Traditional Chinese Medicines Niudali Black Bean Pig Waist Soup
Release time:2024-08-16 14:43:46
Word Count:4498
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Niu Dali Black Bean Pig Waist Soup is a popular soup among people in Guangdong. Office workers often sit for long periods of time and suffer from back pain, lumbar muscle strain, Yang deficiency caused by staying up late, kidney qi deficiency, kidney essence deficiency, physical exhaustion, and frequent nocturia; Women who suffer from postpartum physical weakness, frequent back pain, and severe hair loss while caring for their children can all drink this soup. Pregnant women are also suitable.
【 Composition of Soup Formula 】
15 grams of beef, 10 grams of Morinda officinalis, 10 grams of Eucommia ulmoides, 30 grams of black beans, 3 longan, 10 grams of wolfberry, and one pork loin
Clean the pork loin according to the above ratio and boil it with medicinal herbs to drink
Analysis of Soup Formula
The efficacy and effects of Niudali: Niudali has a sweet taste, a calm nature, and is beneficial to the lungs, kidneys, and liver meridians. It has the functions of tonifying deficiency and moistening the lungs, tonifying the kidneys and strengthening yang, relaxing tendons and relieving pain, moistening the intestines and promoting bowel movements, and calming the liver and supplementing deficiency. It also has the effect of promoting blood circulation, unblocking meridians, enhancing muscle strength, and improving symptoms such as lower back pain and lower limb soreness.
Eucommia ulmoides is sweet and warm in nature, and can nourish the liver and kidneys. It has the effects of nourishing the liver and kidneys, strengthening muscles and bones, and stabilizing pregnancy. It can be used to treat diseases such as lower back and knee pain, impotence, and nocturnal emissions caused by liver and kidney deficiency, as well as to treat diseases such as fetal movement anxiety in pregnant women caused by liver and kidney deficiency.
Morinda officinalis has a pungent and sweet taste, a slightly warm nature, and belongs to the kidney meridian. It has the effects of tonifying kidney yang, dispelling cold and dampness, and strengthening muscles and bones. There are also various pharmacological effects such as sex hormone like, immune promoting, anti fatigue, hypoxia tolerance, anti-aging, and antidepressant.
Pig waist has rich nutritional value, containing protein, fat, carbohydrates, and mineral elements such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, sodium, magnesium, zinc, as well as abundant nutrients such as vitamin A and vitamin B. It has the effects of strengthening the kidneys and waist, tonifying the weak and strengthening the body, and slowing down aging.
Black beans have a sweet taste and a mild nature, with the effects of removing heat and detoxifying, tonifying the kidneys and strengthening yin, and nourishing black hair. There are also pharmacological effects such as regulating middle and lower qi, nourishing yin and kidney, nourishing blood and improving vision, promoting diuresis and reducing swelling, promoting blood circulation and beautifying the skin, and detoxification.
Guiyuan has the effects of supplementing nutrition, beauty and beauty, calming the heart and mind, lowering blood lipids, nourishing blood and replenishing blood, as well as regulating the nervous system and soothing the nerves. It can effectively improve symptoms such as insomnia, forgetfulness, lack of qi and blood, and loss of appetite.
Goji berries have the effects of nourishing yin, tonifying kidneys, and protecting the liver, making them very suitable for people with kidney deficiency, soreness and weakness in the waist and knees. It also has the effects of nourishing blood, calming the mind, quenching thirst, and moistening the lungs.
【 Health benefits 】
Niudali Black Bean Pig Waist Soup has good effects on calming the liver, activating collaterals, moistening the lungs, and tonifying the kidneys. It is a popular Tonic Diet for tonifying deficiency and strengthening yang.
For patients with body deficiency, lung deficiency, and kidney yang deficiency, it has a good regulating effect, especially for those with erectile dysfunction, cold limbs or insufficient qi and blood, who are prone to fatigue, weak waist and knees, and poor sexual performance, it has a unique regulating effect. Because the nourishing effect of Niudali Pig Bone Soup is relatively strong, it is best for patients who have not cleared a cold, or have acute bronchitis or pneumonia not to drink or drink less of this soup. People with Yin deficiency constitution are also not suitable for drinking.