Traditional Chinese Medicines San Cao Jiang Ya Tang
Release time:2024-08-20 16:31:09
Word Count:4100
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Jiangya Sancao Tang is a medicinal soup that contains ingredients such as summer dry grass, gentian grass, motherwort, peony, licorice, etc. It has a significant effect on relieving headaches caused by hypertension, and blood pressure has also decreased.
【 Composition of Soup Formula 】
30 grams of motherwort, 15 grams of summer dry grass, 10 grams of gentian grass, 20 grams of white peony, and 10 grams of roasted licorice.
Boil the soup according to the above ratio and drink it. Boil three bowls of water to make 0.7 bowls. Cook the second time (the same as the first time) and mix the two times together. Take 2-3 times
Analysis of Soup Formula
Prunella vulgaris has a bitter and pungent nature, with a cold and cool nature. It clears liver fire, disperses stagnation, and lowers blood pressure; Gentiana scabra is bitter and cold, capable of settling and clearing the heat of the liver meridian. It also has the ability to clear heat and dry dampness, and has a strong ability to directly break through the fire.
Yimucao is a holy herb for the separation of Jueyin and blood. It is good at walking, can promote blood circulation, lower blood pressure, remove blood stasis, and lower blood pressure. The Compendium of Materia Medica states that it treats symptoms such as "blood dizziness, blood wind, and blood pain".
In the soup, peony is reused to nourish yin and relieve spasms; Mix licorice and stomach protection with various medicines. And the combination of peony and licorice, sour and sweet, nourishes liver yin, and soothes liver yang. If the liver yin is nourished, water can absorb wood, and wood fire will not ignite. There are only a few flavors in the medicinal soup, but the formula is simple and powerful. It can promote blood circulation and diuresis, as well as clear the liver and reduce fire. In response to the pathogenesis of hypertension and qi blood imbalance, it emphasizes both deficiency and excess, regulates both qi and blood, and achieves the goal of lowering blood pressure.
【 Health benefits 】
San Cao Jiang Ya Tang has the effects of clearing the liver and purging fire, nourishing yin and softening the liver, and promoting blood circulation and diuresis. It has therapeutic effects on diseases such as hypertension, headache, dizziness, etc. Our formula has a wide range of applications. On the basis of basic drugs, it can be adjusted according to the symptoms. For example, adding Achyranthes bidentata to induce downward heat, adding Cassia lactiflora and Pearl Mother to calm the liver and latent yang, adding Scutellaria baicalensis and Gardenia jasminoides to clear liver fire, increasing yellow diarrhea and excess heat, adding Danpi to cool blood and promote blood circulation, adding Gouteng and Chrysanthemum to calm the liver and dispel wind, adding Poria cocos, Alisma, and talc to relieve dampness and reduce swelling. Pain in the eyes, press it like a stone, add wolfberry, dendrobium, and black ginseng to nourish the liver yin. Dendrobium officinale is a good medicine for nourishing yin, which not only nourishes stomach yin, but also replenishes liver and kidney deficiency. It is commonly used for patients with kidney yin deficiency, liver yang hyperactivity, and excessive movement of deficiency fire. Moreover, it can nourish yin without hindering evil, and can be used for patients with yin injury and dampness. In the process of treating hypertension, it is also important to pay attention to regulating the patient's sleep and ensuring that they receive sufficient rest to help restore blood pressure. At the time of clinical diagnosis, according to different situations, the prescriptions such as Pinellia Shumi Decoction, Wendan Decoction, Coptis ass hide glue Decoction can be used together. Pinellia ternata can communicate yin and yang, and is a good product for treating insomnia, but the dosage should be large. When used in 15-20 grams, it is even better when combined with summer dry grass. It can communicate yin and yang, allowing yang to enter yin and yin to guard the mind. Therefore, it can have a calming and hypnotic effect.