Evergreen small trees or shrubs. Leaves alternate, single compound leaves, with joints at the top; Leaves lanceolate or elliptical, apex gradually pointed and slightly concave, base wedge-shaped, entire margin or wavy with indistinct blunt serrations, with translucent oil spots. Single or multiple flowers grow at the ends of branches and leaf axils, white or with a light red color; Calyx with 5 lobes; Petals are elliptical in shape and curl outward; The length of stamens varies; 1 pistil. Citrus fruits are nearly round or flattened, red, vermilion, yellow, or orange yellow in color, with thin and loose skin that is easy to peel, and easy separation of sacs and petals; The seed is oval in shape. The flowering period is from March to April, and the fruit ripening period is from October to December.
3. Origin distribution
Cultivated in hilly, low mountain areas, rivers, lakes, or plains. It is cultivated in Fujian, Taiwan, Guangdong, Guangxi and other places.
4. Harvesting and processing
Picking mature fruits, peeling the skin, and drying them in the sun or at low temperatures.
5. Characteristics of medicinal herbs
Often connected by 3 petals, with neat shape and uniform thickness. The dot shaped oil chamber is relatively large, transparent and clear when viewed under light. The quality is relatively soft.
6. Sexual Taste Returning to the Classics
Spicy and bitter in taste, warm in nature. Returning to the Spleen Meridian and Lung Meridian.
7. Effect and Function
Regulating qi and stimulating appetite, drying dampness and resolving phlegm, treating spleen and stomach diseases. It belongs to the category of Qi regulating medicine.
8. Clinical application
Take 3-9 grams and decoct. Used to treat bloating in the chest and epigastric region, vomiting due to insufficient food intake, and coughing with excessive phlegm.
9. Pharmacological research
Adjust the digestive system; Exciting the heart can enhance myocardial contractility. Excessive dosage can suppress heart rate and increase coronary flow; It has a certain preventive effect on arteriosclerosis caused by high-fat diet; Relieve asthma and eliminate phlegm; Shrink renal blood vessels and reduce urine output; Inhibit detached uterus, high concentration can relax uterus; Enhance immune function; Anti-inflammatory; Shorten bleeding and clotting time; Can promote the secretion of digestive fluids such as saliva and gastric juice, and eliminate intestinal gas accumulation.
10. Chemical composition
Containing volatile oil, hesperidin, n-decanal, citral, limonene, octanol and other components.
11. Usage taboos
Use with caution for patients with yin deficiency, dry cough, hemoptysis, vomiting blood, or internal heat.
12. Compatibility prescription
① Treatment for cold and cough: 20 grams of dried tangerine peel, 30 grams of fig leaves, and 20 grams of loquat leaves (dehulled). Take 1 dose daily, boil in water, and divide into 2 doses. (Selected Folk Medications of Zhuang Ethnic Group)
② Treating pulmonary accumulation under the right flank like a cup, with carbuncles: dried tangerine peel, bitter bellflower stem, sweet pomelo (stir fried). The best is divided into the last, and the boiled jujube meat is as big as the wutong seed. Take fifty pills each and drink rice. (Zao Gao Wan from "Ancient and Modern Medical System")
③ To treat chest obstruction and shortness of breath in the chest: 1 pound of tangerine peel, 90 grams of Fructus Aurantii, and 250 grams of ginger. Add three flavors, add five liters of water, and boil two liters. Take it at a different temperature. ("Synopsis of the Golden Chamber" Orange Peel, Citrus aurantium, and Ginger Soup)
④ The patient lost their voice and couldn't make a sound: 150g of dried tangerine peel. Three liters of water, boil one liter, remove impurities, and take one sip. (Behind the Elbow)
⊙ The content of the article is for clinical reference only. Non TCM professionals are not allowed to test drugs.