Traditional Chinese Medicine Tonifying Kidney and Strengthening Spleen Tea
Release time:2024-08-13 16:24:23
Word Count:2744
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Traditional Chinese Medicine believes that the kidneys are one of the five organs in the human body, like the strategic energy reserve of the body, mainly responsible for storing essence and qi, including innate essence and acquired essence. Due to factors such as high work pressure, excessive socializing (overeating), long-term staying up late, and aging, overwork and exhaustion have become the norm for modern people, and kidney deficiency has become one of the common problems among modern people. Traditional Chinese Medicine teaches that the kidneys store essence and the spleen nourishes essence. The kidney is the innate foundation, not only related to growth and development as well as the rise and fall of various organs, but also able to store essence, qi, and the water, grain, and essence needed by the human body. However, relying solely on its own strength cannot transport these nutrients, and requires the assistance of the acquired foundation "spleen". On the contrary, the transport function of the spleen can be better exerted, and the help of kidney yang is also needed. Below is a sharing of this kidney tonifying and spleen strengthening tea, which can effectively help our body replenish energy. Regular consumption has the effect of nourishing the kidneys and strengthening the spleen.
【 Composition of Tea Recipe 】
15 grams of wild Astragalus membranaceus, 12 grams of Rehmannia glutinosa, and 10 grams of fermented hawthorn meat
Boil water according to the above ratio and drink it as tea
Analysis of Tea Recipe
Huangqi has the functions of tonifying qi and promoting yang, stabilizing the surface and stopping sweating, promoting diuresis and reducing swelling, generating fluids and nourishing blood, supporting toxins and eliminating pus, and healing sores and muscles.
Shu Di has the effects of nourishing yin and blood, nourishing essence and marrow, tonifying kidney, anti-aging, reducing hypertension, and nourishing blood and supplementing deficiency.
Cornus officinalis has the effects of nourishing the liver and kidneys, astringent and astringent. In addition, it can also have the effects of strengthening the heart, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti stress, antioxidant, and lowering blood lipids.
【 Health benefits 】
Kidney tonifying and spleen strengthening tea can nourish the kidneys and spleen, nourish essence and fill marrow, enhance the body's immunity and disease resistance. Promote the circulation of qi and blood, alleviate discomfort symptoms such as physical fatigue and weakness. Improve the body's metabolic level, promote human metabolism, and enhance physical fitness. Tea drinks contain various natural antioxidant plant ingredients, which have anti-inflammatory and anti-aging effects.