Traditional Chinese Medicine's Kidney Tonifying and Bone Strengthening Decoction
Release time:2024-08-13 16:18:59
Word Count:3945
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Nowadays, many people have symptoms of osteoporosis, which are ultimately closely related to our lifestyle habits and are becoming increasingly younger. This has made osteoporosis a common disease. In addition to factors such as aging, frequent consumption of carbonated drinks, swallowing, excessive salt intake, and excessive consumption of chocolate are also major causes of osteoporosis. In addition, modern life and work stress, excessive consumption, and excessive overdraft are also closely related. How can we give birth and reproduction to our body in our daily life and stay away from slow osteoporosis? The following share is a Tonic Diet soup that can improve osteoporosis and protect our body.
【 Composition of Soup Formula 】
10 grams of broken bones, 10 grams of bone fragments, 10 grams of Eucommia ulmoides, and 1 pound of pork ribs
Boil soup, eat meat, and drink soup according to the above ratio
Analysis of Soup Formula
Eucommia ulmoides, also known as silk cotton wood or Si Xian, is a commonly used traditional Chinese medicinal herb. According to traditional Chinese medicine theory, Eucommia ulmoides has the effects of nourishing the liver and kidneys, strengthening muscles and bones, and stabilizing pregnancy. Mainly used to treat symptoms such as soreness and weakness of the waist and knees, rheumatism and pain, fetal restlessness, and habitual miscarriage. Eucommia ulmoides contains components such as Eucommia ulmoides gum, glycosides, alkaloids, pectin, fat, and resin, which have the effects of lowering blood pressure, nourishing the liver and kidneys, strengthening muscles and bones, and stabilizing fetal qi.
Gu Duan Bu is a herbaceous plant that has the effects of tonifying the kidneys, strengthening bones, promoting blood circulation, and relieving pain. It is mainly used to treat symptoms such as kidney deficiency, lower back pain, foot and knee weakness, tinnitus, deafness, toothache, and long-term ejaculation. Bone broken tonics contain substances such as naringin, flavonoids, alkaloids, etc., which can promote bone growth and improve symptoms such as osteoporosis.
Xuduan, also known as Chuanduan or Longdou, is a perennial herbaceous plant. According to traditional Chinese medicine theory, Xuduan has the effects of tonifying the liver and kidneys, strengthening muscles and bones, repairing broken wounds, and stopping collapse and leakage. Mainly used to treat symptoms such as back pain, weakness in the feet and knees, fetal leakage, collapse, vaginal discharge, nocturnal emissions, and injuries caused by falls. Xuduan contains saponins, volatile oils, alkaloids, vitamin E and other components, which have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and immune enhancing effects.
Pork ribs generally refer to pork ribs, which are a type of ingredient used in cooking dishes. In addition to protein, fat, and vitamins, it also contains a large amount of calcium phosphate, collagen, and bone mucin, which can provide calcium for young children and the elderly. It has the effects of nourishing yin and yang, nourishing essence and blood, and strengthening muscles and bones.
【 Health benefits 】
Bushen Zhuanggu Tang has the effects of tonifying kidney and yang, strengthening tendons and activating collaterals, supplementing essence and filling marrow. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that osteoporosis is mainly caused by insufficient liver and kidney, deficiency of essence and blood, and loss of muscle and bone nourishment. The most common symptoms of osteoporosis are lower back pain, fatigue, pain, skin wrinkles, spinal deformities, and susceptibility to fractures. So drinking kidney tonifying and bone strengthening soup has the effects and functions of invigorating the spleen and qi, nourishing yin and kidney, strengthening muscles and bones, dispelling wind and dampness, promoting blood circulation and relieving pain, etc., which can effectively improve the symptoms of osteoporosis.