One hole, one Qiankun extreme spring hole
Release time:2024-08-08 15:57:41
Word Count:2096
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Jiquan acupoint is a very important acupoint on the pericardium meridian. If a person is often depressed, a lump will grow under their armpit, on the Jiquan acupoint, which is a phenomenon of stagnation of the heart qi. If the Jiquan acupoint is removed, the lump can be dissolved, which can alleviate the disease of stagnation in the heart meridian. Sometimes you may find that a sudden movement or event from someone else can make your heart beat faster, and you may feel chest flying, dizziness, headache, sweating, weakness, and even a lack of appetite. This situation is called palpitations, which is a manifestation of excessive fatigue and emotional instability. At this point, simply tapping the Jiquan acupoint under the armpit can relax the heart.
【 Clinical Indications 】
Heartache, chest tightness, limb immobility, shoulder periarthritis, axillary scrofula (cervical lymph node tuberculosis), underarm odor, sadness and unhappiness, dry throat, thirst, dry vomiting, yellowing eyes, arm and shoulder failure, elbow and arm spasms, coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, pericarditis, sequelae of cerebrovascular disease, intercostal neuralgia, hysteria, and insufficient milk secretion. Stimulating this acupoint can prevent coronary heart disease and pulmonary heart disease.
Clinical compatibility
1: Heartburn, retching and fullness: matched with Xiabai (acupuncture and moxibustion Zisheng Classic).
2: Axillary pain: matched with Riyue, Jianzhen, Shaohai, Neiguan, Yangfu and Qiuxu (acupuncture and moxibustion Manual).
3: Non retraction of limbs: matched with Riyue point and Spleen Shu point (acupuncture and moxibustion Zisheng Classic).
4: Dry throat and sore throat: paired with Taiyuan acupoint, Pianli acupoint, Taichong acupoint, and Tiantu acupoint (same source as above).
5: Palpitations and coronary heart disease: Paired with Shenmen acupoint, Neiguan acupoint, and Xinshu acupoint, it has the effect of calming the heart and calming the mind.
6: Elbow and arm cold pain: Paired with Xia Bai, it has the effect of promoting meridian circulation and activating collaterals.