Traditional Chinese Medicine Baoyuan Beauty Soup
Release time:2024-08-14 14:46:27
Word Count:5656
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Baoyuan Beauty Soup used to be a mysterious dietary secret in the palace. It is said that drinking this special Baoyuan soup regularly can flatten the skin without wrinkles or age spots, making the skin delicate and the color as clean as jade.
【 Composition of Soup Formula 】
10 grams of ginseng, 15-30 grams of astragalus, 3-6 grams of licorice, 3 grams of cinnamon, and 3 slices of ginger
Boil soup according to the above ratio and drink it together with chicken, crucian carp, pig trotters, pigeons, beef or pork ribs, and 3-5 grams of hawthorn
Analysis of Soup Formula
Ginseng: It has good medicinal value and is often used as a nourishing medicine. It has the effects of strengthening the spleen and lungs, regulating the central nervous system, and greatly replenishing qi.
Huangqi: Baoyuan decoction usually contains Huangqi, which has the effects of detoxification, pus discharge, diuresis, edema reduction, wound healing, muscle regeneration, and qi supplementation.
Licorice: Licorice usually has the effects of nourishing qi, tonifying the middle, detoxifying, dispelling phlegm, stopping cough, and relieving pain. It is commonly used to relieve discomfort such as coughing, phlegm production, and local pain.
Cinnamon: It has a strong spicy aroma and can generally warm the middle and dispel cold, regulate qi and relieve pain. It is commonly used to improve discomfort such as cold pain in the epigastric region, soreness and coldness in the waist and knees, cold dampness and numbness, and bleeding from falls.
Ginger: Ginger has a pungent taste and a warm nature. It has the effects of warming and stopping vomiting, warming the lungs and relieving cough, and relieving surface coldness. It can generally be used to treat wind cold colds, spleen and stomach deficiency cold, lung cold cough, etc.
【 Health benefits 】
Baoyuan Beauty Soup has the effects of warming yang and tonifying qi, igniting fire and returning to the essence. It has a good rehabilitation effect on people with physical deficiency, fatigue, lack of vitality, fear of cold, fatigue, and weak pulse. The so-called Baoyuan is to protect our body's vitality. If stewed with pig trotters, it can have the effect of beauty and skincare. Pig trotters contain a large amount of collagen protein. It can moisturize cells, maintain a moist state, prevent premature wrinkling of the skin, and delay the aging process of the skin. In addition to its cosmetic benefits, pig trotters have certain auxiliary therapeutic effects on patients with frequent limb fatigue, leg cramps, numbness, gastrointestinal bleeding, and hemorrhagic shock with ischemic brain. It is also suitable for elderly people after major surgery and during the recovery period from serious illness. Helps with the growth and development of adolescents and slows down the rate of osteoporosis in middle-aged and elderly women. Traditional medicine believes that pig trotters have the functions of strengthening the waist, tonifying the knees, and promoting lactation. They can be used for the symptoms of waist and knee soreness caused by kidney deficiency and postpartum lack of milk in mothers. Moreover, eating more pig trotters has a breast enhancement effect on women. Stewed with crucian carp: It has the effects of invigorating the spleen and removing dampness, harmonizing the stomach, activating blood circulation and clearing collaterals, warming the middle and lower qi, and has a very good nourishing and therapeutic effect on spleen and stomach weakness, edema, ulcers, tracheitis, asthma, and diabetes; Postpartum women can stew crucian carp soup to supplement deficiency and promote lactation; The protein content of crucian carp is excellent, complete, and easy to digest and absorb. It is a good source of protein for patients with liver and kidney diseases, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Regular consumption can enhance disease resistance. Patients with hepatitis, nephritis, hypertension, heart disease, chronic bronchitis and other diseases can consume it regularly; It has a strong nourishing effect and is very suitable for middle-aged and elderly people, as well as those who are weak after illness. It is also particularly suitable for postpartum women. Stewed with beef: It can improve the disease resistance of the body, and is suitable for people who grow and develop and recuperate after surgery or illness in terms of blood loss supplement and tissue repair. Eating beef in cold winter has a warming effect on the stomach and is a great tonic for the cold winter. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that beef has the effects of nourishing the middle and qi, nourishing the spleen and stomach, strengthening muscles and bones, resolving phlegm and relieving wind, and stopping thirst and salivation. Suitable for people with sunken qi, short qi, weak body, soreness and weakness of muscles and bones, chronic anemia and dizziness. Adding hawthorn: a good medicine that can invigorate the spleen, stimulate appetite, eliminate food stagnation, and promote blood circulation and phlegm. Hawthorn is used for medicinal purposes as a fruit, with a slightly warm nature and a sour and sweet taste. It enters the spleen, stomach, and liver meridians, and has the functions of promoting digestion and strengthening the stomach, activating blood circulation and removing stasis, and converging and stopping dysentery. So drinking Baoyuan Tang regularly can enhance the body's immune function, improve cardiovascular system function, and improve blood system function Enhance the activity of Na+, K+- ATPase in red blood cells, improve kidney function, and promote beauty and skincare.