Traditional Chinese Medicines Winter Melon and Seaweed Soup
Release time:2024-08-19 14:32:15
Word Count:2133
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Summer is busy with heatstroke prevention. With the arrival of the hot summer season, in addition to the manifestation of Huoxiang Zhengqi Water for heatstroke prevention and relief, as the body's sweating increases, it requires a large amount of water. Therefore, it is necessary to drink more light and nutritious soup. So today I recommend a winter melon and kelp soup that is suitable for drinking during the summer solstice season. It not only nourishes and relieves heat, but also helps with weight loss and slimming.
【 Composition of Soup Formula 】
1 pound of pork ribs, 3 liang of seaweed, and 15 grams of shrimp skin
Wash the pork ribs according to the above ratio, soak the seaweed and shrimp skin until soft, add ginger and bring to a boil over high heat, then simmer over medium low heat for half an hour. Add seasoning for consumption.
【 Composition of Soup Formula 】
Winter melon contains abundant minerals and carbohydrates, which have the effects of clearing heat, detoxifying, reducing swelling, and promoting diuresis. Kelp is rich in fiber, minerals, and unsaturated fatty acids, which can effectively prevent constipation, prevent thyroid enlargement, lower cholesterol in the blood, stimulate gastric juice secretion, and accelerate digestion.
【 Health benefits 】
Winter melon and kelp soup has the effects of promoting diuresis, reducing swelling, clearing heat and detoxifying, moisturizing the intestines and promoting bowel movements. Winter melon and kelp are both good ingredients for weight loss. Kelp has high nutritional value and is rich in various trace elements such as iodine, protein, fat, dietary fiber, etc. It can eliminate body fat and cholesterol. Winter melon is the best choice for quenching summer heat and thirst. Eating winter melon can not only relieve dampness, relieve heat and annoyance, but also help with weight loss. The originally light winter melon and kelp soup with shrimp skin added has become a rich milk soup, and the fresh seafood flavor will not make the weight loss recipe too tasteless! This soup is suitable for all ages, especially for friends who are trying to lose weight.