Traditional Chinese Medicine: Blood Surplus
Release time:2024-08-21 16:43:17
Word Count:9781
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Nicknames: Hairy hair, messy hair, gray hair, hair, blood charcoal, human hair gray
Harvesting and processing: Remove impurities from the collected hair, wash the dirt with alkaline water, rinse with clean water, and then remove and dry. Then place it in a calcination pot, cover it with a pot of the same size, seal the gap between the two pots tightly with yellow mud, stick a piece of white paper on the bottom of the pot, heat and calcine until the white paper turns golden yellow, cool it down, and take it out.
Medicinal parts: Healthy human hair
Origin: National
Subject: Mammals
Original plant: human
The nipple is the lowest end of the hair follicle, connected to capillaries and nerve endings. At the bottom of the hair follicle, epidermal cells continuously divide and differentiate. These epidermal cells differentiate through different pathways, forming different components of hair (such as cortex, epidermis, and medulla), with the outermost cells forming the inner hair root sheath. At this stage, cells are soft and keratinized.
The hair follicle is the part of the hair root within the dermis layer, consisting of an inner hair root sheath, an outer hair root sheath, and a hair bulb. The inner hair root sheath is the sheath layer directly adjacent to the hair in the long and late stages of hair development. The inner hair root sheath is a hard, straight, thick walled keratinized tube that determines the cross-sectional shape of hair growth. The lower part of the inner hair sheath consists of three layers: HUXLEY sheath, HENLE sheath, and surface layer of the inner hair root sheath. Before hair keratinization, the inner hair root sheath grows together with the hair, and its source is the cells propagated in the bottom layer of the hair follicle. Near the epidermis, the inner hair root sheath detaches from the epidermis and hair follicles. The function of sebaceous glands is to secrete sebum, which is squeezed out through the sebaceous ducts. When hair passes through the sebaceous ducts, it takes away the sebum squeezed out by the sebaceous ducts. Sebum provides natural protection for hair, giving it shine and waterproof properties. The standing hair muscle is a small muscle organ connected to the epidermis, which depends on the external physiological environment. The standing hair muscle can stretch or contract. The temperature drop or the action of adrenal hormones can pull hair follicles to a higher position, making the hair firm.
Hair shaft: It is the visible part of hair that is exposed outside the skin and composed of keratinocytes. The tissue can be divided into three layers: epidermis, cortex, and medulla. The hair shaft is composed of slender cells containing melanin, and the cytoplasm contains melanin particles, which make the hair appear colored. The amount of melanin content is related to the color of hair.
The pH value of hair is 4.5-5.5, and in a healthy state, hair can grow about 1 centimeter per month
Characteristics of Blood Residual Medicinal Materials: This product is irregular in block shape and varies in size. Black and shiny, with numerous fine pores on the surface, resembling a sponge like texture. Lightweight, brittle and easy to break, with a honeycomb shaped cross-section. When burned, it produces a burning sensation and a bitter taste.
Blood residual medicinal properties:
In this sutra, the taste of hair is bitter and warm. It is believed that the Wulong Pass is blocked, which promotes the flow of urine and treats epilepsy in children and heatstroke in adults. However, it still self deifies
Bitter taste, enters the bladder of the foot sun and the liver meridian of the foot Jueyin. Promote diuresis and promote diuresis, relieve dampness and promote blood stasis.
Jin Kui "Zhu Gao Fa Jian (prescription in Zhu Gao) is used to treat various jaundice and female yin blowing, with the aim of relieving dampness and promoting stagnation. Talc White Fish Powder (formulated in talc) is used to treat urinary disorders and promote diuresis.
Hair ash is long for promoting diuresis and is good at treating blood stasis. It can stop the blood flow in the upper and lower nine orifices, eliminate all abscesses and swelling, and promote menstrual flow in women.
A girl with gray hair is the most effective in treating nocturnal emissions.
Burning ash storage capacity, finely grind and use.
【 Origin 】 It is the hair on the head of a person and can be found everywhere.
[Taste] Bitter in taste, warm in nature, non-toxic.
【 Indications 】 Hair development is beneficial for yin and heat dissipation, and can be used to treat urinary disorders. It can also improve the condition of Wulong Guan Ge, causing children to have seizures, blood tightness, and dizziness. It can help to remove blood stasis and stop bleeding.
[Additional Record] Hejizi Huangjian can eliminate stagnant water and treat various diseases such as fever and shock in children.
[Da Ming] Hemostasis, tightness, blood circulation, gold sores, cold, blood dysentery, used as medicine for burning and storage purposes, decoct ointment to grow flesh, and eliminate blood stasis.
[Su Jing] Ran fever and ash, unable to urinate after treatment, red and white dysentery, carbuncle swelling and bone necrosis.
【 Danxi 】 It is very effective in dispelling blood stasis, stopping tongue bleeding, and replenishing yin.
[Dosage] Regular three to five minutes.
[Taboo] Poor gray odor, do not take for weak stomach. "
【 Taste 】 Bitter taste; Astringent; Sexual Peace
[Guijing] Liver; Stomach; Kidney meridian
【 Indications and Functions 】 Hemostasis; Removing blood stasis, diuresis, and promoting muscle growth. Main cough up blood; Vomiting blood; Bleeding; Urine blood; Leakage during collapse; Painful urination; Abscess and swelling; Ulcer; Flowing fire; Scald
[Usage and Dosage] Oral administration: decoct soup, 5-10g; At the end of the study, take 1.5-3g each time. External use: Apply in moderation, grind powder mixed with oil, boil paste and apply.
【 Attention 】 People with weak stomachs should take it with caution.
【 Appendix 】 1. Pig ointment decoction (Jin Kui Yao Lue), mainly used for treating urinary disorders. 2. Huaxue Dan ("Medical Zhong Shen Xi Lu") is mainly used for coughing up blood, vomiting blood, and those with blood stasis. 3. Wu Hui San (Shen Shi Zunsheng Shu) is used to treat bleeding caused by collapse.
【 Discussions from Various Schools 】 1. The "Classic of Rites": It focuses on the five dragon bones, obstructs the passage of water, promotes the flow of urine, treats children's epilepsy, and promotes the development of adults.
2. "Bielu": He Ji Zi Huang Jian can be dissolved into water to treat children's fever. Master cough, five types of diarrhea, difficulty in urination and defecation, and children's seizures. Stop bleeding, the burning of nosebleeds has been blown and left standing internally.
3. "Treatise on Medicinal Properties": It can eliminate blood stasis.
4. "Tang Bencao": Treat conditions such as cellular transformation, urinary obstruction, redness, swelling, choking, nosebleeds, abscesses, fox urine spikes, Ding swelling, bone necrosis, and miscellaneous sores.
5. "Rihuazi Bencao": Stop bleeding, suppress blood circulation, treat golden sores, colds, blood dysentery, use medicine to burn ashes, do not let it die. Boiling ointment can grow meat and reduce blood stasis.
6. "Gangmu": Hair is caused by excess blood, so it can treat blood diseases, replenish yin, treat epilepsy, and remove blood from the heart and orifices.
7. "Bencao Speculative Record": In addition to blood, blood is also water, which is a slippery annotation of the "Su Wen" language. And the main text of this sutra is about the five dragons, the barrier between the gates, and the channels for urination. If we use slippery language to write this commentary, it is also not easy. Zhongsheng Pig Ointment is used to treat jaundice and dispel yin and wind noise. Pig Ointment is used to moisten and moisten the hair, introducing impurities into the lower burner blood, reducing blood stasis, clearing the throat, and promoting diuresis. Talc White Fish Powder is a potent diuretic that does not specifically target qi. Talc promotes diuresis and eliminates dampness and heat in the body. Without the use of qi medicine to stimulate the blood flow of white fish, the bladder's water channels will not benefit. Therefore, if Zhongsheng uses excess blood, it is in accordance with the principles of the Book of Canon. In later generations, due to the use of the phrase 'self deification' in the Book of Canon, it was difficult to interpret it. Therefore, they attached its teachings, such as' tonifying true yin 'or' benefiting water essence ', which were once objects that could pass the level and have practical benefits? The book "Bie Lu" combines the decoction of chicken roe and yellow decoction to eliminate heat and treat various diseases in children. Chicken roe is sweet, warm, and nurtures yin, which is a wonderful product for treating children's deficiency and heat. When the excess blood is obtained, it becomes severe and gradually becomes Xuan Yin. Yin is divided into heat to relieve heat and phlegm to level it. This method is also suitable for children and postpartum women to apply heat sores. The ancient formula Yuan Jing Dan combines blood surplus with all kidney tonifying medicines such as Shouwu, which is a good remedy for removing blood after defecation. This is achieved through the method of preparation, and blood surplus is a merit without a fault, not an instinct of blood surplus. Nasal bleeding is caused by residual blood burning ash, which is immediately stopped by blowing. This includes bleeding in the teeth, stool, and various orifices, and the ash burning is not stopped even after taking medication. "