Chinese medicinal herb: Glaubers salt
Release time:2024-08-23 15:01:56
Word Count:3551
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Nicknames: Pu Xiao, Pu Xiao, Pi Xiao, Xuan Ming Fen (Yuan Ming Fen)
Harvesting and processing: Take naturally occurring saltpeter, dissolve it in hot water, filter it, and let it cool to precipitate crystals, commonly known as saltpeter. Wash and slice the radish again, put it in a pot with water and cook until it is completely dissolved. Add plain nitrate and cook until completely dissolved. Take out the filtered or clarified top layer and let it cool until crystals precipitate. After drying, it becomes saltpeter (100 pounds of saltpeter per square meter, 10-20 pounds of radish). There are also natural products of saltpeter, which are boiled, filtered, and cooled. The upper layer of crystals is called saltpeter, and the lower layer of crystals is called saltpeter.
Medicinal parts: All
Science: Sulfate minerals, Glauber's salt group
Monoclinic crystal system. The crystal is in the shape of short columns, usually in dense granular or film like form. Colorless and transparent, but often with turbid white, light yellow, light blue, light green and other colors. The stripes are white. Glass like luster. The fracture surface is shell shaped, with a hardness of 1.5-2. Specific gravity 1.5. Sexual fragility. Formed in inland salt lakes saturated with sodium ions and sulfate ions.
Prism shaped, rectangular, irregular block shaped, and granular. Colorless, transparent, or semi transparent to almost white. Crispy and fragile, with a glassy luster on the cross-section. Odorless and salty in taste.
The medicinal properties of saltpeter:
This sutra is of high quality and simple, with a bitter and cold taste. It can cure various diseases, eliminate cold, heat, and evil qi, and accumulate and solidify in the six organs. It can transform seventy-two stones. When taken with refined bait, it can lighten the body of immortals
Taste salty, bitter, and spicy, with a cold nature. Start with the Shaoyin Heart and Foot Sun Bladder Meridian. Release the fire and retreat, burn and steam, and use water to pour and drain. Glauber's salt is salty, bitter, and extremely cold. It can clear blood, relieve fire, and burn. It can be soft, firm, and broken, and it can promote the opening and closing of waterways and valleys. Heat accumulation, blood stasis, and steaming cannot be eliminated without this, and stagnant phlegm and old blood cannot be eliminated without this. The power of cold release is beyond the reach of all medicines.
【 Indications 】 Pu Xiao's main treatment is to soften and solidify the accumulation, gradually accumulating and consolidating the six organs, and retaining the obsession. Clear heat and relieve diarrhea, apply externally for digestion and digestion.
Zhen Quan treats bloating, urinary and fecal obstruction, and menstrual disorders in women.
[Taste] Salty, bitter, cold.
Return to the stomach and colon meridians.
【 Indications and Functions 】 Relieve heat and promote bowel movements, moisten dryness and soften hardness, clear fire and reduce swelling. Used for constipation caused by excessive heat, constipation caused by dry stools, abdominal pain caused by stagnation, and swelling and pain in the intestines; External treatment for breast abscess, hemorrhoid swelling and pain.
【 Usage and Dosage 】 6-12g, usually not added to the decoction. After the decoction is ready, dissolve it into the decoction and take it. Apply in moderation for external use.
[Attention] Pregnant women are prohibited from using it. Not suitable for use with triangular edges.
【 Storage 】 Sealed, stored below 30 ℃ to prevent weathering.