Chinese medicinal herb: Sandalwood
Release time:2024-08-16 15:06:07
Word Count:5616
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Nicknames: White Sandalwood, White Sandalwood Wood
Harvesting and processing: Harvesting is carried out 30-40 years after planting in the country of origin, sawing into sections, removing pale colored sapwood, and drying the heartwood for medicinal use.
Medicinal parts: heartwood of tree trunk
Origin: Distributed in Australia, Indonesia, and South Asia. Taiwan, Guangdong, Hainan, and Yunnan in China have introduced species
Family: Sandalwood family, Sandalwood genus
Original plant: Sandalwood
Plant situation: Evergreen small trees
About 10m high. Branches with stripes, numerous pores, and semi-circular leaf scars; The small branches are slender and the internodes are slightly swollen.
The leaves are elliptical ovate in shape, membranous, measuring 4-8cm in length and 2-4cm in width. The tip is sharp, and the base is wedge-shaped or broadly wedge-shaped, with a slight downward extension. The edges are wavy, slightly folded outward, and have white powder on the back. The midrib protrudes on the back, and there are about 10 pairs of lateral veins; The petiole is slender, measuring 1-1.5cm in length.
The trifoliate inflorescence is axillary or terminal, measuring 2.5-4cm in length; Two bracts, diamond-like lanceolate, 2.5-3mm long, early set; The total stem length is 2-5cm; The flower stem is 2-4mm long; Flower length 4-5mm, diameter 5.6mm; The floral tube is bell shaped, about 2mm long, and light green in color; The perianth is divided into four lobes, with the lobes being ovate triangular in shape. The interior is initially green yellow, but later turns dark brownish red; Stamen 4, outward extension; Disk lobes are oval in shape, approximately 1mm in length; The style is 3mm long, dark red in color, and the stigma is shallow with 3 (-4) cracks.
The stone fruit is 1-1.2cm long and about 1cm in diameter. The outer skin is juicy and juicy, and when mature, it is deep purple red to purple black in color. The tip is slightly flat, and the persistent flower branch base is somewhat raised. The inner skin has 3-4 longitudinal edges. The flowering period is from May to June, and the fruiting period is from July to September.
Characteristics of Sandalwood Medicinal Materials: "The heartwood is cylindrical in shape, with some slightly curved, measuring 50-100cm in length and 10-20cm in diameter. The surface is light grayish yellow, smooth and fine, and sometimes longitudinal cracks and knife marks can be seen. The transverse section is brown, showing oil stains; the longitudinal split texture is straight. The quality is solid and not easy to break. The air is clear and fragrant, with a slightly bitter taste. When burned, the aroma is strong.
Indian Old Mountain Sandalwood
High quality products are preferred for those with firm body weight, visible oil stains, rich and long-lasting aroma, and a burning aroma.
Sandalwood medicinal properties:
[Processing] Remove impurities, pound or saw into small pieces, and chop into small pieces.
[Taste] Spicy, warm.
Return to the Spleen, Stomach, Heart, and Lung Meridians.
【 Indications and Functions 】 Promoting Qi circulation and warming the body, stimulating appetite and relieving pain. Used for cold coagulation and qi stagnation, chest pain, abdominal pain, stomach pain, and eating less; Coronary heart disease, angina pectoris.
【 Usage and Dosage 】 2-5g.
【 Storage 】 Store in a cool and dry place.
【 Attention 】 "Compendium of Materia Medica": "Do not use if there is Yin deficiency and excessive fire, causing coughing due to blood movement. ""
① For the treatment of various pains in the heart and abdomen, those who are half weak and half solid: one or two pieces of Danshen, one and a half pieces of white sandalwood, and one and a half pieces of sand kernel. Boil it in water. ("Medical Golden Needle" Danshen Drink)
② Treatment for cold and painful heart and abdomen: Three coins of white sandalwood fragrance (finely ground), five coins of dried ginger. Soak and adjust.
③ Treatment of choking and diaphragmatic disorders: 1 and 5 cents for white sandalwood fragrance, 2 cents each for Poria cocos and Orange Red. All are finely ground and mixed with ginseng soup.
④ Treating Yin Cold Cholera: 1 cent and 5 cents each for white sandalwood, Huo Xiang Geng, wood incense, and cinnamon. Extremely fine powder. For every one yuan used, stir fry ginger for five yuan, then soak in hot water and adjust. (Below is the "Compendium of Materia Medica")
⑤ Relieve malicious wind swelling: one piece of white sandalwood and one piece of agarwood, each weighing one point, and one piece of betel nut. Grind each of the three ingredients in a sand basin with three cups of water, filter out the residue, boil in a silver stone pot, wait for the temperature, and divide into three servings. (Sandalwood Incense Drink in the General Record of St. Francis of Assisi)“
【 Discussions from Various Schools 】
1. Tao Hongjing: Relieve wind swelling.
2. "Materia Medica Collection": The main focus is on cholera in the heart, which is harmful and insecticidal.
3. "Rihuazi Bencao": Treating heartache and cholera. Kidney qi abdominal pain, take concentrated decoction; Apply water to the external kidney and lumbar kidney disease area.
4. "Pearl Sack": Attract stomach qi to stop rising, eat.
5. "Gangmu": Treatment of choking, diaphragmatic vomiting, and eating. Once again, black spots appeared on my face. Every night, I washed it with water to make it red, and then applied it with grinding juice.
6. "Essentials of Materia Medica Preparation": Regulating the spleen and stomach, benefiting the chest and diaphragm, and requiring medication for regulating qi. "