Traditional Chinese Medicines Yiqi Shengjin Tea
Release time:2024-08-17 13:55:40
Word Count:2788
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Yiqi Shengjin is a professional term in traditional Chinese medicine treatment, which refers to the treatment of Qi and Jin deficiency caused by the consumption of injured body fluids by tonifying positive qi and nourishing body fluids, in order to alleviate a series of symptoms such as Qi deficiency and Yin deficiency.
Qi and Jin deficiency refers to the depletion of body fluids and qi caused by high fever, heat, and other factors, resulting in insufficient replenishment of body fluids and qi, leading to symptoms such as excessive sweating, limb fatigue, shortness of breath and laziness, loss of body fluids, dry mouth and thirst, red tongue texture, dry tongue without fluid, and scattered pulse. So in daily life, health preservation can be achieved by using methods that nourish qi and produce fluids to alleviate these symptoms.
【 Composition of Tea Recipe 】
10 grams of Huangqi, 10 grams of Yuzhu, 15 grams of Ophiopogon japonicus, and 10 grams of Dendrobium officinale
Boil water according to the above ratio and drink it as tea
Analysis of Tea Recipe
Huangqi supplements qi and solidifies the surface, and has various pharmacological effects such as enhancing the body's immune function, delaying aging, antioxidation, promoting hematopoietic function, expanding peripheral blood vessels, improving microcirculation, lowering blood pressure, regulating glucose metabolism, antiviral, anticancer, and hepatoprotective effects.
Jade bamboo has the effects of nourishing yin, moistening dryness, generating fluids, quenching thirst, replenishing qi, and calming the mind. It has various pharmacological effects such as lowering blood sugar, delaying aging, enhancing immunity, resisting hypoxia, antioxidation, anti-aging, etc.
Ophiopogon japonicus has the effects of nourishing yin and moistening dryness, clearing heat and calming the mind, generating fluids and quenching thirst, nourishing the heart and lungs, and relieving cough and phlegm. It has various pharmacological effects such as lowering blood sugar, sedation and hypnosis, relieving asthma, enhancing immunity, delaying aging, protecting myocardium, and reducing blood viscosity.
Dendrobium has the effects of nourishing Yin fluid and clearing deficiency heat. There are also various pharmacological effects such as regulating gastrointestinal function, lowering blood sugar, enhancing immunity, anti cataract, anti-tumor, antioxidant, etc.
【 Health benefits 】
Yiqi Shengjin Tea has the effects of generating fluids, quenching thirst, nourishing yin, and moistening dryness. Summer has arrived, and it is most suitable for people who suffer from fever and damage their yin, or stay up late. Those who have yin deficiency, thirst, dry throat, and dry lips should drink it regularly. It is a very good tea drink in summer.