Chinese medicine, lotus seeds!
Release time:2024-08-11 15:21:09
Word Count:4236
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1. Alias
Lianrou, Lianshi, Lianpengzi, Shuizhi Dan.
2. Plant morphology
Perennial aquatic herb. The rhizome (lotus root) is full of vigor, long and thick, with slightly constricted nodes. Leaf shield shaped, pink green; The petiole has prickly hairs. Flowers grow singly at the top of the stem, pink or white; Majority of stamens; The carpel is mostly detached and embedded in a flat conical flower bud. The bud swells into a lotus head shape during the fruiting stage and is sponge like. Nut oval shape. The flowering period is from July to August, and the fruiting period is from September to October.
3. Origin distribution
Cultivated or wild in ponds and fields. Distributed throughout the north and south of China.
4. Harvesting and processing
When the autumn fruit is ripe, cut off the lotus chamber, take out the fruit, and dry it in the sun.
5. Characteristics of medicinal herbs
Elliptical or spherical in shape. The surface is reddish brown or brown, with fine longitudinal lines, and a nipple like protrusion at the center of the top, dark brown. The seed coat is thin, closely adheres to the cotyledons, and is not easy to peel off; The cotyledons are thick, yellow white, and have one green seed embryo (lotus seed heart) in the center. The air is weak, the cotyledons are slightly sweet, and the lotus heart is extremely bitter.
6. Sexual Taste Returning to the Classics
Flat in nature, sweet and astringent in taste. The Spleen Meridian, Kidney Meridian, and Heart Meridian.
7. Effect and Function
Tonifying the spleen and stopping diarrhea, nourishing the kidneys and consolidating essence, nourishing the heart and calming the mind. Belonging to the subcategory of astringent drugs, it is a type of tourniquet that solidifies essence, shrinks urine, and stops bleeding.
8. Clinical application
Take 6-15 grams and decoct; Or into pills or powder. Used to treat spleen deficiency, prolonged diarrhea, nocturnal emission, palpitations, and insomnia.
9. Pharmacological research
It has a carcinogenic effect, and the oxidized huangxinshuning alkaloid contained in it has an inhibitory effect on nasopharyngeal carcinoma. The lotus seed alkaloid and isoleucine contained in it have significant effects. Lotus seed alkaloids extracted from lotus seed hearts have strong and long-lasting antihypertensive effects, and have a certain effect on treating hypertension.
10. Chemical composition
It contains a large amount of starch, raffinose, protein, fat, nutmeg acid, palmitic acid, N-demethylamine poppy alkaloids, lotus leaf alkaloids, original lotus leaf alkaloids, oxymatrine, linolenic acid and other components.
11. Usage taboos
Individuals with moderate bloating and constipation are prohibited from taking it.
12. Compatibility prescription
① Nourish deficiency and damage: Not too many lotus seeds (peeled), soak them in good wine overnight, and put them into the belly of a big pig. Boil in water, remove and dry. The top is finely ground, and the wine paste is in the form of pills, as big as a chicken head. Take five to seventy pills each time, and bring warm wine before eating. (Shui Zhi Wan from "Medical Invention")
② The treatment for chronic dysentery is not limited to: 60 grams of old lotus seeds (to remove the heart), as the last treatment. Take 3 grams per serving and adjust to Chen Mi Tang. (The Effective Formula of World Medicine)
③ Dietary restrictions for treating dysentery (commonly known as silent mouth dysentery): 30g fresh lotus seeds, 15g Huanglian, and 15g ginseng. Boil the water until thick, then sip it carefully. (Compendium of Materia Medica)
④ After treatment, the stomach is weak and cannot eat: stir fry 120 grams of lotus seeds and glutinous rice each, and 60 grams of Poria cocos. Finally, mix with sugar. Every five or six spoons, under the white rolling soup. (Introduction to Medicine: Lotus Meat Cake)
⑤ Treating cloudy and white urine, nocturnal emission and ejaculation: divide lotus seeds, Yizhi kernels, and dragon bones (five colored ones) equally. Above is fine powder. Take 6 grams per dose, hollow, and adjust with a clear rice drink. (Lotus Meat Powder in "The Amazing Formula")
⊙ The content of the article is for clinical reference only. Non TCM professionals are not allowed to test drugs.