Three traditional Chinese medicine hypoglycemic formulas can save lives in critical moments!
Release time:2024-08-26 18:44:45
Word Count:4535
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Traditional Chinese medicine calls diabetes a diabetes. In this paper, we use the method of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis to treat diabetes. In clinical practice, we use salvia miltiorrhiza, red peony root, angelica, spatholobus spatholobi and other drugs to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis. The effect is very good. The following three secret formulas are provided for your reference.
1. Hypoglycemic and Blood Activating Formula
【 Composition 】 Wood Fragrance 10g, Angelica sinensis 10g, Motherwort 30g, Paeonia lactiflora 10g, Chuanxiong 10g, Pueraria lobata 15g, Danshen 30g, Atractylodes macrocephala 15g, Scrophularia ningpoensis 30g, Ground 30g, Astragalus membranaceus 30g
【 Indications 】 It is used for diabetes with qi and yin deficiency and blood stasis. Symptoms include fatigue, thirst and excessive drinking, limb pain and numbness, blue and purple skin, pain in the precordial area, persistent pain, dull complexion, women with amenorrhea or infrequent menstruation, blood clots, dark tongue texture, and bruising on the tongue edge.
[Usage] Boil in water and take 1 dose daily.
[Addition and subtraction] Adjust according to the symptoms.
In the formula, Huangqi nourishes qi, Shengdi and Gegen nourish yin and produce fluids, Huangqi and Cangzhu nourish spleen and spleen, Shengdi and Xuanshen nourish yin and nourish kidneys. From two days of tonifying the body and nourishing the foundation, Danshen, Chishao, Yimucao, and Danggui promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, and Muxiang soothes the liver, regulates qi, eliminates blood stasis, and generates new vitality to treat the symptoms.
2. Basic formula for lowering blood sugar
【 Composition 】 Astragalus membranaceus 30-50g, Radix Scrophulariae 30g, Atractylodes macrocephala 15g, Pueraria lobata 15g, Salvia miltiorrhiza 30g
【 Indications 】 It is used for diabetes with qi and yin deficiency and blood stasis. Symptoms include excessive drinking, eating, and urinating, fatigue, sweating, soreness and weakness in the waist and knees, numbness in the limbs, dark tongue, and weak pulse.
[Usage] Boil in water and take 1 dose daily.
[Addition or subtraction] If urine sugar does not decrease, reuse pollen or add black plums; If blood sugar does not decrease, add Ren Shen Bai Hu Tang. Ginseng can be replaced with Codonopsis pilosula in the formula, use with Anemarrhena, and reuse with gypsum; For those with high blood sugar and obvious hunger, add Polygonatum sibiricum and Rehmannia glutinosa; Ketones appeared in urine, and Huangqin, Huanglian, Fuling, and Atractylodes macrocephala were added. Itching skin, add white thistle, earth skin, white fresh skin; Insomnia, add Polygonum multiflorum, Ligustrum lucidum, and white thistle; Palpitations, adding calamus, distant aspirations, growing dragon bones, growing oysters; Thin stool, add coix seed and glutinous rice; For those who feel extremely dry and hot, and have lower back pain, add cinnamon to start the fire and return to their original state; For those with lower back pain and lower limb weakness, adding mulberry parasites.
In the formula, Huangqi nourishes qi, while Shengdi and Gegen nourish yin; Huangqi and Cangzhu nourish the spleen and invigorate the spleen, while Shengdi and Xuanshen nourish yin and kidneys. They have been used for two consecutive days to strengthen the body and nourish the foundation, and Danshen promotes blood circulation and removes blood stasis.
3. Formula for reducing blood sugar and promoting blood circulation
【 Composition 】 30g Astragalus membranaceus, 15g Panax ginseng, 15g Radix Rehmanniae, 15g Radix Rehmanniae, 10g Ophiopogon japonicus, 10g Schisandra chinensis, 10g Raw Hawthorn, 15g Trichosanthes, 20g Trichosanthes
【 Effect 】 Tonifying qi and nourishing yin, strengthening the heart and promoting blood circulation.
【 Indications 】 It is used for diabetes of yin deficiency type. Symptoms include thirst, excessive drinking, fatigue, palpitations, sweating, chest tightness, or pain in the precordial area, dark tongue texture, and irregular pulse rhythm.
[Usage] Boil in water and take 1 dose daily.
[Addition and subtraction] Adjust according to the symptoms.
In the formula, Huangqi (Astragalus membranaceus) is used in combination with ground and cooked rice to nourish qi and yin; Ginseng, Ophiopogon japonicus, Schisandra chinensis clear heat and nourish yin; Raw hawthorn for digestion and lipid-lowering; Heavenly pollen moistens the lungs, nourishes the stomach, generates fluids, and quenches thirst.