Chinese medicinal herb: Dijincao
Release time:2024-08-19 15:08:25
Word Count:10158
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Nicknames: Milk paste grass, Pu Di Jin, Pu Di Hong, Xue Jian Chou, Wo Dan Cao, Queer Wo Dan, Xiao Chong Er Wo Dan
Harvesting and processing: Harvest the whole plant in October, wash it, dry it in the sun or use it fresh.
Medicinal parts: whole plant
Origin: Distributed throughout the country, except for Guangdong and Guangxi
Science: Euphorbiaceae
Original plant: Dijin
Plant condition: Annual herbaceous plant
The stem is slender, with branches near the base, purplish red in color, hairless, and with milky white sap when broken.
Ye Duisheng; The petiole is extremely short; The supporting leaf is linear, usually with 3 cracks; The leaves are oblong, 4-10mm long and 4-6mm wide, with a blunt rounded tip and a narrow base. The edges have fine teeth, and both sides are hairless or sparsely furry, green or light red in color.
Cup shaped inflorescence solitary in leaf axils; The bracts are conical in shape, light red in color, with four lobes at the top and long triangular lobes; Glandular gland 4, oblong, with white petal like appendages: ovary 3-chamber; The style is 3, 2 split.
Capsule triangular spherical, smooth and hairless; The seed is oval in shape, black brown in color, covered with white wax powder, about 1.2mm long and 0.7mm wide. The flowering period is from June to October, and the fruit gradually ripens in July.
Characteristics of Dijincao herb: Jincao often shrinks and curls, with small roots. The stem is thin, forked in shape, with a purple red surface, smooth and hairless, or sparsely covered with white fine hairs: brittle in texture, easy to break, yellow white in cross-section, hollow. Leaves opposite, with light red short stalks or few stalks: the leaves are often wrinkled or have fallen off, and when flattened, they form a long oval shape, measuring 5-10mm in length and 46mm in width. They are green or purplish red in color, usually hairless or sparsely covered with fine hairs; The tip is blunt and round, the base is skewed, and the edge has small serrations or is microwave shaped. Cup shaped inflorescence axillary, small. The capsule is triangular and spherical in shape, with a smooth surface. The seeds are small, oval shaped, and colored. No, the taste is slightly astringent.
High quality products are best with green leaves, green brown or purplish red stems, and flowers and fruits.
Medicinal properties of Dijincao:
[Processing] Remove impurities, spray with water, moisten slightly, cut into sections, and dry in the sun.
[Taste] Spicy and flat.
Return to the liver and colon meridians.
【 Indications and Functions 】 Clearing heat and detoxifying, cooling blood and stopping bleeding. Used for dysentery, diarrhea, coughing up blood, hematuria, rectal bleeding, collapse, boils and abscesses.
【 Usage and Dosage 】 9-20g: Fresh 30-60g. Apply in moderation for external use.
[Storage] Store in a ventilated and dry place.
① Treating dirt, poison, red and white: After picking the ground grass, wash it, dry it vigorously, grind it to powder, and drink it with rice for one yuan. (Experience Formula)
② To treat bacterial dysentery: one or two pieces of Dijin grass, one or two pieces of iron amaranth, and one or two pieces of Phoenix tail grass. Boil it in water. (Selected Compilation of Investigation Materials for Unilateral Verification)
③ Treating blood diarrhea is not limited to just sun drying and grinding of Dijin grass, two yuan per dose, and drinking hollow rice. (Qian Kun Business)
④ Treatment of gastroenteritis: 1-2 liang of fresh Eupatorium officinalis. Boil it in water.
⑤ Treating colds and coughs: one or two pieces of fresh Eupatorium officinalis. Boil it in water.
⑥ Treating cough, vomiting, rectal bleeding, and diarrhea: one or two pieces of fresh Dijin grass. Boil in water or mix with honey. (Below is' Fujian Chinese Herbal Medicine ')
⑦ Treatment of urinary bleeding: Blood wind grass, well water infusion. (Liu Changchun's Experience Formula)
⑧ Treating women's blood collapse: Steam the tender grass with blood, marinate it with oil, salt, and ginger, drink one or two cups of alcohol before serving, or dry it in the shade until the powder is dried. Mix ginger and alcohol and drink for one or two coins. (The Effective Formula of World Medicine)
⑨ Treating functional uterine bleeding: Two pounds of Dijin grass. Boil in water to remove residue and make paste. Two times a day, one and a half yuan for each serving, and Baijiu as a gift. (Selected Materials on New Traditional Chinese Medicine Therapy in Inner Mongolia)
⑩ Treating Golden Ulcers with Continuous Bleeding: Grind the blood soaked grass and apply it. (The Effective Formula of World Medicine)
(11) Treating bleeding teeth: Wash fresh Euphorbia, boil soup and rinse mouth. (Quanzhou Materia Medica)
(12) Treating Damp Heat and Jaundice: Five or six taels of Dijin whole grass. Boil it in water. (Jiangxi Folk Herbal Medicine)
(13) Treating spleen fatigue jaundice: one or two pieces each of grass blood exhaustion, mutton grass, platycodon, and Atractylodes macrocephala, and five pieces of licorice. To finish, first put two bowls of aged vinegar into a pot, add four liang of soap and alum, endure for a long time, add medicine powder, then add white flour, no matter how much, and combine into one piece. The pills are as big as small beans, take three to fifty pills each, and take them twice a day on an empty stomach under vinegar soup. (From "The Secret of Qiankun Business" like Shengwan)
(14) Treating blocked milk juice: Seven yuan for Dijincao. Stew soup with a boar's front hoof, decoct medicine with the soup, remove the residue, add two liang of sweet wine, and take warm. (Jiangxi Folk Herbal Medicine)
(15) Treating infantile malnutrition: Two or three coins of whole earth brocade and grass. Steam one piece of chicken liver or three liang of pig liver until cooked, then eat the liver and soup. (Jiangxi Folk Herbal Medicine)
(16) Treat Xiang Hu (for mouth sores): Add a small amount of vinegar to fresh ground grass, crush and apply externally. (Fujian Chinese Herbal Medicine,)
(17) Treating carbuncles, treating toxins, swelling and pain: Wash fresh Euphorbia hemprichii and apply a small amount of sour rice and salt to the affected area. (Quanzhou Materia Medica)
(18) Treatment of wind sores and scabies: apply the mixture of "Blood Sorrow Grass" and "Man Jianghong Grass". (Qiankun Business Secret)
(19) To treat sore and ulcerated sores: Apply the powder externally to the spotted dove's nest. (Guizhou Folk Herbs)
(20) Treating waist coiling snake (herpes zoster): Mash fresh ground grass. Add vinegar and stir well, then take the juice and apply it to the affected area. (Fujian Chinese Herbal Medicine)
(21) Treatment of sore throat: Five taels of fresh sweet grass and five taels of salty sweet grass. Mash and grind the juice, mix honey and soak it in a cup. Serve three times daily. (Quanzhou Materia Medica)
(22) Treating fire eye: Boil and wash the turtle nest with water, or steam pig liver for food. (Guizhou Folk Herbs)
(23) Treatment of swelling and pain caused by falls: Take an appropriate amount of fresh ground grass, mix it with distiller's grains, and apply it externally with flour. (Hunan Pharmaceutical Journal)
(24) Treating snake bites: Rub and apply fresh ground grass. (Hunan Pharmaceutical Journal)
(25) Red and white dysentery. Wash and sun dry the ground grass, grind it into powder, and send the rice soup for one yuan.
(26) Women die from bleeding. Steam tender ground grass until cooked, add oil, salt, ginger, and drink one or two cups before serving. It is also said that the herb of Dijin is dried in the shade and ground into powder. Ginger and wine are mixed and consumed for one or two coins, and one serving can stop it from collapsing.
(27) Hematuria during urination. Mash the ground grass with water.
(28) The knife wound is bleeding continuously. Mash the ground grass and apply it.
(29) Wind sores and scabies. Smash together the Blood Sorrow Grass and Man Jianghong Red Grass to powder and apply to the affected part.
(30) Inter toe corns. Cut it first to make it bleed, then crush it with ground grass and apply it, which is very effective.
(31) Jaundice. Using one or two pieces of Euphorbia hemprichii, Leymus chinensis, Platycodon grandiflorus, and Atractylodes macrocephala, and five pieces of licorice, research together to make the final powder; Take two bowls of Shaanxi vinegar and four liang of soap alum, boil them together, add almost the medicine powder, and then add an appropriate amount of white flour to make meatballs, which are the size of small beans. Take 30 to 50 pills per dose, hollow, and serve vinegar soup. Take it twice a day.
【 Discussions from Various Schools 】 1. "Compendium of Materia Medica": Dijin is a medicinal herb that cools and disperses blood, detoxifies and stops dysentery. Good at promoting blood circulation and specializing in resolving sores. Whenever a blood disease is caused by heat, use it appropriately. If non blood heat is considered a disease and the stomach qi is weak, it should be taken into consideration.
2. "Bielu": Main Heart Qi, Female Vaginal Hernia Blood Knot.
3. "Jiayou Bencao": It is mainly used to promote blood circulation and can also be used to treat qi.
4. "Essentials of Pin Hui": The main tone is qi and blood.
5. Compendium of Materia Medica: It is mainly used for treating abscesses and malignant sores, as well as bleeding and dysentery caused by the Golden Blade. It can disperse blood, stop bleeding, and promote urination.
6. "Compilation of Commonly Used Folk Herbs": Used to treat stomach pain, cold bone wind, foul phlegm, hemorrhoids, and lower breast.
7. "Zhejiang Folk Herbs": Jianmao stops diarrhea and treats infantile malnutrition.
8. "Commonly Used Chinese Herbal Medicines in Shanghai": Hemostasis, Diuretics, Stomach Health, Blood Circulation and Detoxification. Treat jaundice, dysentery, diarrhea, urinary tract infections, rectal bleeding, hematuria, uterine bleeding, hemorrhoid bleeding, bruises and pain, breast milk obstruction in women, snake bites, head sores, and skin sores. Fujian Chinese Herbal Medicine: Clearing heat and cooling blood, reducing swelling and detoxifying. "