Traditional Chinese Medicine: Lead Dan
Release time:2024-08-22 15:00:26
Word Count:11602
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Nicknames: Dan, Huangdan, Zhendan, Qianhua, Danfen, Huanglonggan, Hongdan, Guodan, Guodan, Qianhuang, Huangguodan, Zhufen, Songdan, Dongdan, Zhudan, Taodan, Barrier Dan, Taodan Powder
Harvesting and processing: Lead trioxide made from lead processing
Origin: Henan, Guangdong, Fujian, Hunan, Yunnan, etc
Original plant: lead
Plant condition: The main component is lead trioxide (Pb3O4). Or write 2PbO · PbO2, theoretically PbO2 is 34.9%, but in reality, high-quality products are 23-25%. The red color of lead is quite different, but it has little to do with the content of Pb3O4. Pure lead: flake like. Gray white, often oxidized to a thin film on the surface, appearing gray with a dull luster; Scrape off the outer film, which has a strong metallic luster. Weight, soft texture, can be scratched with nails and written on paper; Striped lead gray; Exhibitive, with low ductility, easy to cut, and strong metallic luster on the cut surface. There is no smell or odor.
Characteristics of lead lead medicine: The product is an orange red or orange yellow powder. Opaque; Soil like luster. Weight, delicate texture, easy to absorb moisture and clump, and can stain fingers when touched. Odorless and tasteless.
Premium products are preferred for their orange red color, delicate and smooth texture, and non clumping properties when in contact with water.
The medicinal properties of lead:
The lower grade of this sutra has a pungent and slightly cold taste. It is mainly used for vomiting, nausea, and vomiting, as well as for causing seizures and epilepsy. It can remove heat from the lower qi and refine it into the Nine Radiations. After long-term consumption, it can clear the gods
It has a pungent taste and enters the Foot Shaoyang Gallbladder Meridian and Foot Jueyin Liver Meridian. Descend the divine soul, calm down and tremble.
"Typhoid fever" Chaihu plus dragon bone Oyster soup (square in the dragon bone) is used to cure Shaoyang typhoid fever. The chest is full of troubles and fright, so it can calm down the rebellious and astringe the soul.
The heavy weight of lead decreases, making the soul calm and fearful. Its various indications: treating sores and removing smegma.
【 Original text of this sutra 】 It has a pungent taste, a slight coldness, and is used to treat nausea, stomach reflux, seizures, and epilepsy. It can remove heat, lower qi, refine and turn into nine lights, and after long-term consumption, it can clear the gods. Shengshengze.
【 Origin 】 Produced in the mountains of Sichuan, China, it is also commonly found in various countries. Its color is green, hence it is also known as green lead.
[Taste] Sweet in taste, cold in nature, non-toxic.
【 Indications 】 Lead is a necessary medicine for calming the heart, reducing phlegm, and detoxifying. It is mainly used for the treatment of accumulation, choking on the diaphragm, acne, severe sexual dysfunction, and liver reflux. It can also be used for abortion.
The Great Ming Dynasty is known for calming the mind, treating typhoid and toxic gases, nausea and vomiting, biting snakes and lizards, and roasting them.
[Dosage] The oral dosage should be small, and there is no specific dosage for external use.
[Taboo] It has a heavy nature and can hinder digestion. It should be used with caution for those with deficiency, and pregnant women should avoid using it.
① Treat all types of carbuncle and gangrene on the back, with persistent pain, heavy thirst, and unbearable swelling and hardness: seven liang of Huangdan, two liang and three liang of wax, two liang of white hawthorn (filed), three liang of almonds (soaked in soup, peeled, pointed, double kernel, ground), two liang of frankincense (powder), one liang and two liang of Huanglian (chain), and one liter of oil. Add three flavors of medicine, including white wisteria, in a raw cotton bag, add oil and simmer over low heat for half a day, filter it out, add yellow pills, stir with willow wood and castor, wait for it to turn black and become paste, add wax, and simmer the frankincense until it is hard and soft enough. Store in a porcelain box, spread on a silk stand, and replace on the second day. (Huangdan ointment from "Shenghui Fang")
② For the treatment of chronic ulcers such as eczema, scabies, blood, wind, etc.: Huangdan (washed seven times, net) costs one liang and five qian, Huanglian costs five qian, Chuanxiong costs five qian, Haizi Octopus costs three qian, Light Powder, Chao Brain, Water Dragon Bone. The top is made of extremely fine powder, mixed with raw tung oil as a paste, made with paper, and pierced dozens of holes with meat needles. Two patches are applied on the first day, one patch is applied on the second and third days, one patch is applied on the fourth and fifth days, and after the sixth and seventh days, one patch is changed every three days. There is still a large amount of money left, which cannot be closed. Use four liang of rosin and a handful of scallions, mash them together, put them in a bowl, rinse them with boiling water, let it go for a long time, take medicine and twist it into a cake to stick on the sore. There is still a needle with a thin hole, and the flowing water is not complete. Take the second layer of white skin from the garlic and scallion and stick it on for three to four days. (Selected Selections from Yangke, Huangdan Cream)
③ Treating injuries caused by water ingress and swelling that does not heal: equal parts of lead and clam powder. Add two flavors and stir fry together to change color. When mixed with sores, water will come out immediately. (The Collected Works of St. Francis of Assisi in Red Lead Powder)
④ Treatment of external hemorrhoids: divide Huangdan and talc into equal parts. Above is fine powder. Draw new water and apply it three to five times a day. (Dan Shi San from "A Hundred Questions for Infants and Children")
⑤ To treat both golden and all malignant sores: high-quality Guo Dan and soft plaster should not be used in large quantities (burned with fire to turn red). Carefully grind and make it like peach blossom color. Mixed injuries. (Peach Blossom Powder in "One Hundred Choice Formula")
⑥ Treating acne and poisoning, with pus and water dripping: five parts each of Huangdan and light powder, and two coins of Huanglian powder. Research evenly. Apply to the affected area. (Danfen Powder from "Prescriptions for Pediatric Acne and Eruption")
⑦ Treating pediatric oral ulcers: one yuan of Huangdan and one or two yuan of raw honey. Shangxiang and Shenou are flourishing, and the steaming in the steamer is black to the degree. Dip a small amount of chicken feather brush into your mouth. (Pu Ji Fang Da Xue Jin Si Gao)
⑧ Treatment for red and dark eyes: equal sizes of lead and squid bones. Grind the top two ingredients together finely, and mix them with white honey like mud. Steam half and eat for a long time, cold. Keep your eyes on the four corners of your eyes, one day. (From "Qian Jin Fang")
⑨ How much lead lead should be used to treat eye death and birth of pearl tubes in carp bile. Top two flavors, blend together like cream. Focus on the canthus three or five times a day. (St. Francis of Assisi, Lead Paste)
⑩ Treating soup fire injury: one or two yellow pills, five yuan for Chao Nao. At the end. Mix honey evenly and apply to the affected area. (A Comprehensive Guide to Traditional Chinese Medicine)
(11) Treating scorpion stings: Apply Huangdan vinegar. (Behind the missing elbow)
12. Treatment for wind epilepsy: Two taels of lead and two taels of alum. At the end, take a bite of brick and lay it on paper. First, lay the paper with Dan, then lay the Dan with alum, and finally burn ten pounds of willow wood firewood to the desired degree. Take it out and grind it finely. Take three to five minutes each time and let the wine cool down. (Boji Fang drives away the wind)
13. Treatment for red and white dysentery: Huangdan one or two (stir fry until purple), Huanglian one or two (remove beard, stir fry slightly). Apply medicine and grind it into powder, then mix it with batter and pills, similar in size to sesame seeds. Take five pills of ginger and licorice soup each time. (Holy Blessing Formula)
(14) Treatment for thirst: Two taels of lead, eight taels of Trichosanthes kirilowii, one and a half pieces of Poria cocos and licorice (roasted), and eight taels of Ophiopogon japonicus (detoxified). Sift the top five ingredients into powder. On the second day of the day, a square inch dagger was swallowed with pulp. ("Thousand Golden Wings Fang" Lead Dan Powder)
(15) Treatment of axillary qi: Divide greasy powder, alum, and red pill into equal parts. Above is the end. Apply it before bedtime. (Continued Techniques)“
[Preparation] "Compendium of Materia Medica": For all uses, use water to float away salt, fly away sand and stones, clear and dry, stir fry purple over low heat, apply fire poison on the ground, and use as medicine.
[Taste] Spicy; Salty; Cold; Toxic
[Returning to the Classic] Heart; Spleen; Liver; Gallbladder; Kidney meridian
【 Functions and Indications 】 Detoxification and elimination of decay; Collecting dampness and healing sores; Falling phlegm can calm the nerves. Main abscess and sore; External hemorrhoids; Eczema; Burn and scald; Ulcer; Golden ulcer bleeding; Oral ulcer; Eye shadow; Epileptic seizures; Malaria; Dysentery; Vomiting and nausea
【 Usage and Dosage 】 For external use: grind powder and sprinkle, adjust and apply; Or boil ointment. Internal administration: Take pills and disperse.
【 Attention 】 Avoid taking it when experiencing cold deficiency and vomiting.
1. "Compendium of Materia Medica": Those who vomit due to stomach deficiency or cold should not take it.
2. "Compendium of Materia Medica": Those who experience seizures due to blood deficiency should not throw them randomly.
【 Discussions from Various Schools 】
1. The Classic of Chinese Medicine states: It is mainly used for vomiting, nausea, and vomiting, as well as for treating epilepsy and expelling heat and qi.
2. "Bielu": Stop minor complications, eliminate toxic and hot umbilical spasms, and relieve bleeding from golden sores.
3. "Treatise on Medicinal Properties": Treating palpitations, nausea, and thirst. Used for decoction, relieve pain and promote muscle growth.
4. "Rihuazi Bencao": It can calm the heart and mind, treat nausea, stop vomiting blood and coughing, apply Golden Ulcers, Long Meat, and Soup Fire Ulcers, stain hair and beard, and can be used to make ointment.
5. "Bencao Yanyi": Treatment of malaria and long-term accumulation.
6. Introduction to Medicine: The main focus is on nausea, bloating, and pain.
7. Supplement to the Interpretation of Materia Medica: Dan, derived from lead, is said to be non-toxic and cool, which raises doubts about its appearance. I once saw a middle-aged woman who, due to having multiple children, took two taels of lead within a month. Her limbs were cold and stiff, and she couldn't eat. In the middle of winter, it is urgent to take Li Zhong Tang Tang Fu Zi. After several doses, it can be said to be cool and non-toxic? 8. "Compendium of Materia Medica": Lead lead, heavy in weight and heavy in nature, with a taste of salt and alum, can remove blood and phlegm, and relieve anxiety. Therefore, it is used to treat epilepsy, nausea and vomiting. It can eliminate accumulation and kill insects, so it has solid accumulation in the treatment of malnutrition, dysentery, and malaria. It can relieve fever, remove toxins, grow flesh, and remove blood stasis, so it is necessary for the treatment of ulcers, swelling, and toxins, as well as for the use of ointments in surgery. "