Dragon and Tiger Liver Protecting Tea in Traditional Chinese Medicine
Release time:2024-08-22 14:04:24
Word Count:2763
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Spring and the liver belong to wood in the five organs of the human body, so spring qi promotes the liver. The liver controls hair growth, and people are prone to impatience and irritability in spring. The liver is responsible for regulating and storing blood, so adjusting the liver in spring can improve the generation and blood transfusion function of liver yang qi, as well as regulate the function of the body's organs, so that the liver qi can be regulated and the qi and blood can be regulated smoothly. It can make people's hearts and minds open and their emotions optimistic, thus achieving the goal of preventing and treating diseases. The liver protecting tea drink shared below can nourish and protect the liver, and has a good improvement effect on liver dysfunction, high transaminase levels, and acute infectious hepatitis.
【 Composition of Tea Recipe 】
10 Goji berries, 5 Schisandra chinensis, 2 Gentiana scabra, 10 Polygonatum sibiricum, 1 gram Sweet Chrysanthemum.
Boil water according to the above ratio and drink it as tea.
Analysis of Tea Recipe
Goji berries have a sweet taste and a flat nature. They are usually used to alleviate and improve symptoms such as liver and kidney yin deficiency, deficiency of labor and essence, dizziness, tinnitus, impotence, and nocturnal emissions. They have a certain degree of nourishing effects on the liver and kidneys and benefiting the senses.
Tiger cane has effects such as anti liver damage, improving microcirculation, lowering blood lipids, lowering blood pressure, lowering blood sugar, dispelling phlegm, relieving cough and asthma, stopping bleeding, diarrhea, analgesia, antioxidant, anti pathogenic microorganisms, anti-tumor, etc.
Schisandra chinensis is sweet and warm in nature, regulating the lung, heart, and kidney meridians. It has the effects of astringency, tonifying qi, generating fluids, and nourishing the kidneys and heart. It also has the effects of protecting the liver, tonifying the lungs and relieving cough, calming and sleeping, and treating cardiovascular diseases.
Gentiana scabra is bitter and cold in nature, and belongs to the liver and gallbladder meridians. It has the effects of clearing heat and dampness, and relieving liver and gallbladder fire. It also has functions such as clearing phlegm dampness, relieving pain, liver protection, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, sedative, antihypertensive, diuretic, etc.
【 Health benefits 】
Longhu Liver Protection Tea Drink has the functions of nourishing yin and liver, detoxifying and dehumidifying; The effect of reducing transaminase. It has a good regulating effect on people who often stay up late in daily life and drink a lot at social gatherings. It can promote the metabolic function and repair ability of the liver.