Traditional Chinese Medicine, Fat Ocean!
Release time:2024-08-12 15:17:36
Word Count:5054
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1. Alias
Da Dong Guo, Nan Anzi, Hu Dahai, Tong Dahai.
2. Plant morphology
Deciduous tree, 30-40 meters tall. The bark is rough with fine stripes. Leaves alternate, leathery, ovate or elliptical lanceolate, 10-20 cm long, 6-14 cm wide, 3-lobed, with a longer middle lobe. The length of the lobes on both sides is about 1/2 of the middle lobe, or slightly longer. The apex is blunt or sharp, the base is round or nearly cut, the entire margin or microwave-assisted, green on the top, smooth and hairless, gray green on the bottom, and the petiole is 5-15 cm thick. The inflorescence is terminal or axillary, and the flowers are heterozygous on the same plant; Calyx bell shaped, 0.7-1 cm long, apex deeply lobed, lobes lanceolate, covered with star shaped soft hairs on the outside; Petal deficiency; Male flowers have 10-15 stamens, anthers and filaments are covered in soft hairs, and the sterile carpel is covered in short hairs; Female flowers have one pistil. Composed of 5 carpels covered in short hairs, with 1 slender ovary stalk, 2 to 5 lobed stigma, degenerated stamens as a cluster of stamens without filaments, surrounding the ovary. 1-5 dwarf fruits, attached to the fruit stem, 18-24 cm long, 5-6 cm wide at the base, with a gradually pointed tip, in the shape of a small boat, cracking when mature, initially covered with sparse soft hairs, and later falling off. The seeds are angular or oblong in shape, measuring 1.8-2.8 centimeters in length, dark black brown in color, and have wrinkles on the surface. The flowering period is in March, and the fruiting period is from April to June.
3. Origin distribution
Born in tropical regions. In recent years, there have been a few introductions in Guangdong, Hainan, and Guangxi.
4. Harvesting and processing
Harvested from April to June when the fruit is ripe and dried.
5. Characteristics of medicinal herbs
Spinning spindle or oval shape. The tip is blunt and round, the base is slightly pointed and crooked, with a light colored circular hilum, the surface is brown or dark brown, slightly glossy, and has irregular dry shrinkage wrinkles. The outer seed coat is extremely thin, brittle, and easy to peel off. The middle layer of the seed coat is thick, black brown, loose and fragile, and swells into a sponge like shape when exposed to water. Scattered resin like dots can be seen on the cross-section. The inner seed coat can be peeled off from the middle seed coat, slightly leathery, and broadly oval in shape; The cotyledons are thin, tightly attached to the inner side of the endosperm, and equal in size to the endosperm. It has a slight odor, a light taste, and a sticky texture when chewed.
6. Sexual Taste Returning to the Classics
Cold in nature, sweet in taste. Return to the lung meridian and colon meridian.
7. Effect and Function
Clearing heat and moistening the lungs, promoting digestion and detoxification, moistening the intestines and promoting bowel movements. Belonging to the subcategory of phlegm resolving, cough relieving, and asthma relieving drugs, it is a clearing and heat relieving phlegm medicine.
8. Clinical application
2-3 pieces, soak in boiling water or fry. Used to treat symptoms such as hoarseness due to lung heat, dry cough without phlegm, sore throat, constipation caused by heat, and red eyes and headache.
9. Pharmacological research
diuresis; Pain relief. The extract has a laxative effect on rabbits and promotes intestinal peristalsis and bowel movements after administration; Seed kernel decoction has a blood pressure lowering effect; Has a strong inhibitory effect on the PR6 strain of influenza virus; In addition, it also has antibacterial properties. And it also has certain toxicity.
10. Chemical composition
The seed coat contains the active ingredient Pangdalin; Endosperm contains volatile oil, astragalus adhesive, etc; Seeds contain water-soluble polysaccharides, various fatty acids, as well as 2,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid, galactose, pentose, β - sitosterol, and carotenoids.
11. Usage taboos
Avoid taking due to spleen and stomach deficiency and cold.
12. Compatibility prescription
① For the treatment of dry cough, loss of voice, sore throat, and swollen gums caused by external factors: Five pieces of fatty sea, 3 grams of licorice, stewed tea drink, and a small amount of rock sugar can be added for the elderly and young. (Shende Tang Fang)
② Treating lung heat and hoarseness: 3 pieces of Pangdahai, 6g each of honeysuckle and Ophiopogon japonicus, and 3g of cicada molt. Boil it in water. (National Compilation of Chinese Herbal Medicines)
③ Treatment for chronic pharyngitis: 3 grams of Pangdahai, 9 grams of chrysanthemum and 9 grams of raw licorice. Boil it in water. (National Compilation of Chinese Herbal Medicines)
④ Treatment for rectal bleeding: Take several puffy pills, soak them in boiling water, remove the nuclei, and mix with rock sugar. Due to hot stool bleeding, effective. [Annals of the Medical World 1936 (1): 93]
⊙ The content of the article is for clinical reference only. Non TCM professionals are not allowed to test drugs.
