Traditional Chinese medicine, vitex leaves!
Release time:2024-08-15 16:33:59
Word Count:4667
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1. Alias
Jing Ye.
2. Plant morphology
Deciduous shrubs or small trees with a fragrant aroma. Leaves grow in pairs, with 3 impellers in between; Palm shaped five lobed compound leaves; The petiole is densely covered with yellow fine hairs. Conical inflorescence terminal or lateral, densely covered with powdery fine hairs; The small bud is small, linear, hairy, and grows at the base of the flower stem; Calyx bell shaped; The upper end of the corolla splits into two lips, with two upper lips and three lower lips; Stamen 4, 2 strong, extending flower tube; Ovary spherical, stigma 2-lobed. Berry black. The flowering period is from July to August, and the fruiting period is from August to September.
3. Origin distribution
Born on the slopes of low mountains facing the sun or in shrubs. Mainly produced in various provinces of East China.
4. Harvesting and processing
Harvesting can be done in both summer and autumn, removing impurities and drying in the sun.
5. Characteristics of medicinal herbs
Shrink more into a ball. After unfolding, there are 5 or 3 leaflets, lanceolate in shape, with the middle leaflet measuring 5-10 cm in length and 2-4 cm in width. The leaflets on both sides gradually become smaller, with a pointed tip and a wedge-shaped base. The edges are serrated, with a green upper surface and a light green lower surface. There are a few hairs on the upper and lower surfaces, and short hairs along the leaf veins. After being crushed, it has a fragrant aroma and a slightly bitter taste.
6. Sexual Taste Returning to the Classics
Flat in nature, slightly bitter and spicy in taste. Return to the lung meridian.
7. Effect and Function
Relieve symptoms, expel phlegm, relieve cough, and relieve asthma. It belongs to the subcategory of cough suppressants and asthma relievers under the category of phlegm resolving cough suppressants.
8. Clinical application
Take 3-5 grams and decoct; Or grind juice to drink. External use: appropriate amount, massage and apply; Or boil and fumigate. Used to treat external infections such as wind and cold, fever and chills, headaches, limb pain, cough and asthma.
9. Pharmacological research
It has sedative, expectorant, cough suppressant, and asthma relieving effects, as well as the ability to enhance adrenal cortex function; Lowering blood pressure; Regulating serum proteins; Sedative hypnosis. It has significant antibacterial effects on Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus anthracis in vitro, and also has certain antibacterial effects on Escherichia coli, Streptococcus pyogenes, Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Salmonella typhi, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Shigella. There is also a significant antihistamine effect.
10. Chemical composition
Containing volatile oil, the main components are β - eugenol, caryophyllene, β - sweet myrrh, bornyl acetate, calamene, α - coumarine, etc.
11. Usage taboos
Not yet clear.
12. Compatibility prescription
① To treat wind cold and cold: 24 grams of fresh vitex leaves or 12 grams of fresh perilla leaves, decoct in water and take. (Fujian Chinese Herbal Medicine)
② Preventing heatstroke: Take 6-9g of dried and tender leaves of vitex, boil them in water as a substitute for tea. (Fujian Chinese Herbal Medicine)
③ Treating urinary bleeding: Mash the leaves of the Chinese parasol tree to extract juice, and drink alcohol in combination. (Gan Jin Yao Fang)
④ Treatment of acute gastroenteritis: 30-60 grams of fresh stems and leaves of Vitex. Boil it in water. (Fujian Chinese Herbal Medicine)
⑤ Treating chronic dysentery without cure: 15-24 grams of fresh stems and leaves of Vitex. Mix rock sugar with boiling water and stew for 3 hours, take before meals, twice a day. (Fujian Folk Herbal Medicine)
⑥ Treating tinea pedis: Fresh leaves of Vitex, fresh leaves of Pinus massoniana, and oil tea seed cake in equal amounts. Fry soup and fumigate the affected area. (Fujian Chinese Herbal Medicine)
⑦ Rubella treatment: Take 9-15g of vitex leaves, decoct in water and take orally; Alternatively, use Ye Jian Tang to fumigate and wash. (Fujian Chinese Herbal Medicine)
⑧ Treating tinea capitis: a. Take 500g of fresh vitex leaves, add 1000ml of boiling water, soak for 15 minutes, filter, wash hair with the filtrate for 5-8 minutes, once a day. b. Mash 250g fresh leaves and apply to the affected area twice a day. After washing and wiping, wrap the head with a cloth. Generally, after 4 days of washing and wiping, the itching on the scalp disappears, and the abscesses and pityriasis like scales decrease. Hair grows after 2 months. [Zhejiang Medical Journal 1962, 3 (6): 260]
⊙ The content of the article is for clinical reference only. Non TCM professionals are not allowed to test drugs.
