Monkey Head Mushroom Pig Belly Soup in Traditional Chinese Medicine
Release time:2024-08-21 14:27:06
Word Count:4690
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Recently, I have often heard many friends complain about having stomach acid and discomfort. This is due to the irregular diet and lifestyle of the inflammatory body, which damages the stomach. After stimulating the stomach, the histamine acid in the blood increases, the secretion of stomach acid increases, and the gastrointestinal tract undergoes spasmodic contractions. As the saying goes, stomach diseases require three parts treatment and seven parts nourishment. So, how should we properly nourish ourselves? Below, Dr. Li shares this Monkey Head Mushroom Pig Belly Soup, which can help you maintain your spleen and stomach in daily life. The recipe is also simple, and the taste is delicious, suitable for a family to drink.
【 Composition of Soup Formula 】
2 fresh monkey head mushrooms, 1 pork belly, 12 lotus seeds, 10g goji berries
Wash and cut the monkey head mushroom into pieces, clean the pork belly, soak the lotus seeds for one hour, and boil them together for soup to eat
Analysis of Soup Formula
Monkey head mushroom enters the spleen meridian and stomach meridian, and has the effect of nourishing the stomach and reducing food intake. It can enhance spleen and stomach function, improve symptoms such as food accumulation, bloating, and abdominal pain. Modern pharmacological research has shown that Hericium erinaceus extract can protect the gastric mucosa, promote gastric mucosal repair, and is commonly used as an adjuvant therapy for functional dyspepsia, chronic gastritis, duodenal ulcers, and other diseases. Monkey head mushroom can also have antioxidant properties, eliminate free radicals, protect the liver, and promote liver repair. In addition, Hericium erinaceus mushrooms can also calm the mind and help with sleep, making them suitable for people who are restless, have neurasthenia, and suffer from insomnia and dreams.
Pork tripe has been the staple food of Tonic Diet for tonifying the spleen and stomach since ancient times. The "Compendium of Materia Medica" states: "Pig stomach is an essential product for nourishing the spleen and stomach. When the spleen and stomach are replenished, the qi is beneficial." It can be seen that pig stomach has the effect of nourishing qi and stomach. Therefore, both traditional Chinese medicine and folk medicine consider pork belly as a delicacy that nourishes the spleen and stomach. Such as treating children's emaciation, spleen deficiency, insufficient food intake, loose stools, diarrhea, etc.
The Compendium of Materia Medica states: "Lotus has a sweet taste, but its nature is astringent due to high temperature. It possesses a clear and fragrant aroma and is the fruit of the spleen. Earth is the mother of vital energy, and when the mother's qi is harmonious, the body and fluids are formed, and the spirit is self generated. It can endure aging for a long time, and its power and influence are also important. In the past, people treated heart kidney disharmony, fatigue and white turbidity, and had the Clear Heart Lotus Seed Drink; the Nourishing Heart and Kidney, Beneficial Essence and Blood, and the Ruilian Pill, all of which followed this principle
【 Health benefits 】
Monkey head mushroom pork belly soup has fresh and tender meat, fragrant and delicious, and is known as the "meat in the vegetable". Pig belly is warm in nature and has a good warming and nourishing effect, especially for people with weak spleen and stomach who are prone to diarrhea. It can be used for symptoms such as fatigue, diarrhea, dysentery, thirst quenching, frequent urination, and infantile malnutrition. If a man is weak and has nocturnal emissions, he can cook pork belly and red lotus seeds with heart and clothing before consumption. It has the effects of nourishing fetal qi, lowering cholesterol, maintaining gastrointestinal health, anti-aging, etc.
1. Reducing cholesterol: Hericium erinaceus can lower the levels of blood cholesterol and triglycerides, regulate blood lipids, and promote blood circulation. It is an ideal food for cardiovascular patients.
2. Nourishing the gastrointestinal tract: Hericium erinaceus has the effects of protecting, regulating, and repairing the digestive system, which can help digestion, benefit the liver and spleen, relieve hunger and thirst, and eliminate toxins. People with loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting can quickly stop vomiting and improve appetite after consuming it.
3. Anti aging: Hericium erinaceus has the effect of assisting dietary therapy for neurasthenia and insomnia. Hericium erinaceus can promote brain cell growth and regeneration, and has a good effect on preventing and treating senile dementia. It is a food that promotes longevity and anti-aging.