Traditional Chinese Medicines Bawang Flower Black Chicken Soup
Release time:2024-08-15 15:36:08
Word Count:2259
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Bawang flower stewed chicken soup is a stew with a long history of medicine and food. It is a common, very healthy, and favorite Tonic Diet soup on the Cantonese table. It shows the essence of traditional Chinese medicine Tonic Diet in Lingnan food culture. It is suitable for young and old, and suitable for the whole family.
【 Composition of Soup Formula 】
Half black chicken, one king flower, 200 grams of lean meat, 1 piece of tangerine peel, 3 dried figs, and 2 slices of ginger
Wash all ingredients according to the above ratio, soak the king flower, chop chicken pieces, blanch lean meat, and wash figs. Put it into a large stew pot (or soup pot), add 1500ml of water, stew for 2.5 hours, and season.
Analysis of Soup Formula
Overlord flower has a slightly cold nature; Sweet taste; Return to the lung meridian. Effect: Clearing heat and moistening the lungs, relieving cough and phlegm, detoxifying and reducing swelling. The effects of refreshing and moisturizing the lungs, nourishing yin and tonifying deficiency, and nourishing skin care.
Chenpi is warm in nature, bitter and pungent in taste, and enters the lungs and spleen meridians. Its functions and effects mainly include strengthening the spleen and regulating qi, drying dampness and resolving phlegm, as well as removing cold, promoting stagnation and eliminating accumulation, and strengthening the spleen and stomach.
Fig contains malic acid, citric acid, lipase, protease, hydrolase, etc., which have the effects of promoting defecation, invigorating the spleen and appetite, enhancing digestive function, and protecting the cardiovascular system.
【 Health benefits 】
Bawang Flower Black Chicken Soup is a popular soup among people in Guangdong. The chicken and lean meat in the soup are rich in protein, vitamin B, and minerals, which have the effects of nourishing yin, blood, qi, and blood. When combined with Bawang Flower, fig, and tangerine peel, it can nourish blood, skin, and invigorate the spleen and appetite. The nutritional components in the soup can improve the body's resistance, enhance immune function, prevent colds and other diseases, and achieve the effects of refreshing and moistening the lungs, nourishing yin and nourishing deficiency, and nourishing skin and skincare.