Chinese medicinal herb: Shishou fish
Release time:2024-08-21 16:32:13
Word Count:2123
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Nicknames: Yellow croaker, stone fish, catfish, river fish, yellow croaker, sea fish, cucumber fish
Harvesting and processing: Fishing during the fishing season, removing meat stains after fishing, washing, fresh or refrigerated.
Medicinal parts: Meat
Origin: Sea area
Family: Stonehead Fish Family
Original plant: Large yellow croaker or small yellow croaker
The wild yellow croaker has a slender and elongated body, with a long oval shape. The lower lip is longer than the upper lip, and the mouth is relatively round when closed. The scales are relatively small, with 8-9 rows of scales between the starting point of the dorsal fin and the lateral line. The caudal peduncle is slender, and its length is more than three times higher than its height. The tail stalk length of the small yellow croaker is only twice its height, so don't underestimate this "double" difference. It is precisely because of this difference that the tail of the big yellow croaker appears thinner and longer, which can distinguish it from the small yellow croaker.
The medicinal properties of stonefish:
[Taste] Sweet taste; Sexual Peace
[Gui Jing] Spleen; Stomach; Liver; Kidney meridian
【 Indications 】 Tonifying Qi and Strengthening Spleen; Tonifying the kidneys; Mingmu; Stop dysentery. Post illness and postpartum physical weakness; Insufficient milk supply; Kidney deficiency and lower back pain; Edema; Blurred vision; Headache; stomachache; diarrhea
[Usage and Dosage] Oral administration: Boil or stew, 100-250g.
【 Attention 】 Patients with wind diseases, phlegm diseases, and ulcers should take it with caution.
【 Discussions from Various Schools 】
1. Cui Yuxi's "Food Classic": Master the benefits of the lower class, improve eyesight, and be at ease with the gods.
2. "Kaibao Bencao": Make soup with water shield to stimulate appetite and invigorate qi.
3. "Suixi Residence Dietary Handbook": Fill in essence. "
① The Compendium of Materia Medica states: "To activate the wind and generate qi, to produce phlegm and aid in poisoning.
② According to the "Suixi Ju Diet Guide": "Eating more can help with the development of sores and heat.