Traditional Chinese Medicines Fuzheng Hushen Tea Drinking Tea
Release time:2024-08-14 15:11:06
Word Count:4510
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Summer itself is a season of various evil energies mixed in. High temperatures can easily cause heatstroke. Due to the hot weather, people often stay in air-conditioned rooms. When the weather is hot and thirsty, many people like to drink cold drinks, which can easily damage their bodies. According to the Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon, it is said that positive qi should not be suppressed by internal evil. Insufficient positive energy can allow evil energy to take advantage of the situation and cause damage to the kidneys by following the meridians! The so-called righteous qi refers to the human body's ability to adapt, resist, and recover from the external environment. When we are not sick, positive energy can protect the skin surface, resist external pathogens, and maintain normal life activities; When we are sick, the positive energy can drive away evil and strengthen the body. How to maintain our positive energy in summer? Fuzheng Hu Shen Tea Drink can provide you with protection.
【 Composition of Tea Recipe 】
10 grams of Ganoderma lucidum, 6 grams of Panax ginseng, 3 grams of honeysuckle, 10 grams of raw Astragalus membranaceus, 10 grams of wolfberry, and 10 grams of white fescue root
Boil water according to the above ratio and drink it as tea
Analysis of Tea Recipe
Li Shizhen recorded in the Compendium of Materia Medica that Astragalus membranaceus is a tonic for qi and a medicinal herb for qi. Traditional Chinese medicine regards Huangqi as the "first essential medicine for tonifying qi". Drinking more Huangqi water in daily life can replenish qi and enhance immunity. People with shortness of breath symptoms will also experience significant improvement in their symptoms.
Lingzhi has a sweet and mild taste, and can enter the heart meridian. It can nourish the heart and blood, benefit the heart and mind, calm the mind, replenish qi and mind, relieve cough and asthma. It has a good effect on restlessness, insomnia, palpitations, frequent dreams, forgetfulness, physical fatigue and weakness, and food deprivation caused by insufficient qi and blood, lack of mental nourishment.
Taizi ginseng has a sweet, slightly bitter, and mild nature. Return to the lung and spleen meridians. Ganneng Buyi has the effects of tonifying the lungs and spleen, nourishing qi and generating fluids, enhancing immunity, improving blood circulation, antioxidation, anti-tumor, and lowering blood pressure.
Honeysuckle has the functions of clearing heat and detoxifying, antibacterial, antiviral, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, enhancing immunity, anti-tumor, anti allergic, hepatoprotective, choleretic, and hypoglycemic. The organic acids it contains can regulate blood lipids, inhibit platelet aggregation, and promote thrombus formation.
Baimao root has a sweet and cold nature, and enters the lungs, stomach, and bladder meridians. It has the effects of clearing heat and promoting diuresis, cooling blood and stopping bleeding, removing dampness and yellowing, clearing lungs and stopping cough, as well as clearing heat and generating fluids. There are also various pharmacological effects such as hemostasis, diuresis, anti-inflammatory, and immune enhancement.
Goji berries have the effects of nourishing the liver and kidneys, benefiting the senses, as well as enhancing immunity, delaying aging, resisting liver damage, lowering blood sugar and lipid levels, acting like sex hormones, and resisting fatigue, among other pharmacological effects.
【 Health benefits 】
Fuzheng Hushen Tea Drink can nourish the liver and kidneys, promote the circulation of qi and fluids, enhance immunity, improve blood circulation, resist oxidation, anti-tumor, lower blood pressure, and delay aging. Regular consumption can also nourish the liver and kidneys, promote the circulation of qi and fluids, improve immunity, improve blood circulation, and have other effects. Traditional Chinese Medicine believes that the kidneys are responsible for consolidating and storing energy. When kidney qi is deficient, the subtle substances in the body cannot be well stored, leading to a decrease in kidney essence and a lack of positive energy. If you are prone to catching colds and getting sick, easily fatigued, physically tired, have low breath and lazy speech, and have tinnitus, soreness and weakness in the waist and knees, or bedwetting, urinary incontinence, frequent nocturia, long and clear urination frequency, or residual urine after urination, do not drink some tonifying and kidney protecting tea as usual.
