Chinese medicine, big bone!
Release time:2024-08-08 17:44:08
Word Count:4386
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1. Alias
Big elderberry, swollen duckbill flower, black leaf knight bed, big elderberry, life-saving king, great resurrection.
2. Plant morphology
Evergreen shrubs. Stem upright, cylindrical; New branches are green, old branches are gray yellow, internodes are significantly enlarged in a knee shape, and leaves are opposite; Leaves are almost leathery; Elliptical, 10-15cm long, 4.5-6cm wide, blunt tip, narrow base, entire margin. The spike shaped inflorescence grows at the top, with many broadly ovate bracts and 3-4 flowers inside; The small bracteoles are extremely small; Sepals 5; Corolla with two lips, white flowers with red spots, upper lip with 2 slits, lower lip larger, 3 shallow slits, middle slit wider; Stamen 2, attached to the throat of the corolla, style linear, 2-lobed, capsule ovate or elliptical, hairy.
3. Origin distribution
Mostly found in mountainous areas, water bodies, slopes, roadside shrubs, or moist areas under forests, it is often cultivated as a hedge. Distributed in various provinces and regions in southern China, such as Guangdong and Guangxi.
4. Harvesting and processing
Can be harvested throughout the year. Wash, cut into sections, and dry in the sun.
5. Characteristics of medicinal herbs
The stem and branches are cylindrical in shape, often cut into sections, with a smooth surface and slight longitudinal edges. They are gray green or brownish yellow in color, with swollen nodes and a slight purple color. The cross-section is hollow with marrow. Leaves opposite each other, with short stalks; The leaves are elliptical in shape, leathery in texture, measuring 10-15 cm in length and 3-6 cm in width. The tips are blunt, the bases are wedge-shaped, and the edges are entire. The leaf surface is greenish green, and the leaves are greenish yellow green, slightly shiny, and hairless. Slightly fragrant and slightly pungent in taste. It is best to have slender stems, multiple leaves, and a green color.
6. Sexual Taste Returning to the Classics
Flat in nature, spicy and bitter in taste. Return to the liver meridian and spleen meridian.
7. Effect and Function
Promote blood circulation and relieve pain, remove blood stasis and bone, dispel wind and dampness, reduce swelling and detoxify. It belongs to the subcategory of blood activating and stasis removing drugs and is a blood activating and healing medicine for injuries.
8. Clinical application
Oral administration: decoction, 9-15g; Or soak in wine. External use: appropriate amount, massage and apply; Or research and scatter. Indications include bruises, fractures, lower back pain from labor injuries, rheumatism and rheumatism, stomach gas pain, unnamed swelling and toxin, and redness and swelling from external injuries.
9. Pharmacological research
The duckbill alkaloid contained in the leaves of Dabaogu has significant effects on stimulating the uterus, stimulating respiration, constricting the bronchi, weakening myocardial contractility, reducing coronary flow, and has moderate antibacterial effects on Staphylococcus aureus, Shigella flexneri, Shigella dysenteriae, Proteus mirabilis, Salmonella typhi, and other bacteria; Dehydrogenated duckbill alkaloid has a significant local anesthetic effect. The oil extracted from leaves, flowers, and roots has anti tuberculosis effects. Duck billed flower oil has the effect of repelling roundworms.
10. Chemical composition
The leaves of Dabaogu contain alkaloids such as vascinone, vasol, de oxyvascinone, vascine, and deoxypeginine. The aboveground part contains alkaloids such as vasoline, vasolinone, anisotine, adhatodine, and adhavasinone.
11. Usage taboos
Pregnant women should take it with caution.
12. Compatibility prescription
① Reduce swelling and relieve pain, fix bones, and treat rheumatism and rheumatism: Two liang of Da Bu Gu, one liang of Ze Lan, one liang of Tou Gu Xiao, five liang of Shuang Fei Butterfly, two liang of Xiao Bu Gu, three liang of Rou Lang Umbrella, and five qian of Chicken Bone Fragrance. Mash together, stir fry with wine and apply externally. (Guangxi Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine)
② Treat redness and swelling caused by falls and injuries: appropriate amount for large bones. Crush and stir fry with wine until hot, then apply to the injured area. (Common Folk Herbs in Guangxi)
⊙ The content of the article is for clinical reference only. Non TCM professionals are not allowed to test drugs.