Chinese herbal medicine: Iron amaranth
Release time:2024-08-17 15:17:48
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Nicknames: Iron amaranth, Blood Seeing Sorrow, Sea Clam Prayer Pearl, Leaf Hidden Pearl
Harvesting and processing: Harvesting in summer and autumn, removing impurities, and drying in the sun
Medicinal parts: aboveground parts
Origin: National
Science: Euphorbiaceae
Original plant: Iron amaranth
Plant condition: Annual herbaceous plant
Height of 30-60cm, covered in soft fur. The stem is upright and has many branches.
Mutual growth of leaves; The petiole is 2-5cm long; The leaves are ovate rhombic or ovate elliptical, measuring 2-7.5cm in length and 1.5-3.5cm in width, with a pointed tip and a wedge-shaped or rounded base. The base has three veins and blunt teeth on the edges. Both sides are rough and hairless.
Spike inflorescence axillary; Flowers are unisexual and monoecious; Usually, the male inflorescence is extremely short, 2-10mm long, and grows in very small bracteoles; Female inflorescence grows within leaf like bracts; When the bracts are unfolded, they are kidney shaped, measuring 1-2cm in length. When closed, they resemble clams, with blunt serrations on the edges and a heart-shaped base; Calyx is four lobed; No petals; 7-8 stamens; 3-5 female flowers; Ovary covered with sparse soft hairs, 3-4 chambers; The style splits feather like to the base.
The capsule is small, triangular and semi-circular, covered with coarse hairs; The seeds are oval in shape, about 2mm long, and gray brown in color. The flowering period is from May to July, and the fruiting period is from July to October.
Characteristics of Iron Amaranthus herb: The whole plant is 20-40cm long, with thin stems, single or branched, brownish green, longitudinal stripes, and gray white fine soft hairs. Single leaves alternate, with stems; The leaves are membranous, ovate or ovate rhombic or nearly elliptical in shape, measuring 2.5-5.5cm in length and 1.2-3cm in width. The tips are slightly pointed, the bases are broadly wedge-shaped, and the edges have blunt teeth. The surface is brownish green, and both sides are slightly rough, with white fine hairs on both sides. The inflorescence is drawn from the leaf axil, unisexual, without petals; The bracts are triangular kidney shaped. The capsule is small, triangular and semi-circular, with a diameter of 3-4cm, a light brown surface, and is covered with coarse hairs. Mild odor, bitter and astringent taste.
The medicinal properties of iron amaranth:
【 Taste 】 Bitter; Astringent; cool
[Returning to the Classic] Heart; Lung; Large intestine; Small intestine meridian
【 Indications 】 Clearing heat and removing dampness; Cooling blood and detoxifying; Eliminate accumulation. Main dysentery; Diarrhea; Vomiting blood; Bleeding; Urine blood; Collapse and leakage; Infantile malnutrition; Ulcers and sores; Skin eczema
[Usage and Dosage] Oral administration: decoction, 10-15g; Fresh 30-60g. For external use: appropriate amount, boil and wash in water or apply by pounding.
【 Attention 】 "Quanzhou Materia Medica": Pregnant women should avoid using it, and the elderly and weak should use it less.
【 Compound 】
① Treatment of dysentery and bloating: Iron amaranth, cinnabar grass, and road yellow. Boil it in water. (Sichuan Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine)
② Treatment of enteritis, dysentery, vomiting blood, bleeding, rectal bleeding, cough and asthma: 1-2 liang of dried iron amaranth. Boil it in water. (Handbook of Commonly Used Chinese Herbal Medicines in Guangzhou Army)
③ Treating dermatitis and eczema: Wash iron amaranth decoction with water externally. (Handbook of Commonly Used Chinese Herbal Medicines in Guangzhou Army)
④ Treatment of amoebic dysentery: one or two fresh iron amaranth roots and one or two fresh phoenix tail roots, plus five yuan of fresh pumpkin vine tendrils for abdominal pain. Boil it in water and take it on an empty stomach in the morning and evening.
⑤ Treat external bleeding: appropriate amount of fresh amaranth and a little white sugar. Crush and apply externally.
⑥ Treating snake bites: one or two pieces of amaranth, half lotus, and big green leaves each. Boil it in water. (Below is' Jiangxi Herbal Medicine ')
⑦ Treating traumatic injuries: Blood stained sorrow costs six to two taels. Boil it in water. (Commonly Used Chinese Herbal Medicines in Shanghai)
⑧ Treating infantile malnutrition: Take one to two liang of fresh amaranth and pig liver decoction. (Commonly Used Herbs in Zhejiang Folk Medicine)
⑨ Treating abdominal distension and testicular enlargement in children: 1-2 taels of fresh amaranth. Boil it in water. (Commonly Used Herbs in Zhejiang Folk Medicine)
⑩ Treating uterine bleeding: Fresh iron amaranth should be consumed for one to two taels. Mash the sauce or boil it in water. (Handbook of Commonly Used Chinese Herbal Medicines in Northeast China)
11. Treatment for insufficient breast milk: Fresh amaranth crystals cost five to one yuan, or dried ones cost two to three yuan. Boil water and fish sauce. (Handbook of Commonly Used Chinese Herbal Medicines in Northeast China)
12. Treatment of Dan rash and eczema: Mash the lamp socket with fluff and apply the juice externally. (Guizhou Herbal Medicine)
(13) Treatment of asthma or coughing up blood: Two liang of Dengzhanwo. Boil water and drink. (Guizhou Herbal Medicine)
(14) Treatment of pelvic inflammatory disease fistula: Two to three taels of dried amaranth and two taels of dried root and rhizome of Gou'er tea. Boil and consume alcohol and water. (Fujian Chinese Herbal Medicine)“
【 Discussions from Various Schools 】
1. "A Study of Plant Names and Practices": Seeking Medicine for Knife Creation.
2. "Herbal Formula": Relieve diarrhea, treat deficiency heat, toothache, swollen cheeks, and constipation.
3. "Tianbao Bencao": It can promote diuresis and clear the intestines. Red diarrhea should be treated with alcohol, while white diarrhea should be treated with tea.
4. Sichuan Traditional Chinese Medicine Chronicles: Clearing heat and promoting bowel movements. Treat diarrhea, dysentery, abdominal pain, and bloating caused by food accumulation.
5. "Bencao Jianchen": Stop bleeding. Suitable for vomiting blood, bleeding, knife wounds, falls and injuries, etc.
6. "Illustrated Guide to Chinese Medicinal Plants": Mash and apply fresh grass to treat skin diseases; Boil and take, relieve cough, treat lung disease.