Traditional Chinese Medicines Anxin Tang
Release time:2024-08-14 15:01:49
Word Count:3532
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Anxin Tang is a prescription specifically used by Zhang Xichun to treat insomnia, which comes from his book "Medical Zhong Shen Xi Lu". Zhang Xichun is a medical expert in modern Chinese medicine and one of the representative figures of the School of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine. Zhang Xichun introduced this formula as follows in the book "Medical Zhongzheng Canxi Lu": "If phlegm is stopped under the heart, many people will be frightened and unable to sleep. If the heart is covered with fire, phlegm is drunk, water is drunk, and water fears the punishment of fire, then they will be frightened and unable to sleep. This means that the heart is above, belonging to fire, and the heart is like a small flame, slowly burning on top; under the heart, it refers to the spleen and stomach. If phlegm is stopped under the heart, it means that there is phlegm in the spleen and stomach, and further extended, it means that the body has phlegm. Phlegm is a product of the obstruction of water and liquid circulation, belonging to water and fire. Water and fire are incompatible, and phlegm disturbs the heart, making the mind restless and causing mental distress, insomnia, and multiple dreams. What should we do at this point? We need to start from two aspects. Firstly, we need to eliminate phlegm and dampness, and clear away the disturbing factors that disturb the mind. This is the idea of Anxin Tang.
【 Composition of Soup Formula 】
Longan meat 10, jujube sour kernels (stir fried, mashed) 30, raw dragon bones (mashed) 15, raw oysters (mashed) 15, Qingbanxia 30, Poria cocos slices 10, raw ochre (ground) 10
Boil three bowls of water into 0.7 bowls according to the above ratio, and then boil for the second time to make 0.7 bowls. Boil the medicine twice. Mix together, pour out the medicine and let it settle. Remove the sediment and drink it twice a day at a warm temperature.
Analysis of Soup Formula
Longan flesh in the formula nourishes the heart and blood, while sour jujube kernels nourish the heart and qi; Longgu and Oyster Town are peaceful and tranquil; Pinellia ternata and Poria cocos phlegm resolving and eliminating drink; Ochre can "guide the Yang of the heart to descend and hide in the Yin." When combined with various medicines, it has the functions of nourishing the heart, calming the mind, resolving phlegm, and calming the body. If the heart is calm and the mind is hidden, then the fear and insomnia will heal on their own.
【 Health benefits 】
Anxin Tang has the effects of nourishing the heart, calming the mind, resolving phlegm, and calming the body. For insomnia, ultimately it is related to personality and emotions. People who are introverted, indecisive, and prone to getting stuck in trivial matters are easily influenced by negative emotions. Negative emotions can not only damage the heart and soul, but also directly affect the liver, causing stagnation of liver qi and ultimately leading to dysfunction of qi and fluid circulation. This can result in phlegm, dampness, and even nodules, hyperplasia, and cysts. So, for such issues, adjusting one's mind is more important than anything else. How to regulate one's mind? First of all, you need to control your emotions and not easily get angry; You can also take advantage of the good time when spring is warm and flowers are blooming, go for more walks, run every day, and breathe more fresh air outside; Don't hold back your anger, don't keep anything in your heart, talk to friends more, and you can also vent it in an appropriate way.